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humane way to kill fish
I bought two clown fish yesterday and the larger of the two looks like it is dying. Laying on its side breathing very heavily. How should I put this fish out of its misery?
Put the fish in a ziplock bag with some water. Put the fish and bag into the freezer. The fish will slowly go to sleep.
Chris |
I know this is very gross but affective and fast , put the fish in a plastic bag , tie it up and will all your might hit against the wall or post or hit it with a hammer.
I know it's really gross but fast and well the fish is already suffering so finishing it quick is the best. |
I believe you can put the fish in a bowl and add vodka.
Get a sharp knife and make one quick and clean cut right below the gills.
Clove oil
Add a couple of drops to the bag w/ water and fish, puts them to sleep (it will be sleeping within minutes of dosing the clove oil) Then however you kill it it won't feel. edit: here, i found a link with good directions: (from wisegeeks) There comes a time in every aquarist's life when a fish that can no longer recover from disease or injury must be euthanized. This is no easy task but it can be done humanely and peacefully without stress to fish or aquarist. The best method is a two-step process. First, anesthetize the fish with clove oil so that it is sleeping and unable to feel pain; then introduce a clear grain alcohol like vodka to ensure the fish will not wake up. This method is commonly misrepresented as mixing clove oil and vodka together. That is incorrect. Clove oil must be introduced first, allowing the fish to fall asleep before introducing vodka. Vodka will be stressful for a fish that is not anesthetized. Clove oil (eugenol) is available at any drug store and is sold as a toothache remedy. It has been used for years as a fish anesthetic for surgeries and tagging procedures. Clove oil will put a fish to sleep and ensure it feels no pain. However the fish can wake up from this sleep if removed from the clove bath. The last step of adding the vodka will ensure the fish expires. Here are the steps for fish up to 3" (7.6cm) in length: 1. Add tank water to a measuring cup or mixing bowl. Measure the amount of tank water you add to the cup or bowl and make a note of it. Place the fish in the container. If the fish is in a clear cup place a dark towel around the cup to calm the fish. 2. Fill a small, clean jar or bottle with tank water, leaving some room at the top. This might be a baby food jar or pill bottle. Put 1 drop of clove oil in the jar or bottle, cap and shake vigorously. The clove oil must emulsify, turning the water milky white. Gently pour about 1/4 of this emulsified mixture into the fish's container. The fish will begin listing as it starts to fall asleep. Let the fish be for about 10 minutes. The fish should be resting on the bottom by then. It will look dead, but if you watch closely its gills will be breathing once every few seconds. If after 10 minutes the fish is still rising off the bottom swimming intermittently, retrieve the jar or bottle of emulsified clove oil, re-shake, and add the same dose to the fish's container. Wait again. 3. Once the fish is asleep on the bottom, add 20-25% white grain alcohol. For example, if the fish is in 8oz (240ml) of water, add 2oz (60ml) of vodka. Let the fish stay there for at least 20 minutes. 4. Check the fish carefully after 20 minutes for any gill movement. If there is no gill movement over a 60 second period, the fish has expired. For large fish: Place the fish in a bucket or plastic tub with tank water. Again, measure how much tank water is used. The dose for the mixture in the jar will be 10 drops of clove oil per gallon (3.78 liters). For example, if the fish is placed in 3 gallons (11 liters) of tank water, fill your jar with tank water and add 10 x 3 = 30 drops of clove oil. After shaking the jar vigorously, slowly add the entire mixture to the bucket or tub that contains the fish. Gently mix it in. Once the fish is asleep, follow the previous instructions for adding 20-25% vodka. To eliminate vodka from the procedure and overdose with clove oil alone: Put the fish to sleep first as stated above, waiting 10 minutes for the fish to settle on the bottom. A lethal overdose of clove oil is 50 drops per gallon (3.78 liters), or 5x stronger than the initial dose that anesthetizes the fish. Using the same example, if the fish is in 3 gallons (11 liters) of tank water, the jar's lethal mixture will include 50 x 3 = 150 drops of clove oil. Administer it the same way, by first emulsifying (shaking) the jar before adding the mixture to the fish's container. Once you've added the entire mixture to the fish's container, wait a few hours. Finally, make sure there is absolutely no gill movement by watching the gills closely for at least 60 straight seconds. If you see any gill movement, add more emulsified clove oil. Using clove oil alone is not recommended because even though a fish looks dead it can recover once it has been removed from the bath. Clove oil is a preferred anesthetic precisely because it is hard to overdose a fish with clove oil. Therefore be especially diligent when using clove oil alone that the fish is really dead. It is much safer to use vodka as the final step. Unacceptable methods of euthanasia are: freezing, boiling, chopping, removing the fish from water, using a seltzer tablet, slamming, pithing, decapitating, or flushing down the toilet. These methods are slow, torturous, stressful or violent. Clove oil followed by vodka is both inexpensive and humane. The fish goes to sleep like we might before an operation, and simply doesn't wake up. Hopefully you will rarely have to perform this task, but when you do, it's at least comforting to know your fish does not have to suffer. |
Just smash it. Smashing is instant death.
