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Mattgesy 02-17-2008 12:33 AM

My 120gal
I got my tank back on christmas as a christmas present to me, but i couldnt set it up untill my renos on the house we complete, finally on Feburary 2, 2008 i got to set it up. I got the tank at Aqua Giants, i have had no problems with the tank as for leaking or anything

Mattgesy 02-17-2008 12:35 AM

Today i got my liverock its been running for almost a month now with just the sand in it and water, i got 60lbs from Aqua Giant, my new favorate store ( i have had many problems with others)
will post pictures later

vazgor 02-17-2008 01:08 AM

well welcome to the club
hope you wernt to attached to all that money just burning a whole in your pocket :)

Mattgesy 02-17-2008 01:17 AM

Ok it hasnt even been 3 hours and i found 6 yes 6 Bristleworms! NOT IMPRESSED! lol

and yes the money was burning a hole in my pocket lol

Mattgesy 02-17-2008 03:03 AM

I finally got unlazy and took some pictures, other then the bristleworms being alive i have found so more life in the tank alrighty, super exicted!

Skimmerking 02-17-2008 03:56 AM

looks great man keep it up

chevyjaxon 02-17-2008 04:44 AM

looking good have you thought of placing a backround on the tank? just got mine today and it really made it look better. keep us posted:wink:

Mattgesy 02-17-2008 04:54 AM

yeah i think i am just going to get one of those nice cheap ones at a petstore, just a nice black one
or i was hopeing to keep it non clean and let the algea go on it

Mattgesy 02-17-2008 04:55 AM

anyone know what the snail is btw

SeaSerpant 02-17-2008 08:31 PM

i just went to aqua giant last week lol. It's a nice place for freshwater. Thats where i got my albino pleco.

Skimmerking 02-17-2008 08:35 PM

tha snail is a narcissus snail

Mattgesy 02-19-2008 12:23 AM

so i went out today to figure out what i can do with my sump and just nosed around fishstores and just looked around, and then i got excited and bought fish lol, oopsie! i told myself i was going to take it slow and i couldnt handle myself, so i just bought 2 chromis to help with the tank, and they are doing great i tested my water and no nitrates or anything, well alittle bit, but i am sure it's fine :) will add pictures later

Mattgesy 02-19-2008 04:20 AM

so i hope everyone can help me
i have a fishlist of fish that i would like, i read up on them and have for awhile what do you think

Fish i would like

2 more Chromis
Jawfish, Yellowhead
yellow tang
blue tang
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
Bicolor Blenny
assorted hermit crabs
Cleaner Shrimp
Blood Red Fire Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
assorted snails

nikon187 02-23-2008 06:34 AM

bristle worms are a good part of your clean up crew.. Your fish list looks good other than 2 tangs won't work in that tank for very long unless bought very small.

Mattgesy 03-01-2008 06:45 PM

yeah i opted out on tangs for a tank, becuase i feel bad for them

so my tank update!
I been thru the horrable brown algea which is now gone and has moved into the lovely hair algea, i bought some turbos and a couple of blue legged hermits to clean that up, and they are doing wonderful doing it, still just have the Chromis in the tank, i have 4 which are always a blast to watch
other then that, i fixed my sump with a mini refugium, with some algea types and a 24hour light, other then that, just doing the nice slow waiting game :)

seanoman 03-01-2008 06:54 PM

Yellow Headed Jawfish are the coolest fish but also one of the most frustrating fish I have ever had. They will find any way possible to get out of a tank. I have had three and all of them have lasted about 3 months and then all of a sudden they decide to be jumpers and I have found them all dead on the floor. It is truely sad because they are such a gorgeous fish with a lot of personality.

Mattgesy 03-29-2008 07:35 PM

ok sorry for the lack of updates, been busy in the house!
other then my bubble coral pretty much on the brink of dieing, everything is going wonderful, wait i lied! i have algea from HELL, i have lawnmore blenny and hes not doing the job, i have cut down my lighting to like nothing, and i am still getting algea, i have every type in the book of algea i swear! lol
it will all work out

pictures coming soon!

michika 03-29-2008 09:42 PM

In regards to your cleaner shrimp on your list, you may want to look at going with a pair of either skunk cleaner shrimp or blood shrimp. One of each don't do well together unless they are in a larger system. By having a pair they may join up and spawn, their eggs make great food for your system.

ElGuappo 03-29-2008 09:48 PM

I have had my pearly jawfish for 7 monthes now hes was in the first 3 fish i added. he has never jumped with the exception of when i had an insane nitrite spike. do you have a sand bed? if not it is highly recommeded.


Originally Posted by seanoman (Post 306380)
Yellow Headed Jawfish are the coolest fish but also one of the most frustrating fish I have ever had. They will find any way possible to get out of a tank. I have had three and all of them have lasted about 3 months and then all of a sudden they decide to be jumpers and I have found them all dead on the floor. It is truely sad because they are such a gorgeous fish with a lot of personality.

Mattgesy 03-30-2008 03:29 AM

yeah i think i may go with just the normal cleaner shrimp. becuase i like them better
i havent desided in a fish/invert to move around my sandbed and yes i do have one. i just got a firefish that dispeared on me, only had him for 2 days, i forgot they where jumpers, but i havent found him on the floor or anything (weird) lol other then that, i am just battling my stupid algea fight grrs!

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