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Why is reefing so big in Alberta?
Im sure other West Coasters have noticed that Alberta, (Calgary in particular), seems to have considerably more reefers. (There are many more postings on this forum from Albertans). I don't know for sure, but I'd guess that Calgary has more SW outlets than Vancouver, even though Van is considerably larger. Aside from a half dozen shops in Van City there isn't really much else in BC. A few on the Island and in the interior and that's about it. Add Edmonton's SW shops to Calgary's and I'm sure there are twice as many as in BC. (And soon you're getting a huge Big Al's)
Is it because many people in BC live near the ocean and take it for granted, or maybe Alberta's standard of living is higher and more people can afford the hobby? Any thoughts on this? If I wasn't such a "whiner" about the climate; my ocean view; and the Canucks:wink: I'd move to Calgary and shop my A$$ off. Lance (SW deprived) |
Maybe because we are land locked and it gives us something better than grass to look at, or snow during winter. :P
First thing I said after reading "Calgary stores get 120 SPS colonies" was "Honey, what do you think about moving to Calgary??" :)
Although, I spent the afternoon at the ocean at Jordan river with the dogs swimming and chasing sea otters, think I'll stay here..... |
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's pretty hard to beat a Sunday afternoon out in the boat, beer in hand, salmon & prawns in the ice chest, feeding the eagles and watching the Killer Whales go by. |
There are times all the good reef stuff is in BC. The pendulum swings one way, then it swings the other. I don't know if standard of living really has that much to do with it - there might be some folks who are living high off the hog right now but for the most part, I don't really think that applies to the average family living in Calgary. There are times all the good deals and all the good shwag is on the coast. Lower Mainland anyhow.. :)
Not that i can explain it but Calgary is one of the largest areas for SW hobbiests in North America. Its probably explainable by the work hard play hard motto. We dont have anything close enough to play in so we keep fish.
Higher IQ's per capita...:lol:
no it's the farmer thing we are all farmers at heart and no one can aford the land to grow cows so we grow fish :biggrin:
We spend all our money on wet reefer supplies, not the dried kind.
Cowboys are coooooool (& have a deep appreciation for the oceans & all the wonders dwelling within it). :mrgreen:
I think it's big in Alberta because we need a little bit of ocean in our lives, but it's a long drive to the coast!
I thought it's because you all work in the oil sand and make TONS of money.:mrgreen:
First off people on the coast are surrounded by oceanic reminders, fish, fish, fish, the novelty has long since worn off, for most. The ocean is fascinating but it's always been there. Then there is the fact that Alberta is such a rich province. For a person wanting to open a new pet store Alberta clearly offers the best chance of success. So now there are more stores in Alberta. Due to this the "the more you put things in peoples faces the more they have to have them" logic comes in. With more exposure comes the desire for more. Your freinds see your anemone, now they HAVE TO have one. Where 1 week prior they had never even heard a anemone. This hobby then fuels it's own engine, too a point. It's just like crack, LOL Once you get one fish or coral you just have to have another one. Then you need better equipment and food, additives, snake oil, etc... Finally you end up with demand, the more people screaming SW the more shops you are going to see opening up. That is my take on it anyways. |
BC: Pot capital of the world. That must be the reason, we are all so busy with our growups, we have no time for anything else.:lol: |
As a hobbiest for many years in Calgary I visited many great SW stores here. One thing I found was there was always a lacking compared to the BC coast stores. Many Calgarians including myself has ordered goods, hardware, livestock from BC whereas, how many people from BC has ordered product from Calgary? Huge disparity. As a new SW store owner here in Calgary I aspire to compete with the well managed and well stocked competitors on the West Coast. If they were in Calgary I would not have considered my purchase of Red Coral. That could be the reason for the fewer amount of stores in your area. For myself I found it was nice to have a little piece of the ocean in my home and only wish I had an Ocean View. (I could never be a Cannuck fan though) Kevin |
In all honesty I like having fish around, and this is all new to me with the care of SW
Out of all the animals I have ever kept, nothing compares to SW. Dart frogs are cool but like another member said to me, you always find something new in your tank each day. I think alot of people in alberta do it cause we need an out from our jobs. Besides going to the mountains on weekend or whenever we have nothing that compares to living by an ocean. I feel sorry for my roomate when I go on my dive trip later this year cause by than I plan on having both nano's softy tanks and my project up and running. But swimming with hammerhead sharks is going to be awsome. |
because you all live in Alberta, enough said.. YOU cant beat the coast.. We have it all ... Sorry!! when are canucks lose we look on the bright side.... when the flames or oilers lose,, you cry cry cry cause you have nothing else!!! HAHAHAHAH
just jokin'''' or am I BC RULES!!!!! |
Ok, you guys are making me feel really bad out here in the boonies. :lol:
I wonder if these delusions of grandeur are from seasonal affective disorder or the cigaweed? :)
I am glad that the reefing scene in Calgary is as big as it is. I could not imagine living in a place where I could only count on mail order for harware/livestock.
That's exactly my situation Greg. In Powell River, there is VERY limited supply, 99% of purchases are mail order, which really sucks! Another reefer and I usually split the freight costs, but the fact that you are ordering everything sight unseen is what is so crappy. Oh well, like Forrest Gump says: "It's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." |
Hi all from the east coast :)
You guys are so lucky to have all those reefers to trade frags with and lots of saltwater fish store and aquarium builders etc etc I live right by the Atlantic Ocean(can actually see it from my house) i fish lobster and herring for a living and can't even by a frag or salt locally. It's a 3 hour drive to the closest LFS(local right) that carries any saltwater stuff. Pretty much everything has to be ordered online and the shipping is very expensive. I come to this site and others like aquarium pros and see all those goodies for sale and very good prices. Very frustrating. :(
You have to really love this hobby to have a saltwater tank living in North-Eastern New-Brunswick. I hope to visit Alberta one day, the closest i've come to it is Saskatchewan to hunt deer. Cheers to all Albertains! |
I believe ordering online can be a very positive experience.
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