There are many ways to do it, but IMO why bother with olive oil, vodka, and all that hubbub? Consider all the methods delivered in this thread and choose the one that you can stand doing. |
I'm Sorry But....
Didn't Nats ask for a HUMANE way to kill fish? I'm sure the obvious clubbing, slicing, smashing and chopping were thought about for a flash, but were discarded in favor of something a little bit better.
If they cared enough to ask the question, I'm sure they were hoping for a useful answer (and thx to those who honestly tried to offer one). Some call it hubbub-I call it compassion. JMO. |
The clove oil is the humane way to go but if you don't have it quickly cutting off it's head is second best :cry:
Clove oil is available in health food stores and I think everyone should have some in case of emergencies... |
Here's something I got from another forum concerning freezing:
A large number of people are under the impression that freezing the fish is humane. It isn't. What happens first is that the fish can't properly take in oxygen. We might liken that to suffocation. As the temperature drops, the gills begin to freeze up (we might liken that to our lungs freezing). So as the fish gasps for air it cannot get, it dies in a cold, dark place. This is definitely not humane. Maybe the aquarist thinks it is okay, but it isn't, based upon when we know about fish. Freezing a fish is one of the most inhumane ways of putting down a fish. I think it became popular because the hobbyists, cowards some tend to be, would just rather pop the fish into the freezer and not have to look at the fish anymore. What they don't see is the suffering, suffocating fish in pain, taking up to 15 minutes to die as its gills freeze over and internal organs freeze and rupture. |
you think poor fishy suffers when its head is cut off... Come on people ,its a fish...!!! When someone posts on here that they lost a fish.. The first thing I look for is "was it expensive" ?? if so then I think that sucks... but when someone says I lost my clown today and all these people post their condolences, I just laugh like this topic.. anyone who needs to put a fish to sleep is crazy... put it on the pavement and step on it.. if thats too gory for you, put it in a covered pot and shake like hell.... , even better the garberator!!!! thats my choice,,
When I said to cut off its head that is the best way I have ever done it.
When I tried clove oil once it just took forever and the fish was twitching and ect. I know there is something you can get from your vet, but now your just spending a pile off money and not all vets have it. |
Gerad, Wow! you're colder than a fish! :sad:
I'm a bit perplexed that you find my answer not useful. What is it about smashing that makes it inhumane? Do I look like I enjoy bricking my fish? Unfortunately, there are times when you can't have a preoccupation with euthanizing your fish. It's more about a proper means to an end as opposed to making yourself feel better as a priority. I'm not going to get into a discussion about comparing human euthanasia and fish euthanasia as the topic would get extremely convoluted and intermingled with ethics, but there's nothing dispassionate about smashing a fish unless you are a sadistic freak. Furthermore, do not mistake clubbing, slicing, chopping, and boiling with smashing. The idea is to destruct the entire body as quickly as possible unless you are telling me that total mush under a brick can feel pain. All of us here care about alleviating pet pain where possible. Go ahead and shake your head in disapproval at my method, but I would not find insta-smash unacceptable unless you fear the gore, in which I also mentioned that you should choose whatever you can stomach and just do it. "JMO." |
I must agree with MOOGLED. I have kept fish for over fifty years ( wow that's scary)
My advice is to dash it onto a concrete or other hard surface with force and all is over instantly. A lingering death is most certainly not humane !! Don't confuse the inability to deal with a terminal situation appropriately as kindness. ....................Dave |
Yes-I am too emotional....
Ok, I’m taking a breath here to try and say this in the least offensive way possible…I was merely stating that that a person is trying to do the right thing-on every front and has gone to the Canreef population in hopes for a solution, not just some off the cuff comment tossed out at random. It’s a hard position to be in-for sure-and I don’t envy anyone who is, or has been, there.
