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Jason McK 06-23-2008 06:30 PM

It's time again to plan an event that will both bring people together and sell some gently used equipment and frags.

The REEF NETWORK Swap Meet is being planned for the 27th of September from 11:00am until 3:00pm.
This event will allow anyone to bring any reef related item to be sold.
The REEF NETWORK will not be involved in the individual sale, but instead allow you to sell your drygoods or frags on your own.

* Sellers should register so that table space can be provided

As this even is still in the planning stages any suggestions or comments are welcome.

More information will follow


BC Mosaic 06-23-2008 06:47 PM

Hello Jason,

I think you should edit the word "genitally".:wink:
Looking forward to the event.

CLINT 06-23-2008 06:54 PM

I do not want any genitally used equipment.I would like some frags though.Is there going to be a curtain deviding the 2 rooms?LOL.Cant wait for the swap meet.Hopefully I can walk in and carry my own stuff.LOL.Clint

Reefer Rob 06-23-2008 07:08 PM

I'll definitely show up with some frags. Pretty sure nothing genital goin' on with them :redface:

Whatigot 06-23-2008 07:17 PM

I'll come and buy buy buy.
sweet, this is awesome, now I have an excuse not to go to jl for a while.

Chowder 06-23-2008 07:37 PM

Great I'm pretty sure I can't fit another frag tray to grow out some frags in my tank. But I'm sure I will try. Looking forward to this one.

hockey nut 06-23-2008 08:12 PM

Hi Jason,

I have a large fold out table big enough for 2 maybe 3 people and their stuff. I will need less than half so I'll gladly share the one side of the table if someone needs it.

For anyone who missed the last frag/swap meet a couple of years ago it is worth checking out. Lots of good deals and some very nice frags and great conversation. Bring lots of money as there is always more stuff to buy than what you came with. :)

I will be bringing frags and non fondled equipment. ;)


JakartaOrBust 06-24-2008 01:52 AM

Kamloops will be there again.
Hey how set in stone is the scheduled date for this? I want to put a time off request at work ASAP. Some of your old gear collecting dust is quite possibly Gold to me. I would place another genital comment in here but I am too late as it has been corrected.

Jason McK 06-24-2008 02:43 AM

The Dates are fairly set. Commitments the week before make that week impossible and having it later means the weather may not be as good


SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-24-2008 03:39 AM

I'll be going unless something comes up with the baby.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Will probably have some things to sell.


niloc16 06-24-2008 05:42 AM

i'm in for sure this time. finally i'm not working for a swap meet. i'll frag a bunch for the trip and dig out the old equipment

skylord 06-24-2008 06:05 AM

Hopefully I can keep hiding stuff from the wife till then.


Tom R 06-24-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by skylord (Post 331592)
Hopefully I can keep hiding stuff from the wife till then.


Come on Scott

Your basement puts some LFS to shame.

I will be there with something to sell for sure.

Tom R

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-24-2008 04:58 PM

Just talked to Irene & she says that it is ok to hold it at our place if you all want a central location for the swap meet.

Just putting it out there. If you already have another location chosen, no problem.


Midknight 06-24-2008 05:56 PM

Well were ever it is I will be there. Might have a few things to sell off myself.

Jason McK 06-24-2008 06:02 PM

It will be at my place in Ladner unless there is too much wining about people having to drive for 30minutes. If that is the case we can take Anthony up on his offer.

BTW on a Saturday afternoon I can get to J&L's in 20 to 25 minutes

And I've had a few comments recently that I'm not letting people see my tank. So that is why I thought it could be at my place.

fkshiu 06-24-2008 07:44 PM

I'll come by. It'll be good to see everyone again.

untamed 06-24-2008 09:45 PM

I expect I'll be there.


JakartaOrBust 06-25-2008 01:31 AM

Getting there.
How much further out is Ladner from where Scott's house was for the Auction? Just so us Kamloops people know how early we have to get up in the morning. And I agree with Tom, Scotts basement was like a little gold mine of bits and pieces. Can't wait.

