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michika 02-28-2008 07:58 PM

I heart Canreef
So a few weeks ago I was banned from another reef board for bad grammar, I used colour instead of color...anyways apparently this ban was temporary and my posting "priviledges" were soon returned to me. Today I was banned again...for taking my own thread off topic....

This recent experience has made me more and more thankful for Canreef and its relaxed environment. Thanks everyone who participates in making this forum what it is.

BC564 02-28-2008 08:02 PM

ok...i guessing it is an american site......I always chuckle when you install software and its asks if your using american english.....What the heck is that?
Or your typing something in word and it pulls a spell check on

Der_Iron_Chef 02-28-2008 08:03 PM

Hah! Ridiculous! Or....wait. Should I say "ridiculos"? I wouldn't want to add any superfluous (superfluos?) U's!

I also heart Canreef :D

Aquattro 02-28-2008 08:03 PM

You mean I could ban people for bad grammer?? Cool....:)

Thanks for the note!

Aquattro 02-28-2008 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 305669)
Hah! Ridiculous! Or....wait. Should I say "ridiculos"? I wouldn't want to add any superfluous (superfluos?) U's!

I also heart Canreef :D

Drew, sorry, I have to ban you now. Spelling errors are not permitted.

michika 02-28-2008 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 305670)
You mean I could ban people for bad grammer?? Cool....:)

Thanks for the note!

if Bob_I was still around I'm sure you would be his favorite person! :lol:

Der_Iron_Chef 02-28-2008 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 305673)
Drew, sorry, I have to ban you now. Spelling errors are not permitted.

That's too bad. I was just about to make a SIZABLE donation to Canreef! I guess I can't now....

Aquattro 02-28-2008 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 305675)
if Bob_I was still around I'm sure you would be his favorite person! :lol:

I learnded from bob

BC564 02-28-2008 08:09 PM

Except this is CANREEF....not USAREEF....his spelling is correct.....

Aquattro 02-28-2008 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 305679)
That's too bad. I was just about to make a SIZABLE donation to Canreef! I guess I can't now....

We don't want your money, just your love. and respect. and undying obedience. Well, and money.

Der_Iron_Chef 02-28-2008 08:10 PM

Well, then. I've always had lots of love and respect to give, but have always been short on undying obedience. And, who am I :D

Aquattro 02-28-2008 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 305687)
Well, then. I've always had lots of love and respect to give, but have always been short on undying obedience. And, who am I :D

Ok, we'll settle for love :)

Der_Iron_Chef 02-28-2008 08:14 PM


Seriak 02-28-2008 08:19 PM

What happened to Bob?

Aquattro 02-28-2008 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak (Post 305696)
What happened to Bob?

bob didn't have time to continue in the hobby and sold everything.

TRIX 02-28-2008 08:27 PM

Will I be ban if I say Zee instead of Zed while reading post.

Seriak 02-28-2008 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 305699)
bob didn't have time to continue in the hobby and sold everything.

Whoa! I still have his toadstool from 3 years ago. Good guy and yes he was obsessed with grammar ans spelling.

digital-audiophile 02-28-2008 08:32 PM

You were banned for using the Queen's English? What a joke.

Aquattro 02-28-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by TRIX (Post 305701)
Will I be ban if I say Zee instead of Zed while reading post.

Incorrect tense, should read "banned", not ban. you're out! lol

Seriak 02-28-2008 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 305704)
Incorrect tense, should read "banned", not ban. you're out! lol

This is a fragment.

You should have said You used the incorrect tense. You should have used banned and not ban.

You are out!

Aquattro 02-28-2008 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak (Post 305710)
This is a fragment.

You should have said You used the incorrect tense. You should have used banned and not ban.

You are out!

Fragments permitted. New rule.

Brent F 02-28-2008 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 305675)
if Bob_I was still around I'm sure you would be his favorite person! :lol:

This is Canreef - that sould be favourite:biggrin:

Aquattro 02-28-2008 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Brent F (Post 305714)
that sould be favourite

tsk, tsk....

Brent F 02-28-2008 09:07 PM

Brad - what's your avatar. I can tell it's carbon but cant tell the model (I have a QR, Litespeed, Softride, Kestral, Garry Fisher and a Trek)

Delphinus 02-28-2008 09:09 PM

O noes. Anudder chek spelnig thred?

