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Rippin 01-10-2008 03:37 AM

Tank close-down: lots of stuff for sale: PICS!
**Everything is sold**

Hello all,

Time to close down the current tank in anticipation of a larger tank.
With that said almost all of my coral, fish and live rock are for sale.

I'm located in Vancouver, close to city hall.

Now, before the parting list I'd like to mention a few things:

1. There is every type of algae on all of the rocks, although the pest algaes are few.
2. Many pieces of the rocks have some type of small coral stuck to them. Regardless, I will be selling the rock at a fixed price per pound, coral or no coral attached, unless otherwise noted.
3. The prices listed are firm...and they are extremely fair. Anything that I purchased at a LFS will be at half or lower of my purchased price. If you really want to know the retail prices of what I'm selling check out J&L or Ocean Aquatics. Anything that I purchased from fellow reefers will be lower than my purchased price.
4. Here is the order that I'll be selling the stuff: Corals, corals attached to rocks, live rock, fish and inverts, then tank and stand.
5. I will sell based on the order I receive the PMs. Don't say you'll take everything unless you mean it; be fair to the other reefers.
I will PM my address and phone number to buyers.

Coral pick-up is at 1pm this Sunday Jan 13.
The following week will be live rock and fish/inverts

6. Cash only. Bring your own bags, buckets, styrofoam blocks or whatever. I will supply the water.

And now the list:

Large Red Lobophyllia approx. 8"x6"x5"
Growing over a large piece of live rock. Showpiece size, has been in my tank the longest. Hard to find at this size! Currently healing from some stings from a nearby frogspawn and needs some TLC. $40. Spoken for - Salty Ron

Medium-Large Tonga Yellow Leather approx. 6" across
Solidly attached to a fairly large piece rock. Also, a small GTB anemone is on the rock
$45 attached to the live rock. Spoken for - Fkshiu

Medium-Large White Toadstool Leather approx. 5" across
Attached to a fair sized piece of rock.
$25 attached to the rock. Spoken for - Mik 101

Hammer Coral (10 heads)
$15 Spoken for - Charles

Frogspawn (10 heads)
$15 Spoken for - Charles

Frogspawn with Pink tips (4 heads)
$8 Spoken for - Drock169

Kenya Tree and GBT anemone attached to large sized rock
$40 Spoken for - Salty Ron

A whole bunch of Pulsing Xenia, green star polyps and some green zoas attached to a rock.
Why wait for your Xenias to grow when you can buy the colony here. $45 Spoken for - Salty Ron

Bubble Coral
Tougher than nails - probably the most resilient coral in my tank.
$15 Spoken for - dsaundry

Ricordea Florida (6 mouths) attached to rock
$80 Spoken for - S.D.

Green Mushroom Rock
$15 Spoken for - Electric eel

Small Orange Short-tentacle Plate Coral
$15 Spoken for - dsaundry

Large Zoanthid and Paly rock with hair algae
$15 Spoken for - dsaundry

Small Zoanthid and Paly rock
$8 Spoken for - Edikpok

Feather Dusters
$5 each Spoken for - Edikpok

Zoathids 1, 2, 3
$10 1 zoa rock spoken for - Electric eel
1 zoa rock spoken for (disk with xenia) - Edikpok

Any loose frags $2 Spoken for - dsaundry

Purple psuedochromis $10 Spoken for - Tigger

Flame hawkfish $20 Spoken for - Electric eel

Large Yellow Watchman Goby $10 Spoken for - dsaundry

Various hermit crabs and astrea snails $1 each Couple hermits spoken for - dsaundry
Couple snails spoken for - Edikpok

Cleaner Shrimp, eats anything $6 Spoken for - Edikpok

Peppermint Shrimp $5 Spoken for - Charles

Two handfuls of Red Halymenia macro-algae $8

Live Rock $3.50 a pound. About 50-60 lbs total, depending if some corals are purchased with the live rock. A few large pieces have green star polyps covering them. Same price.

Large live rock with GSP Spoken for - Whatigot

Aragonite substrate 1 1/2" deep - FREE

And finally...the 50g aquarium. 36"x18"x18". Coraline covered. Some small scratches but strong like an ox. 1/2" thick glass. Great for a sump. $40

Ikea Table that held the 50g tank $10

And that's about it.

Check back here for updates.

Drock169 01-10-2008 03:56 AM

could I get that frog with pink tips from you sooner?

S.D 01-10-2008 03:57 AM

pm sent


CLINT 01-10-2008 03:58 AM

PM sent for rics

Rippin 01-10-2008 04:00 AM

Sorry, I won't be available any sooner. PM me to arrange a later time.


