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EmilyB 02-26-2008 05:22 AM

Cat thread

Can someone please go adopt the cat with the frozen off always lays with it's back to the glass. I don't blame it, it needs a cat home. :cry:

Although, it begs the question, what about the horrible number of cats in our own humane society shelter?

Some of you think I hate cats, I don't. I had many cats in my lifetime, and since I am allergic to them it was a struggle. That included rescue of wild kittens and litter training them. Three weeks was usually the max I could have them in the house before the asthma kicked in.

Der_Iron_Chef 02-26-2008 05:27 AM

What cat are you referring to? It sounds so sad :(

I have 2 cats in my apartment, and I think that's more than enough! But I agree, this poor cat should be given a loving home.

EmilyB 02-26-2008 05:30 AM

It's at a petstore.

EmilyB 02-26-2008 06:06 AM

It is also gorgeous. Looks like maybe Siamese mix colors, but not sure.

EmilyB 02-26-2008 06:08 AM

Or maybe you can find out if you can adopt this cat from the rescuers.

Maybe they need a website more than bringing their animals to a petstore??? I'd donate to that..

kari 02-26-2008 12:30 PM

Birds are better then cats.

Der_Iron_Chef 02-26-2008 01:34 PM

Cats are better :)

digital-audiophile 02-26-2008 01:45 PM

The problem is that people want kittens :(

We have 4 cats right now and need to find homes for them becuase of our baby daughter. We have tried ads all over the place and not a single bite... well one but a long story. We found a home for one of our cats with a co-worker of my sisters. We brought her over almost half a year ago.. well last month we got a call from the SPCA asking if we were missing a cat.. my wife ws like ???? well it turns out this girl decided she didn't want the cat so she took it to a vet and said she found it as a stray near her building :( Anyhow.. we picked the cat up and brought her back to our house. Right now the cats are living in the basement.. unfair I know but other than putting them down we are keeping them until someone steps forward with a home for them.

Der_Iron_Chef 02-26-2008 02:07 PM

:( Greg, have you guys looked into training techniques for managing what appears to be aggressive behavior toward your daughter? What exactly are the cats doing?

BC564 02-26-2008 02:24 PM

What breed of cats are they?

digital-audiophile 02-26-2008 02:39 PM

The problem is a power struggle I think.

We did have five cats but we did have to take one to the spca at x-mas becuase he bit our daughter.

Of the other 4 -

Tisa - A really good cat, we really want to keep him. He is your perfect cat that is seen and not heard, keeps his distance from the baby for curls up in bed with us at night

Sebastian - Dominant cat - very aggresive towards Isabelle, he is also a danger to us as he is always underfoot when we are cooking, carrying the baby etc. .. there have been a few cases where we have almost fell down the stairs becuase of him

Salem - Super cute cat, cuddles and snuggles but when the baby was born he started peeing and pooing all through the house. Now that he is confined to a single room in the basement with Tingalf he seems to be ok.. allthough he has shredded the carpet inside the door trying to claw his way out

Tinga - The cat we though we had a home for only to get back. The only female cat and really should just be a single cat. when alone she is great but in a group she requires attention. Before we got her back she used to live in the sink in our master bathroom, she would not even go down to the litter box herself, we had to carry her down and wait for her to do her business, that's why we found a home for her becuase with a baby we just could not give her the time she needed. She is now in a room in the basement with Ting and seems to be ok. She is a beautiful persian cross with super long hair which in itself is a problem with a baby.

We are just at wits end and don't know what to do... you know its funny.. two years ago when we lived in a 900sq/ft condo with the 5 cats everything was fine.. as soon as we moved into our house and had the baby all hell broke loose.

We love our cats but with the baby we just cannot keep them all. Like I mentioned we have tried to find them homes.. really really tried but there is just no one interested. As sad as it is and we really need to come to grips with this and make the decision, but our best bet may be to have Tinga, Salem and Sebastian put to sleep.

tencats 02-26-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by EmilyB (Post 304904)
Or maybe you can find out if you can adopt this cat from the rescuers.

Maybe they need a website more than bringing their animals to a petstore??? I'd donate to that..

We're working on it, but for the last 10 years, we've been basicaly run by 1 very busy individual.

Aquattro 02-26-2008 04:13 PM

My ex GF and I adopted 2 near adult cats. They peed on every carpet in the house, at all my RO lines, wrecked a leather sofa and love seat, two microfibre chairs, kept me up all night for months, almost never used one of the 4 litter boxes we tried...
Me, not so crazy about cats.

Jason McK 02-26-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 304940)
My ex GF and I adopted 2 near adult cats. They peed on every carpet in the house, at all my RO lines, wrecked a leather sofa and love seat, two microfibre chairs, kept me up all night for months, almost never used one of the 4 litter boxes we tried...
Me, not so crazy about cats.