I can at leest say that the correct answer 2 how many bikes are enuf is "1 mores."

pandafishowner 02-28-2008 09:10 PM

You mean spelling it colour is wrong? :lol: Crap, I finished high school only a few years ago and I never gave a rats butt about the difference of using or not using the U's in some words. :redface:

Aquattro 02-28-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Brent F (Post 305720)
Brad - what's your avatar. I can tell it's carbon but cant tell the model (I have a QR, Litespeed, Softride, Kestral, Garry Fisher and a Trek)

Brent, its a 2009 Madone 5200

Chowder 02-28-2008 09:18 PM


Aquattro 02-28-2008 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 305722)
O noes. Anudder chek spelnig thred?

I can at leest say that the correct answer 2 how many bikes are enuf is "1 mores."

Sorry Tony, you gotta go too. I only have 4 bikes...not enough you figure?? :)

Aquattro 02-28-2008 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by pandafishowner (Post 305723)
rats butt . :redface:

butt belonging to rat = rat's butt. Next....

Der_Iron_Chef 02-28-2008 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 305729)
Brent, its a 2009 Madone 5200

It's. You're out.

Aquattro 02-28-2008 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 305736)
It's. You're out.

doh!! caught in me own web ....bubye

Moogled 02-28-2008 09:32 PM

Americans love their simplistic spelling and NASCAR.


Snappy 02-28-2008 09:48 PM

I also frequent some other sites and have never heard of such a thing and I also spell it colour. The only time I was threatened with being banned from another site was when I didn't want to give my whole life history in my profile and then repeat all aquarium details twice over in my signature.:rolleyes:
I do however have a tough time with posts that are very hard to read due to their poor spelling and/or grammer. I sometimes spell things wrong too but some posts are just so bad I don't know what they're talking about. What ever happened to proof reading?
It also seems that some think that just because some particular words sound the same it doesn't matter how you spell it. I'm here to tell you, it does matter!
Here is a very small example:
to, too, two. there, their, they're. by, bye, buy.

I could go on but I know it's no use.:lol: I will stop my little rant now.

Bottom line......I heart canreef too. There is nothing else in Canada that even comes close!!

pandafishowner 02-28-2008 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 305733)
butt belonging to rat = rat's butt. Next....

Aye massah, I dunt geev eh ratts bum. :lol:

Der_Iron_Chef 02-28-2008 09:54 PM

Add a degree in English and an anal-retentive nature to a perfectly good sensibility regarding spelling and grammar, and you have me. :)

I see errors everywhere I look. Even the difference between the use of "wrong" and the use of "wrongly". Did you know that American grammarians generally place end stop punctuation inside quotation marks, when it comes at the end of a quotation? Canadians do and don't, depending on the situation!

Ahhh, the confusion.

Has anyone read "Eats, Shoots & Leaves"? Brilliant. A brief explanation of the book:

A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and proceeds to fire it at the other patrons.

“Why?” asks the confused, surviving waiter amidst the carnage, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.

“Well, I’m a panda,” he says at the door. “Look it up.”

The waiter turns to the relevant entry in the manual and, sure enough, finds an explanation. “Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.”

christyf5 02-28-2008 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 305746)
I also frequent some other sites and have never heard of such a thing and I also spell it colour. The only time I was threatened with being banned from another site was when I didn't want to give my whole life history in my profile and then repeat all aquarium details twice over in my signature.:rolleyes:

Bwahaha, Tony and I know what you're talking about there.

Hehe I think if we started banning people for incorrect grammar and spelling the board would implode :razz:

I heart canreef too, sometimes I think a bit too much :rolleyes: :razz:

Doug 02-28-2008 10:56 PM

Uh people, she never said it was any certain site in some certain country.

I,m on many American reefing boards and on the staff of a couple. Most of them are very good aquarium boards and pretty similar to Canreef. Although I now consider Canreef my home, it was several other US boards that we all started on many years ago, when thats all there was.

They were a good source of info then and still are now. I have been on some for almost 10yrs. now. Likely would be more if I had joined the computer generation earlier and that would have made my reefing experience at that time easier.

I find most have their little difference,s and/or rules but thats fine by me.

michika 02-29-2008 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 305765)
Bwahaha, Tony and I know what you're talking about there.

Yup...that would be it...

Just to clarify for everyone else, said board in question was not RC.

fishoholic 02-29-2008 05:01 AM

I have to say I love canreef too! I think the reason I find I'm on it more often then not, is because of all great hilarious posts people on here make. Just reading this thread has made me laugh quite a few times. Although I will say that being "banned" for spelling and grammar would be bad! I can't spell worth beans half of the time and if it wasn't for spell check bailing me out, I would be in bad shape.

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