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niloc16 03-11-2008 05:17 AM

What is your biggest addiction with this hobby?
mine would have to be corals by far. i'm always looking for the next 'insane' piece to squeeze in somewhere. also i LOVE fragging

michika 03-11-2008 05:27 AM

Corals, fish and clams are my weaknesses!

Delphinus 03-11-2008 05:29 AM

Anemones, maybe a close second would be clams. And I fully blame Michika for the clams affliction BTW. :p

To a lesser degree equipment too. At least fantasizing about a lot of it. "Ooooh what a pretty reactor." These words just aren't spoken in other hobbies.

michika 03-11-2008 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 308823)
"Ooooh what a pretty reactor."

Those words a frequently spoken in our house!

Ah clams, so pretty, fun, and addicting! :lol:

fishdaddy3 03-11-2008 05:48 AM

new tank setup. I loves to setup a new tank...

Snappy 03-11-2008 05:56 AM

First corals and then getting out my photo-box & camera and taking some pix.

untamed 03-11-2008 06:01 AM

That was thought provoking...None of the above. What possesses me doesn't seem to be any of those things in particular. I think it is possibly just a wonder of the ocean's life and the interaction of that life in general.

I think my ultimate fantasy would be to have a great big window looking into a well lit part of the ocean where anything might show up if you looked long enough. You would probably see something that no one else has ever seen before, just because you took the time to look carefully.

RobynR 03-11-2008 06:19 AM

I totally agree Untamed; I spend hours looking at our tank. I think I see things that no one else has patience to see. Most people come over an look in and say "what is that green thing?" pointing at the weird calciferourous stick, when I point out that there is sooo much life and diversity in the tank they glaze over and head in the opposite direction. I love watching the tank, sometimes I get up in the middle of the night just to see what's going on in there - that must be an addiction of some kind! It blows my mind how much is living in there!

Chaloupa 03-11-2008 06:26 AM

Corals, then fish, then camera stuff....just can't control myself when it comes to corals!

skylord 03-11-2008 07:15 AM

I have to choose "none of the above" for the same reasons as untamed. Hey you think we could afford that window if we went halfers? :lol: To see life that no one else has ever seen before would be the ultimate thrill. It would be as good or better than getting in a space shuttle and heading for Mars.


Pan 03-11-2008 01:05 PM

I keep hoping i find a mermaid in my tank one day...but other than that my tank calms my soul.

mark 03-11-2008 01:08 PM

Sometimes I think it's Canreef.

Doug 03-11-2008 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by mark (Post 308874)
Sometimes I think it's Canreef.

:mrgreen: Agreed. Reading reefing boards on the net.

Myka 03-11-2008 02:15 PM

^ Hehehe. CanReef is the only board I frequent. There's a few others that I lurk at a bit, or ask some of the more complicated questions that I want a lot of feedback on, but that's about it. I find the message boards spur my addiction even more.

In that list, my biggest addiction would be corals. I'm finally starting to get a decent little collection going. Maybe one day it will even be respectable!!!

Upgrading equipment (errr...fantasizing) is borderline obsession. Particularly lighting components.

BUT, I think my biggest addiction is information. I like to "research"...A LOT. There was a time when I didn't have a SW tank for about 4 years, and I spent that entire time haunting Reef Central. Hehehe...

Der_Iron_Chef 03-11-2008 02:29 PM

I chose "corals", but I would say I'm absolutely addicted to having to know EVERYTHING about the hobby. I find it particularly satisfying when I visit a LFS and actually know what everything is (and the husbandry to go along with). Researching equipment, frequenting the "Reef Chemistry" forum on RC, etc. It's all part of this research obsession that began during my undergraduate studies....:)

Patrick1 03-11-2008 03:30 PM

I like it all. I built almost everything. Then when I got my Profilux I way back when they came out and I was amazed. Then fish and coral shopping is such an addiction. When people walk into my condo and see my tank they shoot over and are in awe. I really don't think of my tank as very impressive. I am not an sps person. I keep some nice lps and nothing to exotic as far as fish go. I had some one call it living artwork one day.

bassman 03-11-2008 03:38 PM

You forgot to put DIY projects on the poll. Sometimes I wonder if that isn't the real reason I like my system so much. LOL It must be, there never seems to be an end to the projects.

Delphinus 03-11-2008 04:19 PM

Geeeez, I want to change my answer to the same thing that everybody else is saying. Even when it's not the same thing. Everyone's answers here is bang on correct.

So really .. it's the whole dang shabang that's the addiction. The diversity. The new life. The new discoveries. The sense of awe. The equipment. The living things. The information. The hunt for new information. The hunt for Red October ... oh no, wait, not that. The little tinge of feeling good when you've done something to spread the joy. Learning enough about something that you can teach someone else about it.

All of the above. And more. :mrgreen:

Geofrog 03-11-2008 04:29 PM

I would have to agree with Untamed. It's all the life that goes on in our little peices of the ocean.

ElGuappo 03-11-2008 04:32 PM

for me its spectating and the thought of a new tank (mostly the setup). i find if im up late 2-4 this is when all the action is. i love watching all the inverts come out and do their thing. the tank IMO is far more interesting to watch at night. even with my fish sleeping out of sight.

Chowder 03-11-2008 04:45 PM

I like corals the most always trying to find unique pieces but I also like fish.

digital-audiophile 03-11-2008 05:05 PM

For me it's just getting the tank to look nice. I've only been doing this for three and a half years but have struggled with algae problems, fish deaths, coral deaths, and a tank crash to name a few but I keep trying and I learn from every mistake.

You know I finally sat back and looked in the tank just last night and said.. wow I'm actually happy with how this looks right now. That's the first time I have said that.