With that, I agree with you that most of us care more about the actual well being/loss of the fish. When I began my post, your last line was not there…it simply ended with the “hubbub” comment-which (I found) was a bit harsh. The line you subsequently added (while I was typing) did take the edge off the message you were trying to convey, and your most recent post actually explained your point of view quite well-which I respect. And you are right in that Nats needs to take the useful information that has been posted, and do whatever can be stomached. Emotions, ethics, and queasiness aside, how does one end a fish’s suffering? You make a valid argument for smashing-albeit one I just don’t know if I could pull it off. Peace-:puppydog: ~M |
wait till winter time.....freeze it..
srsly? I'm sad you have no freezer, but that's besides the point If you are going to decapitate it QUICKLY then you will cause less trauma, but most people hesitate, stretching things out. |
Has anyone here ever gone fishing and done anything other than a good clubbing to kill their fish? Do you carry clove oil in your tackle box? Why should 1 fish be any different than the other? I think humanely means as fast and painless as possible. Its a small fish, simply chop its head off with a cleaver, I promise you that little nemo wont even feel a thing.
I hope all you smashers and head choppers don't have dogs. My fish are my pets, I couldn't do it.
I have dogs:twised: and I think the fastest way possible is the best way for the fish, just try and hit my dog in the head with a brick he would take that as a insult and remove your arm:mrgreen:
As long as its quick clubbing, head removal what ever, and you can "do it" have at er.... |
:cry: Actually had one member CO2 the fish and watch them all peacefully float to the bottom......:neutral: I dread the day for Trig...hope he dies peacefully in his sleep... |
feed the fish to the dog :biggrin:
or better still, put it in a bag of tank water and stomp it the fish will end peacefully all options are better than watching an animal suffer with a disease until it dies |
I accept that there are many fish enthusiasts out there who choose to use less taxing method to euthanize fish, but personally I do not have a preoccupation with securing a "romantic death" for my pet fish. Many people come to form bonds with their fish like any other domesticated animal, but there would certainly be no call for pushing a slab of concrete over a dying canine. It's all semantics, but a large amount of force will pulverize a small fish instantly. However, most of my fish are fairly small so smashing them won't always be a good option with Triggers or Tangs. |
Ahhh logic, isn't it a great thing? |
A story because I'm feeling creative.
You've shipwrecked on an island and taken in by a group of savages, but the ordeal has left you mortally wounded and in severe pain. Through hand signals and primitive language they manage to communicate to you that you're dying and the best thing would be to put you out of you misery. The head medicine man tells you you have 3 choices. You can be taken to "The place of The Great Smashing" and be crushed to death by a giant rock, Zug-Zug is willing to chop your head off on compassionate grounds, or you can be frozen in the freezing chamber left behind by the extra- terrestrials. Which way would you choose. |
Since they are primitive and without clove oil/sleeping potion :lol:
I will go with Zug-Zug :wink: |
choppity chop...its quick
Now I really think you guys are loosing your heads over this issue. :surprise:
But...but...they had cloves back then too.... ;)
I've seen chickens running around after a beheading so Id have to say drop the rock on me.At least its quick and painless and I don't run off to far.LOL.Clint
Head rock dropper off sick today, apprentice rock dropper make bad drop on first try. Him do better next time... sorry about genitals.
Apologies for the hijack, can't seem to help myself today |
Worst analogical story ever.
the best analogical story. I:lol!: that's funny
I agree with Under water on this, if you are willing to buy that fish that is taken from the Ocean and then carted half way around the world the least you can do is give it the proper way. JMO lets not make this a bashed thread and have the MODS close it. |
I know if you are freezing to death you fall a sleep long before you die.....
And if fish are cold blooded wouldn’t the drop in temperature effectively put them to sleep long before the water freezes? |
Have you ever tried to freeze to death? You may end up falling asleep eventually but until you do it's no picnic.
Freezing a fish in not HUMANE, it's just a way to kill them so you don't have to deal with doing it a quicker or more humane way. Sorry, JMO :sad: |
There's no way to know what a fish feels as it freezes. They're cold blooded, and they only have a primitive fish brain. They most likely don't feel a thing, or even understand what cold is, given the constantly warm environment they normally live in. I'm not sure there have been any studies of a fishes reactions to freezing.
I think the question Nats should have asked is how do I put this fish down and still feel OK about myself. Taking a fish I've had for 3 or 4 years and smashing it with a brick when it gets old and sick isn't going to work for me. |
I agree with the freezing method, they are cold blooded... just make sure it is their water they are being frozen in...as for people freezing and feeling pain, impossible, it is when you 'thaw' the pain sets in.
One of the worst events ever in my life was watching our fishing guide club a sailfin marlin in Mexico, I am still sick to my stomach after 10 years, it was horrifying. Nats, use the freezer method, I have had a clear conscience for over 30 years doing that, they are cold blooded, they cannot 'feel' cold, their bodies react to it by slowing down their metabolism.... and eventually falling asleep, so to speak. |
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