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No water changes
Has anybody ran a reef tank without doing water changes. I've ran into several people who claim that they do not do water changes they just top up evaporation. None of these folks had skimmers either. I bought a running aquarium with live rock from a lady who didn't know that I had experience with marine setups and before we sealed the deal she told me that it was important to not clean the sand or change any water. The rock was covered with nuisance algae. I did a 50 percent water change and washed the sand in the old tank water to get rid of all the dirt and stuff(the water was damn near cocoa) and 2 weeks later the algae was gone and then a month later every bit of exposed branch rock was covered with thick and bright purple coraline. the tank was about 5 years old. I just wanted to know what people on the board thought of "no water changes". I love water changes, everything looks new again.
I very very rairly do a water change on my reef. i just add the water to compensate for the evap, and thats about it. as for the sand bed, i do get my paws in there atleast once every week or 2 and mix it up a bit. not like a hurricane, just enough to release the nitrate gas pockets. then my skimmer goes into overkill mode for a few days, and then its clean again.
on the odd, occasion, i may do a water change, like when im starting another tank,i will take about 20% of my water and use it for the new system. and then just top off the reef tank with fresh saltwater. i have no algae problems, and never have had actually. knock on wood. |
wow this s very interesting i have herd of no water changes but had yet to hear any feed back.
Looking forward to hearing more. |
My old system I went over a year with out a water change ... new one has been up and running sense Sept and only did the first one a couple weeks back .. depends on the BIO load ... how many fish how often and how much you feed, water volume, and filtration .. mechanical .. or natural... and what you have for a clean up crew, if you have Macro Algae ...many different factors ...
I varried from 1 per month to 1 per year.. no real differance as loong as you adding the depleted minerals with a Ca reactor or by dosing.
Steve |
WOW, if this is real, but then why does all fish shop staffs recommend people to do water change? Or do you need a huge skimmer / refugium so one can get away from water change? :sad:
How thats achieved is variable. Water changes, good skimmers, large algae refugiums or algae turf scrubbers, carbon, ozone and the replacement parts handled by again water changes, reactors or the addition of 2-part supplements. Most of the experienced aquarists use a combination of water changes & filtration to achieve beautiful tanks such as those displayed in our feature,s. |
I very rarely do water changes(Last one over 6 months ago).
Both of my systems have skimmers, I add minerals and my livestock is doing great. |
you do frequent water changes you buy more salt. remember water changes are a tool and you still need them, but with the right equipment you can extend the time between them. Steve |
One very experienced reefer put it into prospective for me once.
He said changing your water is like opening a window in your house after a long winter, you don't have to but the fresh air sure is nice. |
Wonder what in-land public aquariums do? Realize we're talking larger volumes and that dilution/solution/pollution thing, but the costs and efforts for a 10% bi-weekly change on a 10,000g system...
Replacing the vitamins and minerals is a very important thing. As well as nutrient removal. A calcium reactor will replace the minerals and many vitamins. I use SeaChem Reef Plus to replace amino acids and vitamins, you can also use Reefresh or Polyp Lab or ZeoVit. But if you aren't doing waterchanges regularly you need to be adding something. You will also need a good nutrient export. A very good skimmer like a Bubblemaster, EuroReef, Deltec etc will hugely lengthen the time between needed waterchanges. Incorporating a refugium will also help. Bioload has a HUGE impact on the length of time between waterchanges. Lots of fish? Less time between. Attempting no/low waterchanges on a low-tech tank without supplementing for minerals and vitamins is not going to work very well for you. My tank is low-tech and I do 15% waterchanges every 3-4 weeks. The corals tell me when it's time. |
Thank you all
:biggrin: Thanks everyone for all your advise. I am glad to know I can come to this site and get lots opinion and advise. This is great. Thanks again:smile:
I think that feeding your fish is a significant form of supplementation.
ive had a 90 gal up and running for 8 weeks now not even 1 water change ive loaded up the system too ive got a tang, clown, 5 damsels, huge neon wrasse, mushroom corals, and a bubbletip anemone i use marine snow, purple up, and 2 skimmers one is a woodlimestone skimmer the other is made by instant ocean i think im doing great for a noobie:biggrin: and to think i was starting to worry about doing a water change even though my nitrates are under 20 ppm i guess that being said no water changes for atleast another month:n00b:
i've done about 2 water changes since September, mind you I only have 2 fish.
no my equipment isnt top of the line but i have 2 skimmers each rated for aquariums up tp 100 gallons so that being said i should be good for 200 gallons:mrgreen:
Just because a skimmer is rated for X gallons sometimes doesn't mean it's any good for even half the gallons. PLUS, cheap skimmers are crap on ANY size tank. Don't fool yourself...you'll be more successful.
