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workn2hard2day 04-08-2008 10:01 PM

Tim Horton
Please play again....I buy 2 xl coffee per day monday to friday. the contest started feb 25th. so I have bought 64 coffess. I have "won" 4 coffees and 2 donuts. has anyone ever won anything?

digital-audiophile 04-08-2008 10:08 PM

Much like you, just the odd free coffee of muffin. It would be nice to win one of the bigger prizes.

Doug 04-08-2008 10:50 PM

Nothing for me, not even coffee. :lol:..However, everytime I go there I have to read about all the winners. :lol:

Der_Iron_Chef 04-08-2008 11:53 PM

I haven't won anything at all. Ever. In my life! I catch lots of things though...cold, flu, pneumonia...

mark 04-09-2008 01:31 AM

only 2 coffee

michika 04-09-2008 01:33 AM

I've won tons of S.V.P.s, but that is about it.

Chowder 04-09-2008 01:56 AM

5 coffees and 3 donuts here at one coffee a day.:biggrin:

G1GY 04-09-2008 02:04 AM

I've won quite a few coffees. But I buy 2 x-larges at 5:30AM, 1 or 2 at noon and at laest another on my way home from work. :redface:

fishoholic 04-09-2008 03:01 AM

I've won a coffee and a muffin.

Ephraim 04-09-2008 03:37 AM

i havent won anything yet. But i think that may be because i keep forgetting to roll the rim before i toss out the cup....hmmmmm

Floop70 04-09-2008 05:53 AM

I keep winning the chance to play again...

Rumika 04-09-2008 04:11 PM

My husband buys 2 x-lrgs everyday, one for himself and he brings me one back home and we have only won free coffee and donuts as well. I did here that someone had won a vehicle from around here.

workn2hard2day 04-09-2008 05:32 PM

Well, I don't feel so bad anymore. Yet again this am I get to play again.
Coffee and fish are my only "needless" expenses.

Doug 04-15-2008 08:44 PM

:multi: Yay. I won a doughnut. :sad:

Delphinus 04-15-2008 09:08 PM

The best run I had was about a month ago where I won a free coffee with a free coffee. :lol: W00t!

Seems like the contest is done here in Cowtown though, every Timmie's I've been to in the last week has been out of rim cups, just back to regular cups. Last I checked though there were 30 of 35 cars won, 67 out 100 boats, several hundred gift cards left .. seems to me those remaining winning cups must still be out there somewhere?

digital-audiophile 04-15-2008 09:50 PM

In garbage cans I bet,, it's amazing how many people throw out the cup without rolling the rim.

wetcoast 04-15-2008 10:41 PM

I don't participate in it :|

I spent some time working in Las Vegas working specifically on odds, and then spent 5 years around the world working for speciality insurance firms underwriting those promotions.

Not to be a downer or anything - but I'm better off hoping my ich infested kole tang is not going to spread it to any of the other tankmates. Least I know I have a 1:2 chance.

Delphinus 04-15-2008 10:53 PM

Well, you can't win if you don't buy a ticket or in this case if you don't buy a coffee. I like the coffee so if I win another coffee or a donut, it's just a happy bonus. Otherwise, if say I didn't care for coffee, I probably wouldn't bother just because of the promotion. But they say the odds of winning a coffee are 1 in 9, that's not too bad, could be worse.

I've done terrible in previous years maybe having won one coffee throughout the entire promotion, but this year I did ok, think I made off with about 6 or 7 free coffees (and my personal favourite, the two in a row, that probably won't ever happen again!) :redface: My strategy of drinking 12 XL double-doubles daily finally started to pay off! :lol:

wetcoast 04-15-2008 10:59 PM

Actually, it is illegal for a company to force this upon you to buy something, if you look at the small print there will be terms and conditions that state "No Purchase Required". You will have to send them a reasonably drawn facsimile of the cup (which could mean dipping a piece of paper in oil and sending it to them) and then you can be entered into the contest - they are required to send you a game piece after that. I've been involved first hand where this very rule was challenged, dirty, but when the promotion is a marketing tactic there has to be some sort of imposed limits on what a corporation does.

(not being involved in that industry anymore i could care less about it - but know that if you really want to crack the system check out some of the many forums that decipher winning combinations on pieces, and release the info to the wild to let you have a better chance at winning - we couldn't stop those people either - believe it or not some people make a living off of it!)

either way, at the end of it all - yer all gettin' caffinated, which is obviously the most important thing of all!

Delphinus 04-15-2008 11:06 PM

Oh I realize that "no purchase necessary" thing and I am not surprised there are people with enough free time to do stuff like that. I dunno. To me it's just fun. Lightning *can* strike apparently, but expecting it to happen is a setup for disappointment, and that's not fun, so I figure the thing to do is just fanatasize for a few minutes, then drink your coffee and move on with life. :)

I don't know what it is about TH coffee but I really do enjoy it. Once in a while I'll get a real doozie of a coffee that's undrinkable but for the most part they get it right. So often bought coffee's are this sort of daisy-chained sludge where the servers just pour what's left of one pot into the next. Coffee isn't like sourdough, I think when people do that it wrecks the coffee! I guess some people just don't care but I can sure tell when that happens. I'll crave a good brew but a bad brew just makes me gag. I think there's coffee in my office that was around when I was in elementary school. Coffee is for drinking, not for speculating what it was like "back in olden days when this coffee was young. Oh the stories this coffee could tell, if coffee could tell stories." Ew! :lol:

BMW Rider 04-15-2008 11:09 PM

I guess I've beat the odds then. I have bought just one Tim Horton's coffee during the contest and won a free coffee with it. :razz:

workn2hard2day 04-16-2008 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by BMW Rider (Post 318370)
I guess I've beat the odds then. I have bought just one Tim Horton's coffee during the contest and won a free coffee with it. :razz:

WOW, If I lend you a quarter will you put in a slot mch for me:wink:.

banditpowdercoat 04-16-2008 01:33 AM

Dont understand the infactuation with Tim's?!? Me personally, dont really like their coffee, and RARELY eat doughnuts.

NOw, McD's Theres a good thing there isnt a McDonalds in my town. I'd be FAT LMAO:wink:

KrazyKuch 04-16-2008 03:39 AM

Between me and my crew we go through 24 cups at least a week, so thats 168 cups since the start of the contest and I think we have had a total of 14 free coffee's and 6 donuts and thats it!

Keri 04-16-2008 04:59 AM

I've only ever won a couple of muffins. (I don't like muffins)

The other day Drew's roll up the rim to win cup was totally blank! Not even a "thank you for trying" - I told him he should treat it like the blank tile in scrabble and trade it in for any prize he liked but he didn't think they'd go for it.

workn2hard2day 04-16-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat (Post 318400)
Dont understand the infactuation with Tim's?!? Me personally, dont really like their coffee, and RARELY eat doughnuts.

NOw, McD's Theres a good thing there isnt a McDonalds in my town. I'd be FAT LMAO:wink:

No McD's you must not live on earth.
I can keep my bay doors open at work - McD's across the street and the smell is enough to make me hurl. Tim Hortons donuts are kinda like sugary cardboard - I never eat them. I am too lazy to make a cup of coffee for me at home and I refuse to pay $6 bucks for burnt starbucks, but thats another thread altogether :mrgreen:

danny zubot 04-17-2008 10:35 PM


Dont understand the infactuation with Tim's?!?
It's the crack they put in it that keeps me coming back.:mrgreen:

banditpowdercoat 04-18-2008 01:31 AM

Ahh, thats why. I am afraid of Crack LOL:mrgreen:

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