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Veng68 03-06-2008 03:20 PM

Beware if you have more then 2 tax returns in your household and you use Quick Tax
I usually do the taxes for my family (5 people) and all I ask for is that someone buy the tax program.

Usually we use Quick Tax but this year the software only allows 2 full returns (also 18 returns under $25K, which does not help me).

The 2006 version allowed 5 full returns and it's says so clearly on the box but the 2007 version has only 1 line at the bottom of the back of the box.

If you need more returns then you have to pay $15 each for additional returns.

Looks like I'll be switching to Cantax, Taxwiz or U-file.


wetcoast 03-06-2008 03:42 PM

Try this FREE software that works just as good as all the others.

Chin_Lee 03-06-2008 03:43 PM

U-file i believe has 5 returns for $20. Cheaper and more. No more Quicktax for me!

Veng68 03-06-2008 03:51 PM

there us also this free software

Vic [veng68]

robzilla 03-06-2008 07:16 PM

how many people trust the free software with such delicate info? i know i won't.

we are using ufile plus that allows 18 returns.

Railskinner 03-06-2008 08:53 PM

u file
where did you find u-file for $20.00?
i go online an it's $29.00

do you have alink maybe?


JOEL 03-07-2008 12:47 AM

I just called quicktax today and complained about having to pay
the same price for less returns. last year it was 5 returns and unlimited
under 25000. The way I look at it quicktax has gone up more than
50% I will not be using this tax program next year.

mark 03-07-2008 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Railskinner (Post 307740)
where did you find u-file for $20.00?
i go online an it's $29.00

do you have alink maybe?


got my u-file Basic last weekend from Futureshop for the $19.99, believe only does 4, the Ultimate package or whatever it was called was $29.99 and think that version does 8 returns

mark 03-07-2008 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by mark (Post 307793)
got my u-file Basic last weekend from Futureshop for the $19.99, believe only does 4, the Ultimate package or whatever it was called was $29.99 and think that version does 8 returns

looked on their site, it's 8 and 16 returns

Chin_Lee 03-07-2008 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by JOEL (Post 307790)
I just called quicktax today and complained about having to pay
the same price for less returns. last year it was 5 returns and unlimited
under 25000. The way I look at it quicktax has gone up more than
50% I will not be using this tax program next year.

What was their response to your phone call?

StirCrazy 03-07-2008 02:20 AM

I looked at quick tax and I will be getting it. 15 bucks is still way cheaper than getting it done by some one else. also I have tried a few others at the same time and they missed things quick tax picked up.

I kinda chuckel that people go out and spend thouands on a fish tank and complain about 15 bucks :wink:


JOEL 03-07-2008 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Chin_Lee (Post 307804)
What was their response to your phone call?

Not to much she said she will pass the info on. I also told theme that I will not be buy quicktax next year. It's like buying a box of chips the price keeps going up and you get less chips.Funny how that works. maybe at the end of the day they will see how much business they loss.

Veng68 03-07-2008 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 307813)
I looked at quick tax and I will be getting it. 15 bucks is still way cheaper than getting it done by some one else. also I have tried a few others at the same time and they missed things quick tax picked up.

I kinda chuckel that people go out and spend thouands on a fish tank and complain about 15 bucks :wink:


Well ..... they have been allowing more then 2 full returns (over $25K) for years and now they just cut back with little notice but charge the same amount of money.

The consumer is not going to accept this. I know many people who have noticed this and have complained to Intuit already.

I know many of those people will not be going back to Quicktax.

Vic [veng68]

mark 03-07-2008 03:08 AM

From the CRA website:
Certified software for the 2008 NETFILE Program (2007 tax return)
"Certified" tax preparation software or "certified" tax preparation Web application means that the developer of the tax package has gone through a process with the CRA to establish that their product is compatible with the CRA systems. This does not mean that we endorse or recommend any product over another, nor does the CRA look at spelling or grammatical errors within the tax preparation software packages or Web applications.

It then goes on the list the Certified packages, Quicktax and ufile included.

What I take from it is it works (though might have some spelling mistakes). If it does the same as Qucktax and puts and additional 15 bucks in my pocket...

Chin_Lee 03-07-2008 03:31 AM

different story

Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 307813)
I looked at quick tax and I will be getting it. 15 bucks is still way cheaper than getting it done by some one else. also I have tried a few others at the same time and they missed things quick tax picked up.

I kinda chuckel that people go out and spend thouands on a fish tank and complain about 15 bucks :wink:


Not sure how many people are in your household but if you are a couple, then quicktax for 2 returns will work just fine. Different story if you have 4 tax returns that needs to be filed and then realized that Quicktax only give you two returns when in the past they allowed for 4 returns.

Veng68 03-07-2008 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chin_Lee (Post 307838)
Not sure how many people are in your household but if you are a couple, then quicktax for 2 returns will work just fine. Different story if you have 4 tax returns that needs to be filed and then realized that Quicktax only give you two returns when in the past they allowed for 4 returns.

Yup...... that is what happened to me. U-file it is next year.

Vic [veng68]

EmilyB 03-07-2008 06:08 AM

Spelling mistakes....sheesh...:lol: Like I'd support that...:razz:

wetcoast 03-07-2008 06:36 AM

I spend my living helping people realize that free (as in beer) is not entirely bad. Not everyone's out to get you out of money - the best way I can put it is "nerds who care". I think it's just a refreshing shift of morals. Sure there are the zealots who think that all should be free, and software should overthrow the existing market players - but in reality, people demand choice, people get the choice out of it. Use it or don't?

Railskinner 03-07-2008 02:05 PM

for those that used TaxWiz last year or the year before this is now Quick Tax
It seems that Quick Tax has taken over Tax wiz.I guess it will be U-File for me. 8 returns vs 2 ...hmmmm let me see.


robzilla 03-07-2008 03:16 PM

i got a response from quick tax about the smaller limits and their guy went on to say only 20% of all people who bought quicktax last year used more than the couple of returns. so they changed the limit to appeal to the 80% of the people out their. by the response on this board, seems like there is more than 20% who used more than the couple of returns and like to keep some extra cash in their pocket.

Shipwreck 03-07-2008 03:45 PM

I picked up the quick tax box and on the way to the counter saw U-file. For half the price I bought the U-file and it worked just fine. I only do 2 returns but if two options perform the same function why pay double for one?

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