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JDigital 05-26-2008 02:01 AM

JDigital's 75G RR. (Updated)
Hey all,

I have been going through countless tank journal threads, and they are so inspiring I couldn't help but start my own.

However I never planned to do a journal so my pics will be starting from the time I already had water in the tank. :lol:

Anyways, I am running the following so far:

Standard LFS 54G 36"x18"x18"
2x Koralia 3 Powerheads
30lbs Aragonite Sand
20lbs Caribsea Live Sand
Instant Ocean Salt
T5HO Lighting 2x39W 18000K (Lighting will be getting revamped now that I have done more reading this weekend. haha Any suggestions would be great)
Whisper60 with LR Rubble.

I am waiting until next weekend to add the LR.. Looking at about 50-60lbs.

With Flash:

Without Flash and T5 18000K.

Thanks for Looking!

Myka 05-26-2008 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 326041)
T5HO Lighting 2x39W 18000K (Lighting will be getting revamped now that I have done more reading this weekend. haha Any suggestions would be great)

I have the exact same T5 unit you do. It does the job. :) I have a Giesemann AquaBlue+ and a Giesemann Actinic+ in my fixture, and I think it looks really good. I've tried a few different bulbs in it, and I'm happy with the current bulbs.

JDigital 05-26-2008 10:00 PM

Not a huge update at all, but decided to reinforce the stand that I am using. Now I just need some black cloth to wrap the stand in. Its an eye sore! Haha!

Parker 05-26-2008 10:41 PM

If my better half saw one of her pots next to my tank she would beat me with it! lol

Looks good so far, be sure to keep updating!

JDigital 05-31-2008 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Parker (Post 326246)
If my better half saw one of her pots next to my tank she would beat me with it! lol

Looks good so far, be sure to keep updating!

LOL. I don't have a better half to keep happy, so I am pretty safe.

Added the first batch of live rock on thursday, was 16-17lbs worth. Really nice porous stuff. Was a bit of work to get it down to the glass, I think my sand might be a bit deep.. haha.

Murky Tank Shot.

After it had settled.

JDigital 06-05-2008 12:25 AM

Picked up another 17# batch of LR today and an Actinic bulb to swap out with one of my 18K bulbs. So running 1x18K and 1xActinic T5s... Really like the new color of the tank with the Actinic light!

I changed my aquascape today after getting the new rock home... I like it ALOT better. Still got some more to add next weekend.

JDigital 06-10-2008 04:59 AM

Well.... my sumpless build is coming to a screeching halt!! After a discussion this weekend with a friend who is a running a 90G setup, and basically getting ripped a new one about not running a sump, my plans have changed. (sucks to be a newbie... even when you do as much researching/reading as you can)

So....... I had pondered the idea of a Herbie style overflow system after some discussion with the guys at Red Coral.. and had decided on going that route, but I didn't like the idea of the external overflow.. and I got directed towards this style instead, and its the way I am gonna go.

I prefer the internal overflow to save external room around the tank, should allow for alot more surfacing skimming (24" across 4" at either end) compared to the screened bulkheads required for the herbie style.

Picked up the acrylic tonight, and got my pieces cut to size. Cutting acrylic is something I don't want to do again!!

4 Panels

And the mess that is creates...

Tomorrow..... Silicone!

JDigital 06-11-2008 03:32 AM

Well... after countless headaches trying to figure this out to add a overflow/sump, and hitting numerous roadblocks.... I have caved.. I went to a LFS today, to look at some 23-29G tanks for a sump, and saw a 75G RR (Single Cornerflo) tank tucked into the corner (even comes with some of the plumbing hardware)...... So......... I bought it (lay away till the weekend).. :razz:

75G will be the new display tank, 54G will be a sump/fuge.

In the end, i think it will only be a difference in cost of about $50 more... which in mind will be worth it, bigger display, no worries about drilling my 54, no headaches trying to add an overflow... etc etc. I think I will be much happier with this setup.

If your curious what I am gonna do with the "wasted" acrylic... I am gonna build myself a viewing box for my camera. :D

untamed 06-11-2008 05:24 AM

Did you cut that acrylic with a knife?!!!

JDigital 06-11-2008 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by untamed (Post 329424)
Did you cut that acrylic with a knife?!!!

Yea.. It's made for scoring plastics and acrylic sheets. 1/4" max thickness.

You score it down about 1/16" then set it along a solid straight edge... grip, and SNAP it...

Like this:

Red Coral Aquariums 06-11-2008 06:08 AM

Great start!! Bigger is always better with a reef tank.

JDigital 06-12-2008 12:42 AM

Tank stand is pretty much framed.. I've got a few finishing panels to add..
Thanks have to go out to a friend of mine for the help, and tools! haha!

