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michika 01-24-2008 08:50 PM

I am disowning Canada Post!
I would like to disown Canada the last three weeks they have loss/mis-delivered 5 packages that I sent out! :twised: Not that Canada Post is better then Drop Hurl Late, UPS, or FedEx...


pandafishowner 01-24-2008 09:16 PM

What annoys me about Canada Post is they send me stuff to the right address... but the wrong quadrant!

And today I got a call from the gvmt telling me that some of my mail was sent back to them! Mail that had the right address but was never delivered! :twised:

Add to that I spent $20 sending a package to my sister expressmail and it took 2 weeks to arrive. To Manitoba. WTF.

christyf5 01-24-2008 09:19 PM

Before Christmas I sent a package to Calgary, the girl working at the desk didn't write the postage I paid to have it delivered on the package (what kind of bizarre system is that) so it arrived COD and had to be paid for again. I never kept the receipt for the postage so I can't get my money back. :sad:

michika 01-24-2008 09:24 PM

I've sent out two money orders to someone for a purchase and the first time it came back wrong address. The second time it just went to the routing station/depot and never moved. I sent three packages out the same day from two different locations in the city, and not one has made it to its destination yet.

I've had to file claims on 4 of the sent packages. I think Canada Post things I'm out to defraud them or something since I've had to make so many claims in such a short period of time.

TRIX 01-24-2008 09:33 PM

Greyhound is not much better. Large Packages go missing and no one cares. Everyone blames the other depot.

michika 01-24-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by TRIX (Post 296810)
Greyhound is not much better. Large Packages go missing and no one cares. Everyone blames the other depot.

Ah, yes, pass the buck syndrome. I think its prolific in all industries.

Der_Iron_Chef 01-24-2008 09:39 PM

Moral of the story: move to Germany and use Deutsche Post. Superb!

Murminator 01-25-2008 03:29 AM

I got some snowmobile parts shipped from Ontario last week got it in 3 days through canada post no problem here :mrgreen:

erikages 01-25-2008 04:06 AM

I love Canada Post and United States Postal Service!! As someone who orders stuff from all over the place, I find the two state postal services to be the best whenever it comes to border issues.

It's the major courier companies that drive me insane. UPS is the worst: absurd delays and charges for cross border stuff. I don't mind paying GST, but the customs charges are absurd. So when I'm buying stuff, I try to insist that US companies use USPS, which then gets transferred to Canada Post and delivered - fast, easy, and no customs charges.

Then again, I've never had bad luck -- with the exception of couriers.

BTW: I once had to deliver a poster to a client in Ottawa. They needed it the next day. Unbelievably, I paid $700 to FEDEX a tube overnight for guaranteed delivery by 10am the next day. Imagine: $700 for a 5 pound poster tube. Anyway, much to my horror FEDEX "contracted out" this highly specialized service to various subcontracted couriers, none of whom were accountable. Short and sweet: one of the contracted couriers missed a connection in Calgary; then another missed a pick up in Ottawa. The $300 poster (now $1,000) reached my Ottawa client 2 days later -- long after it was needed. This fiasco began with UPS, with whom I'd paid a reasonable $90 the day before for the same package, but the courier "forgot to pick it up." This is when I turned to FEDEX to rescue me.

Give me Canada Post any day -- or any two days. :)

christyf5 01-25-2008 04:13 AM

Ah yes you've got me there. I'd take Canada Post over UPS anytime. I've received 3 shipments via UPS one fish shipment which was supposed to arrive before noon and never arrived until almost 7pm (I had to phone the head office as our local one closes at 5, on a friday before the long weekend, only to have the girl tell me that if it hadn't been delivered by now it would likely be delivered Tuesday, I promptly replied that it was live fish and she was most helpful after that, she must have been fish friendly :biggrin: ). The other two have been online orders of various things and jeez they arrived in the worst shape, like a forklift had driven through the boxes and they'd been rolled down a hill several times and possibly been in the worst UPS delivery truck accident ever :eek:

fishoholic 01-25-2008 04:51 AM

I personally have never had a problem with Canada Post. I even managed (much to my shock) to get my Dad in Ont. his Christmas present on time.

I was so sure it wouldn't get there on time I called my Dad and explained to him that he might not get his gift by Christmas but hopefully he would get it before New Years. I sent it express post Friday afternoon Dec.21 and he got it Mon. Dec.24 on Christmas eve no less! Needless to say I was impressed.

littlesilvermax 01-25-2008 02:23 PM

I have never had a problem delivering with Canada Post.

I like them better for the minimal $5 cross border fees.

Be careful for a couple of things:

-if you order something from the states and it gets damaged, each Canada Post will blame USPS and vice versa, and you may be screwed.

