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Lost my best friend last night
Well for anyonw who has met myself or my best friend Chris Im sorry to inform you that Chris is no longer with us.He had a long time asthma problem That had weakened his heart.He suffered a heart attack last night and could not be helped.I dony know if this something that most people here will understand but I am so lost and need to release some pain.Chris was so much more than a friend to me since we've lived together for 10 years and have done everything together as well as start a wonderful hobby that had turned into much more of an addiction than he or myself could have ever imagined.We spent much of our time in the last while terrorizing store owners and others in the hobbists.Buying equip to set up a new larger tank to house all the corals that we have collected.I am very bad at sharing my feelings with people but felt that if I didnt talk about how I feel I would snap.This was the 1 place that we spent the most time together at and I felt it best to release here.Sorry for anyone who never met Chris and for those who did Im even more sorry.He was my reason for reefing and now that he's gone I will make him my reason for continueing.I hope this isn't too weird I just needed to talk to someone who wasnt crying.Thanks Clint
I never met chris but I am very sorry to hear that, you have my condolences.
damn, i'm sorry to hear that man. my best friend died in 98 and we had the exact same relationship. i know you'll here this many times but from first hand experience it does get better and life does go on. hang in there buddy, dont give up on reefing, more then likely it will help you deal with it.
I will be continueing since it meant so much to him and myself.TY Clint
I'm sorry Clint. You have my condolences my friend.
It doesn't seem like you have any problems sharing your feelings judging by the heartfelt words in your post. Keep on reefing & when you've built that new larger tank it will be a fitting tribute to your pal. Wish you all the very best Clint. . |
I'm sorry to here about your lose Clint. My condolences goes out to you , your family and friends.
Sorry to hear about your friend Clint. How old was Chris?
My condolences to you and your wife, as I know how close Chris was to you and your family. He will certainly be missed. May God bless and protect his soul. Paul ________ DR-Z250 |
I'm sorry to hear that. I only met Chris once, but he seemed like a really nice guy. Keep going strong buddy; Im sure that's what he would have wanted.
I am sorry. What you're feeling is normal. Keep on sharing when you feel the need!
Very sorry to hear Clint. I did meet Chris with you and the two of you were like brothers. My deepest sympathies.
I'm very sorry to hear that Clint. The best thing you can do is let it out. Crying can be the best medicine and it will help you in your grief. Once again I'm very sorry.
I wanted to come back here and tell you that you're doing the right thing by talking Clint. Even if it is "only typing", you need to be able to express the loss you feel. I don't know you, but my Inbox is always open if you (or anyone else) ever feels the need to "get it out". :)
Clint I'm terribly sorry to hear of your and our Loss. I had meat Chris a couple of time, although you where the noisy one, I'm sure he was a wonderful person and obviously a great friend to you and your family. From my family to yours, our deepest sympathies
Jason |
I am very sorry to hear about your loss, I lost my Dad last year very suddenly, so I know what type of pain you are experiencing. I had never lost anybody close to me before and I truly know how much it hurts. I cherish the time I did have with my father and all the silly things we did when I we were together. Cherish the great moments you had together, it is a great healer of souls.
Thank you all
Id like to say that I will miss him as much as I miss my dad.He was a brother to me and sometimes a bit like 1 of mine and my wifes kids.He ate slept and hung out with me forever.I will eventually feel better but for now Im finding it hard to believe.He was only 30 and had a lot more life to live but now we will have to live life a little more for him since thats what he would have wanted.I will be posting more since I have no one to talk and debate things with.He will be missed by many and I just want to thank you all for everything.Clint
Clint, I'm so sorry to hear about Chris. I've met you guys a few times at OA and you guys seemed pretty inseperable. My condolences to you.
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your friend.I lost my 17yearold cousin on sun night in a one car accident.Katie and her bestfriend were killed.So i no the pain your talking bout
Clint, canreef is like a big family. If you have anything to say, anytime, you know you'll have people listening here.
Dang man. I'm really sorry to hear about Chris. I have met him a few times & I could tell how close you two were as best buds. If there's anything we can do as a community, let us know.
Anthony |
Sorry to hear of your loss. My memory will be the green cap I have. I told him I really liked the color of his and he just reached in the tank and clipped a piece off and put it a bag. First coral I was given with no strings attached (like money...lol).
Scott |
My deepest condolences Clint. May you keep Chris's spirit alive in your thoughts and deeds. Celebrate the life that was, and hold the memory near your heart.
Hi Clint,
Harold and I send our deepest sympathies to both you and your wife. Sadly, we never had a chance to meet Chris or get to know him, we thank you for sharing what you have about him, he was obviously a terrific man and the bond the two of you share is very, very special. I am so sorry Chris had to deal with asthma, it is a very serious disease that is truly underestimated in this world. I am thankful he had a brother like you who understood what he had to deal with regarding his health condition and was a help to him. As many people here have already said, keep talking Clint…that is one of the most important things we can do when we are faced with the loss of someone dear to us. The feelings you are going through right now as well as the feelings you will experience in the days and months to come are very normal. Harold and I have had the pleasure to get to know so many people through Can Reef and we are truly thankful for the wonderful friendships and kindness everyone we have spoken to and have met with have put forth…..Can Reef is like a big community family, we’re all here for you and your wife. Feel free to pm or call Harold and I anytime….we’re always here. Heartfelt condolences, Sarina & Harold |
Clint, so sorry to hear about Chris. I never had a chance to meet him but I know what you are feeling as I lost my best friend in 1999 when we were only in our 20's. At the time I didn't have the chance to talk it out but I'm sure it would have been better if I did, so keep sharing on here when you can.
My prayers are with you and your family. |
I've just read this!! Clint I'm sorry to hear about the bad news. Just last week we were all sharing a good laugh in front of both of your tanks.....
I never knew Chris had asthma, man I feel really bad. Although I know he'll still be with us all in sprit, I want to send my deepest condolenses to you and your family. If he was still here he would want to see both your tanks full of stuff. Keep those tanks filled and if you need any help you know I'm just a call away. Cheers Chris |
Clint Sorry to hear about your loss, I hope you are taking the time to heal and take care of your family, Chris would want that and be strong for him. Take care if you need to talk I don't know you here is my number to talk.204-728-0342 , I know that people always say don't put your number on the net , But here on canreef we are a close nit family. \
Once again take care of your self. and keep on doing what you and chris loved to do. mike |
My condolences to yourself and to the families involved
Very sorry for your loss..
I'm sorry for your loss.
It must be terribly hard for you
I send my condolences your way, even though I have never met you, or Chris.
My sister died of cancer 4 years ago - and the day after her memorial service, my brother was killed in a farm accident. Doesn't give me the right to give you advice - but I do know a little about grief, and the mourning process you are going through. Whenever it got really really bad for me - I focused on one thought - I never lost my sister and brother....I gained two angels to watch over me. You did not lose Chris. You love him and he loves you and watches over you, and you have a great angel to guide you when you need it. Take care. |
Again thanks so much everyone.I would like to thank everyone for his parents who are harder hit than me.They will love to know how many thoughts are with them.I am greatful that there are so many people who care because all the kind words make this a whole lot easier.When I have had eneough time I will be starting on the bigger system that we both wanted to see and will make a journal to share.I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and will not forget the help you have all given to me.Clint
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find some comfort reading through this thread. My thoughts are with you and the people who knew him.
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