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Puff 03-23-2008 03:07 AM

Finally a Pom Pom Crab!!!
so yesterday i finally tracked down a pom pom crab! i called up the LRS and asked them, and low and behold they had one! even better was one of the guys i know works there, and put it aside for me before it went and hid again. ive been after one of these for a while, but had never seen them up here. but now i have one!!

it has taken over the little cave on the top piece of my rock. i couldnt find him this morning, but they are mostly nocturnal, so im not concerned yet.

in his new home under the pipe organ coral

fkshiu 03-23-2008 03:26 AM

Awesome. I love these oddball inverts.

Myka 03-23-2008 03:44 AM

Cool! He even still has one pom pom! Nice! Where did you get him from? I know Ocean Aquatics had them a couple weeks back.

KennyKen 03-23-2008 04:04 AM

Awesome, I want one bad. Ive never seen them in a Calgary LFS
( hint to any vendors who read this ) :biggrin:

Whats happens if they do loose their anemone's? Do they break out the shears and cut a new frag for themselves? lol

Pan 03-23-2008 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by KennyKen (Post 311865)
Awesome, I want one bad. Ive never seen them in a Calgary LFS
( hint to any vendors who read this ) :biggrin:

Whats happens if they do loose their anemone's? Do they break out the shears and cut a new frag for themselves? lol

I am sure i've seen them at golds off and on.

mildcustom2 03-23-2008 05:05 AM

Nice find, I found one as a hitch hiker on some of my live rock a few months back. Finally a hitch hiker that didn't eat or kill something in my tank.

Puff 03-23-2008 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by KennyKen (Post 311865)
Awesome, I want one bad. Ive never seen them in a Calgary LFS
( hint to any vendors who read this ) :biggrin:

Whats happens if they do loose their anemone's? Do they break out the shears and cut a new frag for themselves? lol

if they have one anenome then they grow that one out and split it. ive read that some people's pompom crabs will pick up a small zoa or ricordea to use as a replacement. pretty cool!

KennyKen 03-23-2008 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Puff (Post 311893)
if they have one anenome then they grow that one out and split it. ive read that some people's pompom crabs will pick up a small zoa or ricordea to use as a replacement. pretty cool!

Heck yea thats sweet.
#1 on my to get list.

Skimmerking 03-23-2008 10:49 AM

nice pom pom man, what is the retail valve on that one might have to get acouple of them for the new tank.....

fishyfolks 03-23-2008 05:53 PM

Yeah, he is a cute little guy.....dont be surprised if he goes MIA for a month at a time....we have a 135g and are lucky if we see ours every month! But, its always exciting when we do. Great new addition!

AndyL 03-23-2008 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by KennyKen (Post 311865)
Awesome, I want one bad. Ive never seen them in a Calgary LFS
( hint to any vendors who read this ) :biggrin:

Whats happens if they do loose their anemone's? Do they break out the shears and cut a new frag for themselves? lol

Actually, I think you'd find them at almost all of the calgary stores - they make regular appearances at all the ones I frequent... But do ask - because they do hide so you probably wont SEE them.

Mine lost it's anemone's during last years moves - still see it semi-regularly doing just fine without, i've heard stories of them picking up pest anemones though :)

tang daddy 03-23-2008 06:16 PM

Nice crab good to see you finally found it!

Megs 03-23-2008 06:51 PM

cool! i love those guys, i have one, still has both its pom poms :)

ElGuappo 03-23-2008 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by fishyfolks (Post 311958)
Yeah, he is a cute little guy.....dont be surprised if he goes MIA for a month at a time....we have a 135g and are lucky if we see ours every month! But, its always exciting when we do. Great new addition!

Mine goes missing for a monthe at a time in my 34 gallon. lost a pom pom at some point im hoping will grow back. mine produces eggs all the time aswell.

I thought it was dead for the longest time then one day im walking by at night and there she is. then didnt see again for another 3 weeks. she been around for 6 monthes now.

They are a wicked addition thou congrats.

ElGuappo 03-23-2008 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by asmodeus (Post 311895)
nice pom pom man, what is the retail valve on that one might have to get acouple of them for the new tank.....

Ive seen them for anywhere between 20 and 40 bucks.

