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TANGOMAN 03-18-2008 09:27 PM

Help a Dog?
I just received an e-mail from my sister-in-law and it has compelled me to reach out for help.
This concerns a dog. A five year old Border Collie. An athletic pooch who needs surgery to deal with "Hip Dysplasia". His days in "Fly-Ball" are sadly over now but the chronic pain requires surgery to simply improve his qualty of life.
My sister-in-law requested bottles to assist her in raising money to help her little buddy get the surgery. She works two jobs and cares for her dog like a child. She just doesn't have enough money to get things done.

I hope this post doesn't get "nuked" because of its nature but I want to help out someone in desperate need.

Many of you know I operate a part-time business leasing and maintaining aquariums around the city. I propose to MATCH EVERY DOLLAR donated with earnings from my maintenance business. Just think, if 100 people honor a $1.00 donation, I'll present the vet. with $200.00. If 1000 people do this then I'm workin' for nothin' and the Humane Society will get a $700.00 donation on behalf of CanReef members. The cost of surgery is $1300.00. I'm putting $100.00 in the jar to help her out.

I know that this hobby utilizes all of our spare change, but I also know folks who keep Marine aquariums are responsible and passionate pet owners, so please, help me help a friend!
I am set up on PayPal.

Thanking you in advance,

ElGuappo 03-18-2008 09:31 PM

I should have about $100+ worth (Bottles cans ETC) you can have, if the roomie says its OK. you would have to pick up thou. I will ask when he gets home.

TANGOMAN 03-18-2008 09:33 PM

I'd gladly travel to pick-up bottles. (Even empty ones...LOL)


EmilyB 03-18-2008 09:34 PM

I have many beer cans...many....:redface: you may pick up. :biggrin:

michika 03-18-2008 09:50 PM

I also have a few cans, and I'm sure I can find a bit of cash to donate to a very good cause.

Pier Pressure 03-18-2008 09:57 PM

I betcha I could throw together a couple of big, orange garbage bags full of beer cans, as well. Let me know when you would like to pick up and I shall get them ready for you.

If I know the big-hearted people on this board, you may have to plan an entire day to pick up bottles!

StirCrazy 03-19-2008 12:41 AM

apparently I wasn't sensitive enough.. so I'll nuke it.


SeaShell 03-19-2008 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 310927)
as much as I like dogs and such, one has to wonder if the surgery is worth it or is it time to put the dog down and get a new one. I was faced with a operation on a cat I used to have and spent the money.. now I love cats and dogs and when I have them they are part of my family but the reality is they are a pet and I have decided I will never spend that kind of money for "Quality of life" issues again. in the end I don't fell it is worth it.


I'd probably think the same thing, Steve, if this was a 20 year old dog. But this dog should be in his prime and deserves a chance. Borders are SUCH nice dogs......

Telford 03-19-2008 04:02 AM

Ok, i'll be the jerk. It's irks me when people have pets when they can't afford them. As anyone that owns or has owned a dog knows, there is inevitably going to be expenses above and beyond the bowl of food you put down for him each day. They are a 'luxury' item and should only be kept if you can afford them and if you are prepared to put up some $$$ when (not if) it's required.

michika 03-19-2008 04:16 AM

This thread isn't to debate dog ownership, or your personal choices with your pet's life when faced with questions like quality of life. Its about asking for bottles so a woman, who clearly sounds like she is doing her best and then some, can do what she feels is best for her dog. I don't want to see this thread shut down, but I think this is crossing into politics, and I believe that is against the UA. Please don't make the mods close the thread.

Jason McK 03-19-2008 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Telford (Post 310988)
Ok, i'll be the jerk. It's irks me when people have pets when they can't afford them. As anyone that owns or has owned a dog knows, there is inevitably going to be expenses above and beyond the bowl of food you put down for him each day. They are a 'luxury' item and should only be kept if you can afford them and if you are prepared to put up some $$$ when (not if) it's required.

this thread isn't about if she can afford a pet or not. It's about a brother helping his sister not stretch herself too thin. He is not going to Kelowna to collect your empties. So I don't think your post has a place in this thread.

Start a new thread if you want to debate the 'pet as a luxury' thing

Aquattro 03-19-2008 04:46 AM

Yes, this thread is looking for donations of bottles, cans or cash if you can help out. If you wish to debate pet ownership, or other dog related debates, I can suggest a couple of good dog boards. Please stay on topic. Thanks

EmilyB 03-19-2008 06:55 AM

:lol:Or you can go help me fighting the "put a collar on the dog so it can't scratch it's open wounds anymore" on RDO...sheesh...

TANGOMAN 03-20-2008 11:39 PM

Hi all, I'm TENTATIVELY planning to do the "bottle drive" on the weekend of March 29th & 30th. If any offerings can be confirmed, that'd be fantastic! Thank you to all who have offered and a very special thank you S.L. (asked to remain anonymous), for your very generous contribution!


pandafishowner 03-20-2008 11:56 PM

I'd love to donate a few garbage bags of pop cans. I live in the southeast, and next weekend works fine for me. I can probably set aside 2-3 garbage bags full.

michika 03-21-2008 12:02 AM

You can have whatever bottles I have amassed by then. I am in the SW.

TANGOMAN 03-25-2008 08:51 PM

Bottle Drive
I'd like to set a DEFINATE date for gathering bottles. Saturday, March 29th. For those with bottles to donate, please PM your address.

Again, Thank you!

brizzo 03-25-2008 09:09 PM

Since I'm in Kelowna, I took back my empties earlier after reading this and sent you the total on paypal :P

Hope all goes well!

TANGOMAN 03-25-2008 10:16 PM

Did someone not say that I wasn't getting empties from Kelowna...?

(Thanks!!! :) )

Der_Iron_Chef 03-25-2008 10:17 PM

Shucks, I just took ALL my beer bottles to recycling :( (and that's saying a lot!)

G1GY 03-28-2008 04:20 AM

If your going to the Northeast...... My daughters have a bunch of bottles, cans, juice boxes for you.:smile:

TANGOMAN 03-29-2008 11:08 PM

Bottle Drive Success
I (we) mangaged to cover all 4 quadrants of the city today, gathering bottle donations from members here on Canreef. A special thanks to Deb & Barry! I had to stop at a bottle depot and make room for more...:mrgreen:. Deb, with the exception of one lonely juice box, the numerous bags all contained the same "brand name" beverage. Consistency is good with aquariums I always say...:redface:

I gathered just short of $200.00 worth of bottles and combined with numerous cash donations from a few sources, $889.00 was collected for a very worthwhile cause! My sister-in-law & her dog, "River" are coming over tonite for dinner and an unexpected gift, from a LOT of caring people. The dog had surgurey two days ago and he's doing well. :smile:

I cannot express my gratitude effectively but thank you to all who have helped!

Kindest regards,

TANGOMAN 03-30-2008 02:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 2631

michika 03-30-2008 02:50 AM


G1GY 03-30-2008 03:12 AM

Very cool.:smile:

SeaShell 03-30-2008 04:03 AM

You have no idea how good that makes me feel, Doug! You did such a wonderful thing, reaching out to the list.

Good thing winters pretty much over, eh?! That pooch is gunna have one cold butt for a while!

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