Originally Posted by Drock169 (Post 293187)
could I get that frog with pink tips from you sooner?

salty-ron 01-10-2008 04:01 AM

would like to buy your pulsing xenia and lobophy ilia pink/white tiped frogspan. your price seem fair. can pic up sunday.

Rippin 01-10-2008 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by salty-ron (Post 293191)
would like to buy your pulsing xenia and lobophy ilia pink/white tiped frogspan. your price seem fair. can pic up sunday.

Pink/white tipped frogspawn is tentatively spoken for,but the xenia and lobophyllia is yours. Please PM me your request so that I can reply with a phone number and address. Thanks.

Der_Iron_Chef 01-10-2008 04:05 AM

Ridiculous prices! Lucky locals!

fishoholic 01-10-2008 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 293193)
Ridiculous prices! Lucky locals!

Pout Pout, that's what I was thinking :sad: (sad) for me great for locals!

Tigger 01-10-2008 04:33 AM

I would like the yellow toadstool and a cleaner shrimp.

CLINT 01-10-2008 04:34 AM

Too slow
Doesnt help to be local when someone steals from you.And I only missed by 1 min.LOL.Clint

Myka 01-10-2008 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 293193)
Ridiculous prices! Lucky locals!

I second this...I'd buy nearly the whole lot! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG! Kelowna is too small for that kinda thing! :(

Tigger 01-10-2008 04:44 AM

I would also like to buy your purple pseudo chromis

S.D 01-10-2008 04:47 AM

pm sent


dsaundry 01-10-2008 05:15 AM

Can you let me know what hasnt been claimed yet??:biggrin:

Electric eel 01-10-2008 05:27 AM

I would like one of the small zoathids for $10, The Flame Hawk for $20, The Bubble coral for $15, and the green mushroom rock if possible. Sunday at 1 pm will be fine. Please email at or phone 604-854-0810 for pick up directions.
Thank you

Rippin 01-10-2008 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by dsaundry (Post 293230)
Can you let me know what hasnt been claimed yet??:biggrin:

Everyone, please see the original post for updates. Thanks

Mik_101 01-10-2008 06:32 AM

I would like the toad stool.

Rippin 01-10-2008 06:34 AM

Just a reminder to everyone who is buying stuff: Corals are this Sunday. Fish and others will be the following weekend, unless I've told you differently.

Sorry about that, but it's difficult to catch fish with so much coral and rock in the tank.


Rippin 01-10-2008 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Mik_101 (Post 293248)
I would like the toad stool.

Ok, I've put your name down for it.

PM me so that I can give you my phone number and address.

Whatigot 01-10-2008 02:28 PM

Oh MAN....
I never win....
Maybe I should just show up at one and capitalize on any no shows....
I wish I'd seen that Xenia and gsp....I would have paid double.

I will come out and take anything that does not get sold.
at this point in my reefing career I can not afford to be

Puff 01-10-2008 11:19 PM

holy crap. i didnt even have a fighting chance with anything listed


Rippin 01-11-2008 01:55 AM

Thanks all!!!
Thanks to everyone who contacted me about the livestock.
It looks as if all of the livestock is spoken for. Rock and hardware are still available. Please see the original post to make sure I have your name down for the corals you've asked for.

Just a reminder to bring your own bags, buckets, styrofoam blocks (for those buying the hammer and frogspawn corals), or whatever carrying device you have.

Exact cash amount is preferred.

Parking: Please look at the parking signs on the street to see where you can park without getting towed.

Only corals will be sold this Sunday (unless I've told you otherwise).
Fish, shrimps and live rock will be the next weekend.
If you want to pick up live rock sooner then please PM me.

I'll see you all at 1pm-ish on Sunday (unless I've made specific arrangements with you).


dsaundry 01-21-2008 07:27 AM

Thanks Darren for all the great rock,corals and pseudo etc. All survived the haul back to the "Wack" and are looking happy and healthy. It was nice meeting you and good luck with your new tank. :biggrin:

Marlin65 01-30-2008 05:59 AM

Just wondering if you have any sand left looking for some to seed my tank with. Thanks

Rippin 01-30-2008 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Marlin65 (Post 297990)
Just wondering if you have any sand left looking for some to seed my tank with. Thanks

The only sand I have left has already been washed so it's no good for seeding. I have an 1/8th of a bucket left. You are welcomed to have it.

Marlin65 01-30-2008 03:01 PM

Okay thanks for replying.
I do need it to seed so it's not going to work for me.

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