Jason McK 06-25-2008 01:59 AM

Oh Ladner is going to add about an hour I'm afraid


Midknight 06-25-2008 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Jason McK (Post 331707)
Oh Ladner is going to add about an hour I'm afraid


Yes but well worth the trip. :wink:

skylord 06-25-2008 06:59 AM

See thats the problem Tom...the wife wants it gone yesterday. So...I gotta hide it from her all



Originally Posted by Tom R (Post 331619)
Come on Scott

Your basement puts some LFS to shame.

I will be there with something to sell for sure.

Tom R

Midknight 06-25-2008 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by skylord (Post 331740)
See thats the problem Tom...the wife wants it gone yesterday. So...I gotta hide it from her all


I will hide things for you. And they might even make it to the swap meet for you. :lol:

Renegade 06-25-2008 04:25 PM

i'll be there of course


JakartaOrBust 06-26-2008 01:25 AM

swap meet
ah another hours not too bad. hopefully that one guy doesnt have to ride his bike to this one.

FBNitro 06-26-2008 05:49 AM

Ladner is great, I'll definitely be there.

penelty 07-03-2008 01:00 AM

Hey i've never been to a frag swap before and I was wondering if everyone just brought tanks with the frags in them and a light over top or if they brought them all individually bagged?

Just curious

Midknight 07-03-2008 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by penelty (Post 332772)
Hey i've never been to a frag swap before and I was wondering if everyone just brought tanks with the frags in them and a light over top or if they brought them all individually bagged?

Just curious

Hey Ben,

The host normally provides a tank with warm fresh water to float your frag bag in.
Then there are several tables that people might lay there extra's out on.


Jason McK 07-03-2008 03:15 AM

The format will be similar to a swap meet where people who are selling will be responsible for their own corals or live stock.

I will how ever have buckets available to float bags in. I will not have enough heaters to supply every bucket, but will work on a solution by that time.


dsaundry 07-03-2008 04:50 AM

Dang...I work Saturdays...:sad:

Whatigot 07-03-2008 02:09 PM

I have 5 or 6 big rubbermaid containers if that helps the situation....
Sept seems so far away....

Whatigot 07-03-2008 02:11 PM

any way we can set up a page to list what individuals will be bringing for swap/trade?

untamed 07-03-2008 04:36 PM

Yes...Sept is too far away. I have too many frags at the moment (thanks to the size of some of my fish). I'm going to have to move them before Sept.

Jason McK 07-03-2008 04:49 PM

Unfortunately there are a lot of factors that have made this event in September. The biggest being attendance. More people will be around in Sept than Aug.
Plus I need 2 months to get my fishroom ready for visitors. It'll never be as nice as yours, but I should probably make and effort to complete it


Chowder 07-03-2008 06:42 PM

Jason if you need some help on the fishroom just let me know. I'll be there.

hockey nut 07-04-2008 04:38 AM

If you need a hand Jason, let me know.

untamed 07-04-2008 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Jason McK (Post 332896)
Unfortunately there are a lot of factors that have made this event in September. The biggest being attendance. More people will be around in Sept than Aug.
Plus I need 2 months to get my fishroom ready for visitors. It'll never be as nice as yours, but I should probably make and effort to complete it


I did not mean to suggest moving the date. I'm sure that by September, I'll have more. I don't have a frag grow-out tank, so it only takes about 6-10 frags and I'm full.

Whatigot 07-04-2008 01:43 PM

same here, I can dfintiely wait 'till Sept, I'm just happy someone is taking their time and sweat to put something like this together.
and for the record, I don't even have a fishroom(yet) so don't put to much pressure on yourself....:razz:

Jason McK 07-04-2008 01:51 PM

Not problem guys.

We also need to wait until TomR is up and about. He just had his hip replaced and it wouldn't be a Reef Network event with out him. :)


Jason McK 08-10-2008 06:50 PM

OK, So I know it still over a month away but need to keep it fresh in everyone's mind.

Sept 27th seems to work well for most (I'm sorry if it doesn't work for you)

I'd like to start to get number of people that will be selling
Please e-mail if you are interested in selling
There is no cost for selling and no percentage to Reefnetwork for this event

Remember you can sell anything you want from used hardware, frags, algae, FW plants, and skill saws if you want.
There will also burgers and hotdogs available through out the day.


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