Hey I'm going through that right now. 2 Adopted Cats. But one likes to lick all it's fur off until it's a pussy sore.
We fostered them for almost a year and they where perfect angels, then we adopted.
My wife is a real big Lover of Cats (all animals really) but even she is being tested by these demon seeds

Der_Iron_Chef 02-26-2008 04:56 PM

Most people don't realize it, but cats can be trained just like dogs! Seriously. It DOES take time and energy, but it can be done.

Cats can be trained not to scratch, spray, poop everywhere, meow, yowl, jump up, etc. They're smart smart smart. You just need to learn how to interpret their behavior and address the needs in a methodical, patient way.

Pier Pressure 02-26-2008 04:59 PM

Most people want kittens because then they know that they are not adopting behaviour problems. Who wants to adopt somebody else's headache?

I have two troubled cats that I adopted from a rescue site and have had many problems with health and behaviour. I will not adopt from a rescue society again because you really have no idea what you are getting. I think mine may be a product of too much inbreeding.

michika 02-26-2008 05:45 PM

I would love to adopt a cat or two, the downside is that we have two dogs, and I worry about adopting the right cat(s). I also fear dual animal destruction of important things; books, designer goods, computer equipment. If we could find a cat or cats that work for us then I would be more then happy to adopt. I also want older cats rather then kittens.

muck 02-26-2008 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 304965)
If we could find a cat or cats that work for us then I would be more then happy to adopt.

michika 02-26-2008 06:21 PM

LOL! No cleaning and no insurance, cheap!

Delphinus 02-26-2008 08:39 PM

No offense guys but those sound like mental cats, ie., something was wrong there. That's like saying "I had a dog that attacked someone therefore all dogs are not to be trusted." Or me saying I'm not crazy about dogs because Pit Bulls are thought to be aggressive. The extrapolation is flawed. You had a bad experience, sure. That would probably taint a saint. But nevertheless it's wrong to think all animals are like that.

Ryan, if that company makes a dog model, then I've found *my* perfect dog. :p

Aquattro 02-26-2008 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 305022)
No offense guys but those sound like mental cats,

I kept telling her that!!! Really mental!! They're gone now. I have a cat that lives in my yard, good enough for me. Or maybe it's a raccoon...hmm

Delphinus 02-26-2008 09:01 PM

LOL, which is basically a cat with opposable thumbs. Run! RUN!!!!!

Der_Iron_Chef 02-26-2008 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 305022)
No offense guys but those sound like mental cats, ie., something was wrong there. That's like saying "I had a dog that attacked someone therefore all dogs are not to be trusted." Or me saying I'm not crazy about dogs because Pit Bulls are thought to be aggressive. The extrapolation is flawed. You had a bad experience, sure. That would probably taint a saint. But nevertheless it's wrong to think all animals are like that.

x 2.

lastlight 02-27-2008 02:15 PM

All the cats we've ever owned (currently have 2) were so easy. Basically just HAVE a litter box and they figured out the rest. Some were kittens whe we got them and others were spca adoptees. Never heard of having to litter-train a cat...

We have a baby ourselves and luckily the cats love her. Very good cats and even tolerate rough petting/hair pulling while we try and train the baby.

Having a dayhome might help tho. The cats are around kids all day.

tencats 02-27-2008 02:34 PM

You guy's might want to try some kitty prozac for your psycho kitties. lol No, realy, they make the stuff, just tell your vet you need kitty prozac and they'll know what your talking about. I know people who it has made a huge improvement in their cats behavior, the difference between keeping the cat and getting rid of it.
An outdoor cat run can also go a long way for making kitty happy. If your not a handyman, they make some realy nice ones at

digital-audiophile 02-27-2008 02:49 PM

I was thinking about building a cat run. Perhaps when the weather warms up a bit I will give it a shot.

- Nice to see someone from Pincher Creek on here :p I was born in Pincher and my dads family ranched in the pass before they moved into town.

tencats 02-27-2008 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by digital-audiophile (Post 305185)
I was thinking about building a cat run. Perhaps when the weather warms up a bit I will give it a shot.

- Nice to see someone from Pincher Creek on here :p I was born in Pincher and my dads family ranched in the pass before they moved into town.

Realy?? How wierd is that? lol I've lived here all my life! :smile:

pandafishowner 02-27-2008 04:15 PM

My female cat is a bit psycho. She's had a nasty habit of licking off all the fur on her belly or her side (always seems to be the left side??). For years I was shelling out over a thousand for meds and kitty anti-depressants. I finally stopped a few years ago because it just wasn't worth it. She still did it even on different meds and different treatments. She's not great with kids, but she's never hurt either of my girls and my girls are definitely rambunctious ones. She also "grooms" people if they're sitting on my couch. She'll lick their hair like crazy. :lol: My male on the other hand is half stupid. My kids can climb on him, and pick him up, and pull his hair, or push him around, and my dumb kitty keeps coming back for more. He's the most loveable little man I've ever met. Plus he loves water, so when I was trying to train him not to do anything by using a squit gun, he loved it. So I had to find alternate solutions. :lol:

If I didn't have these two, I'd definitely ask where that poor kitty was. But sadly after 11 and 10 years I don't think my kitties would welcome a new kitty with open arms. :sad:

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