I've always been afraid to post pictures or have people see my tank because I have never been happy with it myself, but now I am... Now for the sales pitch... the reason why I am happy.. Zeovit. It is a gift from the gods, a miracle drug if you will.

Now I just need to change my addiction from getting the tank looking good to filling it with coral.

One more point I guess is that I like buying things, being in this hobby gives you the chance to go out every week and buy something new, I don't think anyone would ever say that their tank is full and just stop.. reefers always seem to be changing things up :)

Delphinus 03-11-2008 05:08 PM

Now you gotta show us a picture of the tank Greg :p

digital-audiophile 03-11-2008 05:18 PM

I just need to figure how out to take decent photographs now :p

ElGuappo 03-11-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by digital-audiophile (Post 308929)
For me it's just getting the tank to look nice. I've only been doing this for three and a half years but have struggled with algae problems, fish deaths, coral deaths, and a tank crash to name a few but I keep trying and I learn from every mistake.

You know I finally sat back and looked in the tank just last night and said.. wow I'm actually happy with how this looks right now. That's the first time I have said that.

I've always been afraid to post pictures or have people see my tank because I have never been happy with it myself, but now I am... Now for the sales pitch... the reason why I am happy.. Zeovit. It is a gift from the gods, a miracle drug if you will.

Now I just need to change my addiction from getting the tank looking good to filling it with coral.

One more point I guess is that I like buying things, being in this hobby gives you the chance to go out every week and buy something new, I don't think anyone would ever say that their tank is full and just stop.. reefers always seem to be changing things up :)

I agree almost entirely except i like people to look at my tank i like all feedback good and bad. Finally got it to where i like it myself. got about 6 decent corals in there now. not much but enough to make it look better than barren.

asi am sure everyone know i am a newbie at SW. I hate tring to find stuff online as i never find the info iam looking for. Thanks for your patience, comments and suggestions.

Patrick1 03-11-2008 06:08 PM

Zeovit is my new best friend. I was scrubbing out horrible green hair for 3 weeks before I fired up my zeovit system. Now the live rock is all purple and red.

michika 03-11-2008 06:39 PM

I have to add I also have an addition to researching how I can go bigger and better, often with DIY. I have probably 10-15 different ideas for putting a big system into my new house, I can't just pick one, its crazy!

niloc16 03-11-2008 06:53 PM

i completely agree with you guys and now i realized i missed a whole lot of options for this poll. darn it. but i'm hooked on the research part as well. i cant believe how sometimes you get on the computer and 4 or 5 hours later you realized how much time you have spent.

ElGuappo 03-11-2008 06:56 PM

why dont you start the poll over its only what 2 days old?

christyf5 03-11-2008 07:15 PM

Colin you can always add options to the poll if you like, just go in and edit your original post. Either that or let me know what options you'd like to add if you're interested :biggrin:

For me, its definitely the corals (SPS). I love getting brown frags that have neat corallites or interesting growth and then seeing what color it is in my tank. As there aren't many reefers nearby that I can geek out with, I love taking pics of my tank to show off on here. Lately I haven't had much to show off but as soon as I get the hang of my new camera you guys won't be able to get rid of me :razz:

niloc16 03-11-2008 08:31 PM

thanks christy. i just sent u a pm with some more options to add. i tried to edit my first post but it didnt allow me to add more options. sorry guys there should have been more options. christy will hook us up and then it should be better.

i could sit in front of my tank for hours on end and just stare. the wife doesnt understand why i have to be so close when watching it but i love to find new things growing or watching the livestock up close

Haloreef 03-11-2008 08:43 PM

Colin, are you my long lost twin? If I got ant closer to the glass I would get wet. I seem to be addicted to staring into my tank after the lights go out. I must look like a super geek with my red head lamp on and my face plastered to the glass.

Der_Iron_Chef 03-11-2008 09:07 PM

Haha. Nice.

Raise your hand if you've actually accidentally smashed your nose or forehead into the glass because you keep moving closer and closer?

*raises hand*

michika 03-11-2008 09:16 PM

*raises hand*

ElGuappo 03-11-2008 09:50 PM

I dont have enough hands to raise for the number of times i've done it.:lol::lol::lol:

untamed 03-11-2008 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by skylord (Post 308861)
I have to choose "none of the above" for the same reasons as untamed. Hey you think we could afford that window if we went halfers? :lol: To see life that no one else has ever seen before would be the ultimate thrill. It would be as good or better than getting in a space shuttle and heading for Mars.

Scott thing that I intend to do is to buy my way onto one of those deep sea submersibles someday. That's right there with going to space, and has to be a bit safer!

niloc16 03-11-2008 10:56 PM

:lol: i always smack my forehead on the glass. its funny when you look down the length of the front glass and see the grease marks from my forehead and the kids foreheads and hands.

keith i still gotta find a flashlight with a red light to check it out. i have a blue led one but it startles the fish

ElGuappo 03-11-2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by niloc16 (Post 309079)
:lol: i always smack my forehead on the glass. its funny when you look down the length of the front glass and see the grease marks from my forehead and the kids foreheads and hands.

keith i still gotta find a flashlight with a red light to check it out. i have a blue led one but it startles the fish

Has Anyone tried those marina brand LED lights? i think there made for 2 gallon tanks but i have a red one and a Blue one in my 25G FW at night iand it looks AWSOME. i will add some pics.


danny zubot 03-11-2008 11:20 PM

I voted for all 4 because I'm guilty of splurging excessively on any or all at least once in the past.

StirCrazy 03-12-2008 12:31 AM

I had to pick reaserch/science and equipment. I am always looking at ways to build somthing cheaper and better.


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