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VFX 01-11-2008 02:55 AM

Zero Egde?
Has anyone seen or tried these aquariums?

Something like that would look perfect in the space I've set aside for my tank.

They look a lot like display tanks in LFS, trade shows or public aquarium 'touch' tanks.

Expensive though & no Canadian distributor...


Myka 01-11-2008 03:10 AM

I think they're silly looking.

dsaundry 01-11-2008 03:46 AM

Interesting, in the right place it would look good I am sure. Way too expensive..Overpriced by a ton. Oops, again my opinion only..:lol:

Der_Iron_Chef 01-11-2008 04:03 AM

I don't like the fact that they're *primarily* meant for top-down viewing. I think, anyway. Also, it seems like if the tank weren't perfectly level, it wouldn't work properly....and that could be frustrating.

Jason McK 01-11-2008 04:19 AM

I've seen pics on RC throught the side and I couldn't even tell they where shooting through water then glass.

I think they are very cool but too $$$


Brent F 01-11-2008 04:21 AM

Their smallest one is similar sized to my invert tank. Except I have an internal overflow, used Starfire glass and it cost less than 1/4 as much including the 70 watt MH.

I saw these before and used the idea when designing my invert tank. As Drew said, the top down viewing is a limitation. A conventional layout gets around that.
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asherah 01-11-2008 04:49 AM

I think they would be very kewl but they require daily wipping down of the glass and top off to ake sure they are kept that way


asherah 01-11-2008 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Brent F (Post 293443)
Their smallest one is similar sized to my invert tank. Except I have an internal overflow, used Starfire glass and it cost less than 1/4 as much including the 70 watt MH.

I saw these before and used the idea when designing my invert tank. As Drew said, the top down viewing is a limitation. A conventional layout gets around that.

Hey ould I see your invert tak ? I would love to see it. It sounds like a great idea =)

fkshiu 01-11-2008 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by asherah (Post 293454)
I think they would be very kewl but they require daily wipping down of the glass and top off to ake sure they are kept that way


At first I thought "What's the big deal?" as well. Then after watching the video I realized that it's not just a shallow acrylic tank, but it uses all four viewable sides as its overflow sorta like how some fountains work. There are gutters all around. You couldn't actually wipe down the sides at all since there's water constantly flowing over them! Not an easy thing to work out, but as long as you've got a good ATO like an osmolator you should be fine.

Pretty cool. Considering the "ooh" factor, the apparent quality of the acrylic work and that it comes with the integral cabinet stand, the prices aren't too outrageous.

surgeonfish 01-11-2008 06:54 AM

I would not recommend one if you have young kids. I have enough problems with little finger prints all over my tank. They could use it as a "water table" and have hours of fun.

asherah 01-11-2008 07:00 AM

you wipe down the inside of your tank do't you ? :razz:

but yeh they are beautiful =)


Static 01-11-2008 08:37 AM

I imagine it would be difficult to alter the amount of flow in the tank. You couldn't have cross currents or it would overflow more on one side than the other, and if you tried to increase the flow through the stock circulation system I think the water wouldn't remain laminated to the glass beyond a gentle flow.

Brent F 01-11-2008 01:07 PM

You probably wouldn't want to modify one.

I've seen these tanks operating and they are great looking. The water spilling over the acrylic makes it almost disappear. Great look for a high end tank.

There is a market for tanks that stress style and people who will pay a premium for an artistic design. This tank is definitely a design that gets noticed.
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corpusse 01-11-2008 01:23 PM

I was very surprised to find them crystal clear from the side. The view on all sides and the top is spectacular.

I'd love to get one of these tanks but they're just too expensive and small.

digital-audiophile 01-11-2008 01:24 PM

If you get Algae on the inside of your glass in a regular tank, would you not face the same problems on the outside in a design like this?

trilinearmipmap 01-11-2008 03:04 PM

I would expect a nightmare trying to clean coralline algae off the inside, outside and top edge surfaces of the acrylic.

With the return spouts well below surface level I would expect eventually the check valve will fail causing a flood.

Quinster 01-11-2008 03:35 PM

A fellow locally was running one made of glass for a while, looked great!

He did have a little leveling issue so it wasn't 100% effective for the overflow, but I could see it working great if the tank was level.

He was using a mag scraper to clean the glass just like on a regular tank, ant it seemed to keep booth sides relatively clean.

VFX 01-11-2008 04:20 PM

I'd love to see one of these running.

I like the clean look of them, but I guess there's not a lot you could do to customise them & a daily cleaning routine may be needed to keep them looking good.

I wonder if they would work well with deeper dimensions, say 48x30x24.

How scratch resistant is acrylic compared to glass?


Brent F 01-11-2008 05:10 PM

I accidentally had one of these running last night. I took the vacuum pump off my CPR overflow while leaving the pump from the sump running. Air entered through the nipple on the top of the overflow breaking suction. When I came back into the room my Red Sea Max had water cascading over the top on 3 sides.

Looked nice except for all the water on the floor
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fkshiu 01-11-2008 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by VFX (Post 293530)
How scratch resistant is acrylic compared to glass?

If you look at acrylic the wrong way it will scratch. On the other hand, the scratches are easier to buff out than glass scratches.

Dealing with coralline growing on the outside will also be an issue. And if you've got kids, forget it.

As somebody mentioned, this is a high-end artistic presentation tank where form trumps function to a certain extent. People tend to pay a lot for this stuff - ever tried to bid on a Picasso which just hangs there?

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