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Canadian Man 03-04-2003 02:49 AM

Going to Imax "coral reefs" on Saturday?
How about joining us at the IMAX this saturday March 8???
Coral Reef Adventure plays at 12 noon on Saturday
For a single film the price is $10.50 (adult) & $7.50 (12 & under)

Let me know if you would like to join us.

Katie & Jonathan

Cheers All!

Bob I 03-04-2003 02:52 PM

I have never seen an Imax movie, so it could be very interesting. Count me in tentatively.

Quinn 03-04-2003 02:53 PM

as i mentioned to jon via email, what about turning this into a mini tank crawl, south side of calgary only or something (to keep it simple). i was planning on going to edmonton to aquarium illusions this weekend but maybe i'll do that on sunday instead? as far as the movie goes i'm not picky, i've already seen the african one so i don't really need to see it again. on the other hand, it's more bang for the buck. imax movies are always so short.

AJ_77 03-04-2003 03:11 PM

Chinook Centre IMAX or Eau Claire IMAX?

2D or 3D IMAX?

Delphinus 03-04-2003 05:58 PM

I've seen some clips from this and it looks REALLY good.

Count me in for two folks for mid-day Saturday. I don't know if I can wait that long, I would have gone opening night last weekend had I been in town! So I might go an evening this week but count me in for Saturday no matter what. :)

I don't think it's playing at the Chinook IMAX. Eau Claire's screen is bigger by a few feet so better to go to Eau Claire anyways...

Canadian Man 03-04-2003 06:13 PM

Hey Tony!
I was wondering where you were!
Yea the noon show at the Eauclaire is where it's at.
Are you in Tony for a tank visit from Quinn?

AJ_77 03-04-2003 06:20 PM

Looks like we're in for 6, Jonathan! Are you thinking we can get a group rate?

Canadian Man 03-04-2003 07:11 PM

Well we can always ask when we are there?

I think we should meet at about 11:30 in front of Imax in the mall.

Quinn 03-04-2003 08:31 PM

imax at chinook? ok i think i'm in. if only aquarium illusions was in calgary, i was planning on a trip there on saturday :?

to elaborate on what jon said, to anyone who would let me wander into their house and look at their tank while i'm up, i would be most appreciative. makes the drive more worth my while.

tony i think you have some reef rubble for me? and whatever happened to that stand? i suppose i should get it out of your way eh :D

Canadian Man 03-04-2003 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by teevee
imax at chinook? ok i think i'm in. if only aquarium illusions was in calgary, i was planning on a trip there on saturday :?

to elaborate on what jon said, to anyone who would let me wander into their house and look at their tank while i'm up, i would be most appreciative. makes the drive more worth my while.

tony i think you have some reef rubble for me? and whatever happened to that stand? i suppose i should get it out of your way eh :D

Hey We are going to Eauclaire not chinook :lol:

The stand is at my place Quinn. It works good as a 2x4 wood holder :lol:

Delphinus 03-04-2003 08:57 PM

Oh sure, you're totally welcome to come by if you like. Not much has changed since the meeting, mind you ... mostly, lots of algae has been growing (caulerpa racemosa everywhere!! :x :( ) The stand is at Jonathan's house somewhere. But yeah I've got that rubble somewhere so it'd be a good chance to catch up and take care of all that.

Canadian Man 03-04-2003 08:58 PM

So we can come over to your place after the flick and then you can come over and see me progress tony! That's if you want of course.

Quinn 03-04-2003 09:09 PM

sounds dandy to me, eauclaire at 11:30. jon you can use the stand to hold your lumber as long as you want. :D

Bob I 03-05-2003 01:38 AM

Okay, stupid question. What about parking down there?

kari 03-05-2003 02:24 AM

I'd like to see the film. Mark me down for 2 please. I'll save money by getting out of the garage and sparing the acrylic reserves my hackmanship.


Tau2301 03-05-2003 03:21 AM

Sounds like it would be a great get together, but I might be working again this weekend. If not I will try and be there.

AJ_77 03-05-2003 03:29 AM

Bob - the underground lot is off of 2nd ST SW, and the surface lot is right along 2nd AVE right outside the giant "IMAX" sign. Either one is cheaper Saturdays.

We need 10 tickets now, our neighbours are coming. :D

Canadian Man 03-05-2003 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by AJ_77
Bob - the underground lot is off of 2nd ST SW, and the surface lot is right along 2nd AVE right outside the giant "IMAX" sign. Either one is cheaper Saturdays.

We need 10 tickets now, our neighbours are coming. :D


We should just rent the whole theater :lol:

AJ_77 03-05-2003 03:45 AM

You need 20 for a group rate, and then you have to book ahead.


Delphinus 03-05-2003 03:47 PM

It's still a new movie, so there is a solid chance the theatre is still selling out for shows. It might not be a bad idea to buy your tickets in advance. I don't think you can do it from the website, but you can call them and buy tickets over the phone. The phone number is 974-IMAX (974-4629). Bear in mind you can only do so from 11am to 9pm.

Quinn 03-05-2003 05:12 PM

is that a credit card thing? i don't have one, wondering if someone would be willing to get my ticket for me and i'll pay that individual back? let me know.