Pretty much built the whole stand out of 2x6.. The thing is bomb proof! :mrgreen:

During the Build:

Finished, and back home:

Just need to pick up the tank this weekend.. get everything set in place, plumbed.

I think the transfer of LR and Sand is gonna be tricky. But that is a few days away.

ElGuappo 06-12-2008 03:30 AM

looks good coming along nicly.

Boomboy 06-12-2008 04:08 AM

nice stand, that thing could hold up a car, cant wait to see the rr tank, looks great, keep us posted. cant wait to see more.

JDigital 06-14-2008 10:11 PM

Well, things are rolling along. Got 2 extra holes drilled in the back for my returns today (Thanks to fishytime aka Steady Hands Doug!)

I have gathered most of my plumbing parts, just need to pick up a return pump, and skimmer (Euro-Reef RS100). I'm going to be running a single corner Herbie style overflow system. (also why I need to punch the 2 new bulkhead holes in)

I also need to get a few pieces of glass cut to add to the 54G sump.. Hopefully I can get those this weekend, but I'm not holding my breath.

Anyways, couple pics!!

75G when I first got it home, checking to see how well it fits on the stand:

fishytime drilling 1 of 2 holes this morning:

Finished holes:

Alot of my plumbing parts, PVC tubing not in the pic but I got it.

Anyways, gonna go work on some of the plumbing. :mrgreen:

Boomboy 06-14-2008 10:31 PM

Nice, i was waiting to see this tank, coming along nicely. man ive tried to drill a 10G with glass drill bits and it just goes everywhere and scratches the glass( lucky it was just a test). The check valve will put alot of head pressure on your return pump.

JDigital 06-14-2008 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Boomboy (Post 330009)
Nice, i was waiting to see this tank, coming along nicely. man ive tried to drill a 10G with glass drill bits and it just goes everywhere and scratches the glass( lucky it was just a test). The check valve will put alot of head pressure on your return pump.

I really like the tank.. Nice clean looking overflow corner (even though it will be covered in coraline in 6 months.. haha)

Boomboy 06-15-2008 01:12 AM

Make sure you keep us updated with lots of pictures, cant wait till see this puppy with water.

JDigital 06-15-2008 04:32 AM

Well.. I hit a roadblock tonight with my return plumbing... I over looked how long the final section, with 2 ball valves to control the return bulkheads flow, a reducer T... in short... my bulkhead holes weren't drilled wide enough apart and I can't fit the T with ball valves between them... :question::question::question:

Hmm.. gotta figure something out now..

I pretty much copied fishytime's plumbing...

I got one idea, and that is to T it off down lower, to 90 corners, run the ball valves vertically, and then 90s into the 90's at the bulkheads... but worried its going to affect my flow too much with the 4 extra 90's.

Boomboy 06-15-2008 07:29 AM

ok so i was thinking about it for a bit (its 1:30 at night) at first i was thinking run the plumbing from one side into the first locline then continue down, but then the ball valve would stick way out in the back of the aquarium, and we dont want that because that takes up to much space. then i got stuck and the remember that you wanted to have the ball valves in there for possibly 2 things, one to control how much flow and 2 to close them if needed. not really sure if this works for closing them, but just get those things that go on the loclines that you can turn, im sure after a while you wont mess with them here is a link to show what im talking about, not to many options here, just an idea.
the name is ball valve there are a bunch that are different for whatever you want.

JDigital 06-15-2008 07:38 AM

Thanks Boom for the idea's, but in the end after discussing with with fishytime, I scrapped the ball valves all together on the agreement that I would rarely/if ever use them, and they aren't REALLY neccessary.

JDigital 06-17-2008 03:20 AM

Mini update...

I got as much of the plumbing done as I can, until I get the sump setup... which still needs the baffles installed.. I don't know how I'm gonna find time to get the glass for it!

Talk about a tight fit... this is my drain... 1 or 2mm of clearance between the bulkhead at the stand frame.. haha! TOTAL FLUKE!!! :lol:

JDigital 06-21-2008 02:43 AM

Bit of an update:

Probably doing some of this *** backwards, but I added water to the 75 last night, mostly to leak test my bulk heads and to start getting my salinity up to par...

Tonight I got my LR, PR's, transferred over to the 75. Also emptied out the sand and cleaned the "old" 54 so I could start getting the baffles in, but I got some glass cut a TAD too long (we're talking like 1/8"-1/4" too long.. DOH!!)

And I also swung by Red Coral Aquariums this afternoon, and picked up a few new goodies. :biggrin: Thanks Alot Kevin!!

