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Vins724 06-05-2008 10:27 PM

FS: whole set of 90 gal FOT
The day finally comes due to very busy on school stuff...

Selling the whole set of my 90 gal FOT (approx. 1/2 year)

Hardwares - $1450 o.b.o (Almost all hardwares come with box)

- OCEANIC 90 gal show tank cherry oak colour............................................ .........

- OCEANIC glass tops.............................................. .......................................

- ALL GLASS Pine wood black stand............................................. ......................

- Aqua C Pro Remora protein skimmer with Mag 3 pump and pre-skimmer box.............

- Eheim 2229 wet/dry canister filter............................................ .......................

- Rena XP4 canister flter with 4 packs of Bio-Chem Stars, 1 pack of Ceramic Rings.....

- Hagen Aqua-Clear 110 hang-on filter............................................ ...................

- Marineland Max-Jet 1200 with 1600GPH upgrade kit and magnet..........................

- Hydor 4 1200GPH powerhead......................................... ................................

- Eheim/Jagar 250W heater............................................ ..................................

- Coralife 48" Lunar AquaLight Fixture - 4 x 65W with LEDs....................................

- Pentair Aquatics Lifegard Little Time and Temp Thermometer...............................

- Hagen Aqua-Clear 20 powerhead......................................... ...........................

- Mag-Float 350 (Glass) Cleaning Magnet............................................ ...............

- Penn Plax Brine Shrimp Net 3"................................................ ........................

- Python 10" net............................................... ............................................

- Coralife DeepSix Hydrometer........................................ ..................................

- Hagen Master Test Kit............................................... ...................................

- Hagen Easy Gravel Cleaner 24 "................................................. .....................

- 5 empty 160 gal buckets

- some medication...e.g. SeaChem Nanaplex, API General Cure

- some left-over Hikari, HBH...etc fish food

- and some extra stuffs

Livestocks - $950 o.b.o (All fish only for $750)

- 2.5" Picasso Trigger (Indonesia)..................

- 5" Miniatus Grouper (Hawaii)......................

- 5" Black & White Banner Fish (Indonesia).......

- 4" Naso Tang (Indonesia)...........................

- 7" Naso Tang (Indonesia)...........................

- 3" Kole Tang (Hawaii)................................

- 3.5" Blue Hippo Tang (Indonesia).................

- 6" Achilles Tang (Hawaii)...........................

- 6" Lookdown (U.S.)...................................

- 3.5" Queen Angel (U.S.)............................

- 4" Clown Trigger (Indonesia).......................

- 7" Emperor Angel......................................

- 35lbs Fiji/ Tonga live rock & Coral bone.........

- 100lbs Caribsea live sand...........................

I am looking for $2100 o.b.o all together....located in Burnaby, B.C.

Not going to part out only if all livestocks are gone before the hardwares.

Pm me if you are interested, thanks.
Price has been adjusted. Please ignore the previous price due to typo. Thank you.


jeff690 06-05-2008 11:16 PM


GreenSpottedPuffer 06-05-2008 11:25 PM

Pm'd you!

Vins724 06-07-2008 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer (Post 328263)
Pm'd you!


Originally Posted by jeff690 (Post 328261)


BC-reefer 06-07-2008 10:58 PM


Vins724 06-12-2008 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by BC-reefer (Post 328722)


Drock169 06-12-2008 04:49 AM


Vins724 06-15-2008 10:58 AM

Could someone please take all the livestocks for $850. Then I can start working on hardwares. Thanks.

GreenSpottedPuffer 06-15-2008 04:59 PM

I PM'd you about the Picasso Trigger.

Sushiman 06-15-2008 08:07 PM

LMK what you'd like for the tank & stand once your done, good luck with the tear-down! :mrgreen:

Drock169 06-15-2008 09:04 PM

Are you not selling the fish individually anymore?

Vins724 06-17-2008 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Drock169 (Post 330211)
Are you not selling the fish individually anymore?

I am trying to sell it as a whole first...
I will let you know later, thanks.

restless 06-17-2008 11:26 AM

wet dry
How much do you want for the wet dry cannister.
thanks Bill

Mik_101 06-18-2008 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Vins724 (Post 330459)
I am trying to sell it as a whole first...
I will let you know later, thanks.

If you do sell the fish Vins724 i will be intrested in the 4 inch naso.

Vins724 06-18-2008 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mik_101 (Post 330590)
If you do sell the fish Vins724 i will be intrested in the 4 inch naso.

I will let you know later if I sell most of the rest fish...:biggrin:

ORCA 06-19-2008 05:54 AM

Let Me Know When The Fish Are Gone Starting A New Tank Would Like To Buy Light Powerhead Xp4 Let Me Know Thanks.

Vins724 06-21-2008 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by ORCA (Post 330862)
Let Me Know When The Fish Are Gone Starting A New Tank Would Like To Buy Light Powerhead Xp4 Let Me Know Thanks.

Sure...I will temperarily reserve these items for you...if noone buys them as a whole set or all livestocks are gone.:biggrin:

Also price updated

ORCA 06-21-2008 04:15 PM

thanks if u really in a rush 2 move the fish let me know

ORCA 06-22-2008 03:35 PM

if u need to move the fish to sell ur tank i have a 150 gal set up with a xp4 and skimmer and 75 lbs of live rock running for 3 months no fish in the tank other then some damsel u can store in my tank and i will try to help u sell them and just give me a good deal on the lights thanks ,if u think that i will try 2 rip u off i can give u some cash intill the fish are sold .no big deal if u dont want to do that but still let me know about the light set up ,thanks .

Vins724 06-26-2008 10:23 AM

as far as it goes...
If you are interested in any fish, please write down your name here or in the (buy/sell livestock area), so I can know who is interested in which fish. And of course, I need to wait for all fish gone at a time...and then the hardwares...

Starts at this format...

Livestocks - $820 o.b.o (All fish only for $750)

- 2.5" Picasso Trigger (Indonesia).................. $20 e.g.(Tony White)

- 5" Miniatus Grouper (Hawaii)...................... $60

- 5" Black & White Banner Fish (Indonesia)....... $40

- 4" Naso Tang (Indonesia)........................... $40

- 7" Naso Tang (Indonesia)........................... $90

- 3" Kole Tang (Hawaii)................................ $15 (hole in head)

- 3.5" Blue Hippo Tang (Indonesia)................. $30 (a litte hole in head)

- 6" Achilles Tang (Hawaii)........................... $180

- 6" Lookdown (U.S.)................................... $150

- 3.5" Queen Angel (U.S.)............................ $90

- 4" Clown Trigger (Indonesia)....................... $90

- 35lbs Fiji/ Tonga live rock & Coral bone......... $80

- 100lbs Caribsea live sand........................... $20


Also if you are interested in any hardware or even the whole setup, please pm me.

thanks all

Mik_101 06-26-2008 09:47 PM

4" naso tang please.

Vins724 06-29-2008 06:56 AM


The price is O.B.O for the whole set of fish tank setup.
Located in Greater Vancouver Area.
PM me if you are interested, thanks.

Vins724 07-06-2008 04:16 PM


Vins724 07-10-2008 06:59 AM


ORCA 07-19-2008 05:31 AM

what do you have left let me know thanks

Vins724 07-19-2008 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by ORCA (Post 335378)
what do you have left let me know thanks

All are still available

Vins724 10-23-2008 09:04 PM

I am still taking any reasonable offer.
Prefer to sell the whole system.

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