-they say they tried to deliver things (but sometimes don't cause they are lazy) About 5 times now I have seen the post man deliver a notice to our group mailbox about 4 homes away, then I check the tracking number on-line and it said an attempted delivery was made but no one was at home (WRONG, I was there watching him, no attempted delivery was made)! Then I have to go to the PO to pick it up. What a lazy ...................

michika 01-25-2008 02:28 PM

I never have problems getting stuff across the boarder. My problem mostly lies in the "attempted" delivery issues, and the absurd amount of times that they loose my packages.

Parker 01-25-2008 03:18 PM

I'm trying to finish up a claim for an item I rec'ed damaged and I can't get it shipped out to be inspected! I have the forms and the broken package and for some strange reason I have to ship them to Toronto.. they don't have inspectors in Edmonton? The worst part is the postal outlet employees don't know how to ship if or give me a tracking number. They asked me who's paying for the shipping, huh? You damaged it, and it says right on my forms no further postage fees will be charged!

pandafishowner 01-25-2008 04:09 PM

I always get a "final notice" to pickup packages at the post office. I'm lucky it's only a block away but OMG half the time I get there it's a tiny package with a cross stitch or a book in it. They couldn't deliver something THAT small?! :question:

One time I ordered a serger online for my mum-in-law. It arrived and the box was all smashed in and it had HUGE "fraglie" stickers all over it. Luckily it wasn't damaged but I did want to complain about it anyway.

sharuq1 01-28-2008 12:26 AM

They have been mis-delivering my mail to who knows for the last year. Some stuff makes it some doesn't and when I ask about it they are like "I dunno". Even putting in several formal complaints didn't help.

Richard_Dicosimo 01-28-2008 03:38 AM

i had canada post loose a shipment of mine right before christmas only to complain to thier complaints department and have them tell me it was at my post office it took 6 trips to the post office for the dummys to find the package in the back of thier storage area. and after all that the package was found int a destroyed state (someone somewhere ran it over)and they claimed no responsability. if you have time you should check the canada post web site for their policies. lets just say their extra insurance doesnt give you sweet F$%^ All, i will never ship Canada post again

Johnny Reefer 01-29-2008 06:14 AM

I just got a Christmas card from my brother today. He lives in New York (well, across the Hudson in New Jersey actually, but it's all one big city anyway and New York sounds cooler). Granted he left it a tad late as the postmark indicated it was sent Dec 24th. So I should have gotten this about 3 weeks ago, no? Well he got the street name wrong (Dufflin instead of Dupplin), but he got the postal code right. So I guess it took the PO 3 weeks to figure out that Dufflin is Dupplin :rolleyes: .


michika 01-29-2008 05:13 PM

Yesterday I received a package for something I had shipped to me at the beginning of December. The package was so damaged that the books inside were like puffy paper mache blobs! It came to me from Ontario.

Richard_Dicosimo 01-29-2008 10:55 PM

well if you run out of toilet paper in the bathroom.... and your done reading your puff ball of a book.....

banditpowdercoat 01-30-2008 12:22 AM

You think Can Post is bad? Check out my latest UPS fiasco

OK, You all may or may not know I have a buisness. Like my user name wouldnt give it away. Now I need to get supplies for my buisness. Pretty much all the good suppliers are in the US. Powder makers that make the really nice powders, etc. Well, I get this UPS Import Brokerage acct. Figure that will help me with importing the powders. I make an order, to a company that I have dealt with before(cant remember how much was charged shipping on prev order) But, it was a 10Lb box of powder. No special shipping, powder is not hazardous, non toxic. $80 purchase price for said box of powder. UPS bill comes in today $106. I am furious. I called their 1888 number and chewed a strip of the lady.

1, the powder is made in the USA, came in with NAFTA papers and yet they still charged me Duty.

Shipping alone was over $65 ???

Just freaking UNBELIVEABLE.
Heck, I have has snowmobile engiens shipped to me, and sent out, Both ways around $130. 80-100 Lbs each motor to Michigan no less, not Portland, like where this powder comes from

My real problem now is that most companies only ship UPS now and it is getting harder and harder to be competitive when my costs are astronomical.

Needed to vent

pandafishowner 01-30-2008 02:50 AM

One of the dumbest things I've heard recently from Canada Post is: "you can't send candles in the mail because they're a fire hazard"

Takes a special kind of moron to say something like that. I'm not sure about you, but lighting a package on fire is the last thing on my mind.

A book I ordered from Ontario in the middle of December arrived today. I had to toss it out. It was supposed to have been brand new. The package was all wrinkled, looked like someone opened it (or tried to), and I guarantee you it was water (snow?) damaged. As soon as I tried reading it, the pages stuck together and the words were blurred. It even smelled mouldy! I'm very anal about my books. I have books that are 10+ years old and look like they've never been read. I don't want to add a disgusting book like this to my bookshelf.

I did email a complaint to Canada Post. Provided all the information about the package. The shipping date, the stamp on it, and a link to a picture of it. I'm sickened by the book, I can't get the smell out of my nose. :twised:

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