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Purple Death Paly's - gauging interest
2 Attachment(s)
I have quiet a few of these paly's right now, just wondering if anyone would be interested in them, before I chisel them out. Pics attached are a bit blurry, and the lighting is 10K.
Thanks, Renee |
Wouldn't mind, but I would like to see a better picture of them and the price would have to be right of course....:biggrin:
try auto-focus
I'll work on getting a better pic up, though it's more to do with my ancient camera than anything else...
I was thinking around $35/polyp or so... |
thats so cheap.you should raise your price
Um, yeah, good luck with that. Was possibly considering a frag but not at that price range. You might want to rethink your pricing strategy.
i got true rainbow palys for 25$ a piece and i thought that was steep.
good luck selling these at 35$ a pop. those are LFS prices.lmfao. |
A better pic would help your sale..fragalot sells these palys..there 45 a polyp..so what's wrong with his price ??
ummm if you check RC, 35 is way cheaper than anything posted on there, they generally go for around 50 a polyp in the states. Rarity and growth rates play an important factor in determining the cost of Zoa's and palys, Thats why stuff like PPE goes for 35/polyp because it grows about 4-7x slower than other Zoa's.
His pricing IS on par with what you will see on RC. That being said, I've ALWAYS thought the prices were completely absurd.
didn't mean to cause an argument here...
I looked around, I didn't find any for sale less then $45, I thought $35 was fair... They do grow VERY slowly, I started with about 20 about 2 years ago, I have maybe 30 or so now? 10 polyps in 2 years isn't exactly fast... |
You're right, Renee. Don't worry--you are charging a fair price for this particular coral, in my estimation. If people don't want to pay it....then they don't have to :)
One thing is for sure if you put "gauging interest' I think you have found out allot. I agree with both sides on this we all want a good deal and also want to maximize return on investment. If I was to buy 10 Paly's off you the total is $350.00 not a bad return on investment in 2 years maybe others should look at this! Hope you get it but not from me...too rich for my blood. Just my 2 cent.
All the best |
pm sent
1 Attachment(s)
Heres a slightly better pic...
well, there seems to be enough interest to mount a few. $35/polyp, 2/$60, 4/$100 thanks again, Renee |
Hi Renee,
Your price for the Purple Death is very fair! Purple Death is one of the more expensive polyps out there however, you've presented them at a great price point....thank you for offering them at such a good price. I have looked at purchasing these in the past and haven't found them at the price you're asking for them....great deal! When I am in the market I will pm you. All the best to you in your endeavours. Sarina |
I think there are some apologies in order here folks. Just because you think it's outrageous doesn't mean you have the right to come here and bash this person for trying to sell something. I think paying 60 bucks for a 1" acro frag is nuts, but, I've done it and I'll do it again if it's worth it TO ME. Not everyone has to sell their quality stuff and not make money. I'm sorry you had to be treated like this....
Agreed! If you don't like the prices, clam up and shop elsewhere.
Thanks for the all the support! I wasn't that worried about the negative feedback, it is an online forum after all. I also wasn't that concerned with selling them, they are in a hard to access spot in my tank, if there wasn't interest I wasn't going to do it, no big deal. I did sell a few though, and I think those who bought them were happy (much nicer looking in person).
Thanks again, Renee |
have you sold any yet at that price, just curious.
Yeah, I sold to 3 local people, at those prices, but there was a few free 1/2 sized ones attached to each.
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