Until I can get the glass sanded/grinded down to fit, I'm kinda at a stand still.. Again! :lol:

Boomboy 06-22-2008 06:53 PM

your farther along than me im at a stand still, want to spend money on equipment but have to be wise how i spend my money. looks good so far its coming along nicely.

phillybean 06-22-2008 09:15 PM

Hey JD, nice build!

For the glass, I made the same mistake, having them cut too long. I ended up putting them in on an angle. It was a big harder to silicone in place, however came out nice and I think I was able to swing more space for my fuge. The narrow part of my skimmer doesn't need as much room as where the pump and everything still fits. Here are some pics:

JDigital 06-22-2008 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by phillybean (Post 331382)
Hey JD, nice build!

For the glass, I made the same mistake, having them cut too long. I ended up putting them in on an angle. It was a big harder to silicone in place, however came out nice and I think I was able to swing more space for my fuge. The narrow part of my skimmer doesn't need as much room as where the pump and everything still fits. Here are some pics:

Haha! I thought about the angle thing, but I am a picky SOB on things, and having my baffle straight seems to be one of those things.:lol: I borrowed a drill bit from Red Coral, and I am currently half way through grinding down the extra 1/4"... What a pain in the butt!!!!!! 2 more panels! 2 MORE!!!

I'll be back.......

Zylumn 06-23-2008 12:48 AM

Come on !!! Come on!!! the suspense is killing me.

JDigital 06-25-2008 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Zylumn (Post 331395)
Come on !!! Come on!!! the suspense is killing me.

Kevin, If it wasn't for that 90' elbow I grabbed from you tonight, the following update wouldn't be getting posted till later..

Sump and plumbing are done.. I am gonna let the silicone cure till tomorrow before leak testing everything. Here is how it all looks as of 20mins ago.

Sump in-place awaiting piping. (I really suck at siliconing, but the baffles all feel pretty darn secure, so I'm not to worried about how it looks :lol: )

All the plumbing shots..

Full System shot:

fishytime 06-25-2008 03:21 AM


JDigital 06-25-2008 03:47 AM

^^ Thanks for the plumbing tips Doug! That black hose threads on perfect with the 1" adapters. :biggrin: Hopefully so good I won't need zipties or hose clamps..

My only problem was that I NEEDED that 90' elbow to get the plumbing to line up into my tank... otherwise it was straight down beside the OUTSIDE, which doesn't do me any good. haha.

JDigital 06-26-2008 12:46 AM

Well... I added water today to the sump, fired up the pump and found 1 leak on my return line, prolly due to a lack of teflon tape, so I picked up a hose clamp and the problem is gone. :biggrin:

It a bit cloudy cuz I had to add the sand back into the tank, and still got a bit more to add, now that I can sorta see where more is needed... lol

Anyways.. I got flow and its set perfect right now. No fluctuation in the overflow height. :mrgreen:

JDigital 06-30-2008 06:19 AM

Small piece of coral that I got in my tank..

JDigital 07-08-2008 05:34 AM

All my LR is finally bought and aquascaped. I got a 70-75lbs, 3 way mix if I remember right of Fiji, Tonga and one other than starts with an M.... Kevin, you remember?

Anyways, the pics.


Right Hand Tank Shot:

Left Hand Tank Shot:

Right End Tank Shot (No Lighting, was taken in the pitch black):

And the Tank in "Fish Eye Vision"

JDigital 07-28-2008 12:13 AM

Couple shots of my first corals in my tank.

JDigital 07-28-2008 12:47 AM

And my two angels.

First is Uno.. My Midnight Pygmy Angel.

Secondly is Singapore Sam, my newest addition as of today. He is a Singapore Angel, and slightly timid right now.. :lol:

JDigital 08-02-2008 08:12 PM

Finally caught a good photo of Sam today.

JDigital 08-16-2008 09:16 PM

Haven't had much changing in my tank worthy of updates, other than Sam picked up and bad case of Ich... I lost him a few days ago, so I won't be adding much to the tank for a week or two until a couple WCs have been performed. I can concentrate on the 23G build for a bit I guess.

christyf5 08-16-2008 09:59 PM

Bummer, he was a pretty fish :neutral:

JDigital 08-16-2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 339853)
Bummer, he was a pretty fish :neutral:

Yea... I'm sure it was a bit of my fault.. I was dosing with Para-guard, and the first night i dosed, my corals all retracted, and did not look good, so I skipped dosing the 2nd day, then half dosed the 3rd day, then full dosed 4th day.. LFS said that i needed to full dose for the recommended period, so Im sure I just fueled the fire.. :cry: Lesson learned the expensive way I guess..

JDigital 08-20-2008 12:41 AM

Picked up a couple Yuma Rics @ Red Coral today!

EDIT: Seems like the highlights got blown out a bit after uploading... the color is alot deeper than these pics show.. weird.

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