Delphinus 03-05-2003 05:17 PM

I can get it for you Quinn. Anyone else while I'm at it? I'll wait until say 11:30 to make the call so you've got 1/2 hour to let me know :)

Quinn 03-05-2003 05:57 PM

thanks tony, much appreciated. :)

Delphinus 03-05-2003 06:13 PM

So ... called IMAX. Apparently the Saturday noon shows are usually pretty empty, so there's probably no need to buy in advance. (Buying over the phone does cost $1 more so why pay more if we don't have to.)

Quinn 03-05-2003 08:21 PM

cool :)

reefphish 03-05-2003 11:24 PM

just saw it this weekend with my 4 year old son...
it was great! but depressing knowing that they are really just documenting great reefs before they all die out.

The most irratating quote though is "when the last of the reefs die, a little piece of me will die too." ack! "...a, little piece.."?!???? ... it will be a f*ing disaster to millions+millions of people!

beautiful images though.

have fun


Quinn 03-05-2003 11:28 PM

that's one complaint i have about the new imax movies that have been coming out in the last few years. they try to attach a plot to them and a moral, and it's like, dammit, if i wanted plot i'd watch reality programming! i just want to see pretty pictures! sooo cheesy :P

Bob I 03-07-2003 03:09 PM

Looks like the very cold weather is going to keep me inside. I don't want to start my car unless necessary. Unless someone from the frozen North wants to pick me up? :wink:

Quinn 03-07-2003 03:46 PM

bob i can grab you if you want to come. i'll be coming up via deerfoot, let me know your address if you want to catch a ride.

i think that would mean you'd have to come to tony's and then jon's (since i think that's where i'm headed after the movie for a bit). provided that's fine with everyone. also would probably stop at a few LFSs if you're ok with that.

Bob I 03-07-2003 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by teevee
bob i can grab you if you want to come. i'll be coming up via deerfoot, let me know your address if you want to catch a ride.

i think that would mean you'd have to come to tony's and then jon's (since i think that's where i'm headed after the movie for a bit). provided that's fine with everyone. also would probably stop at a few LFSs if you're ok with that.

I would think that would be great, but you have to come so far North from Deerfoot. I am at 202-Storybook Terrace, and that is alsmost at Nosehill Drive up John Laurie Blvd. That is quite a trip. :(

Canadian Man 03-07-2003 04:15 PM

Works for me! Then Bob can pick up his sand :wink: :lol:

Bob I 03-07-2003 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Canadian Man
Works for me! Then Bob can pick up his sand :wink: :lol:

Now you will be mad at me. I no longer need the sand. When we could not get it together, I picked up some beads. My apologies. :evil:

AJ_77 03-07-2003 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by rcipema

Originally Posted by teevee
bob i can grab you if you want to come. i'll be coming up via deerfoot, let me know your address if you want to catch a ride.

i think that would mean you'd have to come to tony's and then jon's (since i think that's where i'm headed after the movie for a bit). provided that's fine with everyone. also would probably stop at a few LFSs if you're ok with that.

I would think that would be great, but you have to come so far North from Deerfoot. I am at 202-Storybook Terrace, and that is alsmost at Nosehill Drive up John Laurie Blvd. That is quite a trip. :(

Aren't you WEST of the Deerfoot, Bob? Just tell him to come across on Country Hills Blvd to Nose Hill Drive, and he's practically there.

Piece of cake! :wink:

Bob I 03-07-2003 04:57 PM

Yes of course stupid me, I am West of Deerfoot. I have bumped that map Tony posted sometime ago back up. I don't think Quinn was at my place. :evil:

Quinn 03-07-2003 05:48 PM

no worries about distance bob, i expect i shall be there around 11am or possibly earlier.

i should warn you all that i am extremely ill. i hope no one minds the risk of getting a cold? if so let me know and i'll wear my gas mask.

AJ_77 03-09-2003 05:00 AM

Good movie??
Reviews are in - Coral Reef Adventure!

Decent film, but a waste of the IMAX camera - they could have filled that movie with much more glorious footage of healthy reefs.

Instead, as an eco-propaganda tool, it was more to the film makers' benefit to dwell on the predicted demise of the world's reef systems. I strongly suggest they could have done more to promote their cause by showcasing the beauty of the reefs that remain intact. Images like that would mesmerize people, before shocking them with the devastation footage. After a while, it just gets depressing.

My family thought it was a film about how all the coral reefs are dying.
At times the film was moving, but mostly so slanted to their bias and objectives that it was almost unbearable. You had to stop listening and watch for the good parts.

kgb 03-14-2003 08:49 AM

i take it you didnt like it huh :) :?

AJ_77 03-14-2003 05:24 PM

Didn't like it nearly as much as I wanted to.


Quinn 03-14-2003 05:58 PM

imax versus a real documentary is the local news versus the cbc, or access/shaw tv versus tlc. the development, care and quality just aren't there. cheesy plot, too short, not enough nice camera work and pretty shots, information is too spotty... reminds me of the essays i wrote in high school versus the papers i pump out here at college.

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