Anything around 20 ppm is way too high. That means you need to do a water change. Your anenome will thank you. Try to keep them at least below 5 ppm or better yet undetectable.
also don't be scared of large waterchanges.. I used to do 20% changes and if I decided I needed a big one I would do 80% and I have even done a couple 100% changes when I moved tanks ect.. as long as your salinity, PH, Ca, Alk and temp are very close you should be fine. Steve |
Who here has an SPS tank?
well I did go out and buy a couple of jars nitrate of sponges today i put them in nylon bags and into the sump BTW i was only kidding about the water change thing, i did do one earlier this week 20% or so. but my nitrates still stayed at
20 ppm I also know that zero nitrates is an impossible level to obtain any living tank will have some nitrates a person knows they are doing exceptionally well when nitrate levels are around 5 ppm in a few weeks with the aid of this sponge material, i should expect to see my nitrates drop considerably any suggestions on how to drop them sooner would be greatly appreciated. i do know my biological filters are working because i haven't seen any detectable ammonia yet all i can see is the nitrates that they are producing and yes i really am a newbie |
That being said water changes worked for me when i was new to the hobby, I have also seen water changes kill a tank in 20 minutes (yes everything was done the same, most likely bad salt....another key to many problems, test you new water before and after you mix the salt. Unless you trust your RO/DI unit religiously....I also use tap water...i also test it for many things most people do not. |
I try to do 20% water changes every week. Sometimes it gets forgotten for a week but never more then two. Of course I have a very high bio load and I feed my fish lots, so for me if I didn't do water changes often I'd be in big trouble.
me.. why? |
Steve |
Steve |
I'm running zeo now so I am commited to weekly water changes, although small ones.
I run an SPS tank, I've been reasonably successful over the years. I schedule a 20g water change every two weeks. This means every 10 weeks I need to spend $50 on salt. That is a requisite cost of the hobby. My corals grow at stupidly fast rates, my longest lived fish was 9 years old, and everything does well in my tank. I don't supplement magnesium, I don't use zeovit, I add nothing that doesn't come from my Ca reactor or the water change.
As it's pointed out, the water change is at the very least some "fresh air" for the inhabitants. I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would not want to do water changes. Is the 30 minutes twice a month too much time invested? $200/year in salt too much money? Or we think that fish prefer to swim in their own waste over fresh water? I don't get it. Kinda like not washing your underwear between wearings, IMO :) |
Well said there Brad :biggrin:
IMO water changes are a must too, I had a fully stocked reef tank for over ten years and not that I am boasting or anything but the reef was very successful. I owe most of that success to two things one being water changes and two education. The hobby of reef keeping IS rocket science, and not a plug and play venture. Spending hundreds of hours reading various books and articles and talking with fellow hobbyist on boards and in person was a major reason I believe my tank did so well. The water changes were the second ingredient to my success, I think in just under 11 years I could count on one hand how many month water changes I had missed. I never had to add supplements because of this until the last two years until I made the switch to sps corals, this is when I had to dose calcium as the amount of corals I had effected the balance of the system even with my regular water changes, I could not retain the calcium levels within the system. During the last year while the tank was running, my interest and focuses changed which led to less water changes and simply less attention with the tank, this started to cause problems such as algae troubles and fish and coral deaths. Now after a year off I have set up a small fowlr tank which is doing really well, which I can say water changes and knowledge are the two main factors for things doing so well. Finally, if a natural reef gets flushed with thousands of gallons of water every second of the day and night, I believe we owe it to the animals that we keep in our systems to provide them with a clean and stable environment as best as we can :biggrin: |
I don't supplement magnesium either, but I do test for it. IO keeps my magnesium at 1350-1360 ppm. Quote:
anyways I don't think anyone is saying they are not necessary, just that they may not be necessary as often as some people think. I know you try for two week intervals but how often do you actually make that schedule. I try for 1 month intervals and I make it about 30 to 50% of the time. On my fresh water tanks I do an 80% change once a month but now that I have some new babies in there I will have to skip it this month till they are a little bigger. are they necessary, yes, but depending on the equipment you have they may only be necessary every second month. as for money, not an issue, heck people spend more than that on corals in a week. as for trace elements.... does synthetic salt contain all the trace elements we need? I don't know. and no it is not rocket science. water maintenance is simply a matter of knowing how to do a test and reading instructions to come to the results. you do not have to pick formulas to work out ionic equations, you don't need a degree. does taking a chem class in school help, ya, but remembering that class is even better:mrgreen: it is all simplified so there is not much thinking on our parts, do we read a tone of books.. yes but this is for our personal knowledge and for tips and tricks, most books are nothing more than some ones method that worked for them and for every book that shows one way there are others that say a different way, so by reading these books we are doing nothing more than deciding which way fits our needs. Steve |
Here's the simple question then...other than temperature, salinity, de-chlorination and taking out ammonia. Are there any other tricks, tips, neccessities when doing a water change?
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