Megs 03-23-2008 06:58 PM

his pom pom wont 'grow back' unfortunatly, they are actually small anenomies that the crab hangs on to, but the crab dosent treat them very well (dragges them around and never feeds them) so in the wild they switch them out for new ones occasionaly. he may have just dropped it or it may have died, and i dont think that you can buy new ones, although in a tank with no predators they will be fine without them.

digital-audiophile 03-23-2008 07:00 PM

I've had one for at least 2 years. I only see him maybe once every couple months though. I wouldn't keep one in more than a little nano in the future if you ever want to see them.

Puff 03-23-2008 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Megs (Post 311978)
his pom pom wont 'grow back' unfortunatly, they are actually small anenomies that the crab hangs on to, but the crab dosent treat them very well (dragges them around and never feeds them) so in the wild they switch them out for new ones occasionaly. he may have just dropped it or it may have died, and i dont think that you can buy new ones, although in a tank with no predators they will be fine without them.

they actually split the single anenome if they lose one of them. they are also known to pic up small rics and zoas as temporary replacements while they wait for their anenome to grow large enough to split.

they dont mistreat them. they drag them along the substrate to gather food. the anenome gets some, and the crab gets some. the type of anenome they carry doesnt require a lot of light, but the little crabs are mostly nocturnal, so the anenome sometimes gets plenty of light, and other times doesnt get enough, in which case it dies.


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 311977)
Ive seen them for anywhere between 20 and 40 bucks.

i paid $9.95 for mine at J&L Aquatics.

fishoholic 03-25-2008 06:45 PM

We have one in our 230g he has both his pom-poms and I catch a glance of him about every 2-3 weeks

NateL 03-25-2008 07:14 PM

Our "boxer" crab Chuck(named after Liddel) is a master at hiding. Its been two months since he was last spotted in our 72. Cool critters, next time into a smaller tank for sure.

Puff 03-25-2008 09:34 PM

i actually saw him the other night! upside down on the top rock in the aquascape. he saw me, the ran like hell for cover. i never realized how fast they were!

KennyKen 03-25-2008 10:12 PM

yaaaa i got one today too from Ocean.
Cute little gaffer

ElGuappo 03-26-2008 01:39 AM

Could the anemone survive on its own? this morning i saw a little anem thought it was aptasia but it really didnt look like it, Had to run out the door to work so i couldnt get a pic. the pompom lost its anem about 6 weeks ago.

justinl 03-26-2008 06:56 AM

No, the pom pom anemone is completely dependent on the crab and it will die without the crab. The crab can live fine without the nem though. You might consider getting another pom pom crab though. If one crab loses both anemones, the other sometimes donates one if it has two.

here's a good thread from on these guys.

Keri 03-28-2008 05:27 AM

BEAUTIFUL colours! I saw 2 today at the LFS and passed them up but now I'm really regretting it!!

ElGuappo 03-28-2008 05:40 AM

how hard is it to breed these i have 1, obviously a female as it gets and egg sac about every 2-3 monthes. if i were to add another what are the chances the eggs would get fertilized. not that it realy matters as my sally would eat the eggs before i saw them.

Puff 03-30-2008 09:10 AM

so i found him again two nights ago. he has a new...errr..."pom pom". seems to be a very small zoa polyp.lmfao

Puff 04-15-2008 05:17 AM

my pompom is finally coming out during the day! i rescaped a bit and i suppose it took to the new cave created! i also found out that "it" is a she! she now has a big batch of eggs...but even better her other pompom!! i cant believe how fast the anenome grew and split!

sorry for the bad pic. but she retreated into her cave when she saw the camera!

she is also quite hilarious. to celebrate her showing herself during the day i tried to get her some food to watch her eat. i loaded it into the pipette and lowered it towards her. she SCREAMED out of the cave and started beating the crap out of the pipette. i was howling with laughter. she is so feisty. i think i might name her after my gf (but dont tell my gf that!)

ScubaGirl 06-10-2010 11:15 PM

We have one and really enjoy it. Yes, it took about 2 weeks to see it again the first time but now we see it a bit more regularly. We saw it out during feeding a couple of mornings ago and it was very quick but kept coming back out again.

Ours has molted twice in 7 weeks and still has both anems. I paid only $20 for ours and consider it well worth it. We have a 70 gallon tank and tons of rocks and little caves for it to hide in.

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