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finn-a-gin 01-04-2008 02:35 PM

J&L invert order?
I am looking to restock my snails and crabs, is anyone interested in splitting shipping on an order?

Probably looking to do this in a week or so.

hurley 01-04-2008 02:46 PM

id probably be in for a couple things

pandafishowner 01-04-2008 07:34 PM

Can someone explain exactly how an order like this works? How much crabs/snails cost (roughly). I'm looking for between 5-10 of each depending how much I'll need to spend. I'm assuming someone gets them delivered (or picks them up from somewhere??). How would I pay for it? Would I have to send it to someone or pay J&L myself? :redface:

I won't have money til the 18th though. So if it can maybe be postponed til then or if someone arranges one later, after I know how it works, I definitely want to make arrangements.

*eta* I went to the J&L site and made a list, my order would be roughly $41 (based on the price for 1-49 of crabs/snails)

finn-a-gin 01-06-2008 03:05 AM

I can wait till then. Early in the week I will call and set it up. We could all meet at Deerfoot mall to divide
I will keep you all updated.

pandafishowner 01-06-2008 04:04 AM

Think it might be possible to arrange delivery to my house for me? I have 2 young kids and no vehicle. :(

TRIX 01-06-2008 02:33 PM

I would like in on this if I can.

albert_dao 01-06-2008 04:39 PM

In case this one doesn't go through, I have a large invert order sceduled for the 10th of this month.

pandafishowner 01-06-2008 09:32 PM

Let me know what's happening soon. If we're going through with the J&L order, I'll have my paycheque on the 18th. By that time I'm sure Golds will have no crabs or snails and I definitely need them.

My order is actually closer to $50, so if two or three more people get in on it with similar cost orders, shipping is free. I'm able to pay some money if someone can drop my order off ($10? $15?), otherwise I have to beg off from this order as I'd have no way to get my stuff.

finn-a-gin 01-07-2008 07:11 PM

I encourage any of you that are interested to check out J&L's group shipping policy. I spoke with Mike today, he stated that individuals interested can call next week for availability and to verify payment info. I am looking to have shipment for the 22nd on Jan. Arrival is expected around 9-10am.

I will be the "ambassador" for this order.


pandafishowner 01-07-2008 09:21 PM

hi Tony.

I'm wondering if I'd be able to do an email money transfer to you for the total of my order? As I said, I won't be paid til the 18th and I haven't got a Visa and I don't want to send an e-check to J&L via Paypal. If I send the payment to you, could you add my items to yours?

This is what I'm wanting to order...

Package #2 15 - 25 Gallons
12 - Blue Legged Hermits
3 - Red Scarlet Hermit
5 - Astrea Snails
5 - Margarita Snails
5 - Cerith Snails

Let me know, okay?

pandafishowner 01-10-2008 06:40 PM

any idea how many people are getting in on this order Tony? Trying my write my budget for payday with a general idea how much it's going to cost me.

finn-a-gin 01-10-2008 07:37 PM

Looks like 3 or 4 people. Shipping will be minimal with this amount of individuals.

langdon reefer 01-10-2008 10:41 PM

When is it being done ? Am i to late whats everyone
Let me know
NICK :question:

finn-a-gin 01-11-2008 02:29 AM

Will be arriving 22nd. I encourage you to read entire topic to find info on shipping.

finn-a-gin 01-11-2008 02:33 AM

I personally will be ordering a custodian package and a few inverts. Next week is when you can call and find out if what you want is available and exchange payment info with J&L.
Any questions...ask away!

pandafishowner 01-11-2008 02:47 AM

I'll call J&L next week and order my package, but you're still okay with me sending the money to you for payment, right? :)

finn-a-gin 01-11-2008 03:59 AM

:lol: yes, we are still on:lol:

pandafishowner 01-12-2008 07:38 PM

Ok cool. I'll be calling this week to check the availability on package 2 and hub was considering a few chromis.

Any idea who'll be able to deliver for me and roughly how much I'll need to have on hand for the delivery $?

TRIX 01-13-2008 01:02 AM

Panada. What area of town do you live in?

pandafishowner 01-13-2008 01:33 AM

I'm in the southeast, 2 blocks away from the Co-Op on 17th Ave. Basically it's Forest Lawn/Radisson?

pandafishowner 01-13-2008 08:49 PM

Just got an email back from J&L saying they're out of stock of blue legged hermits and the red scarlet ones. So basically all the crabs from the packages. :neutral:

So what should we do? Postpone or something until they're re-stocked?

kwirky 01-13-2008 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by pandafishowner (Post 294017)
Just got an email back from J&L saying they're out of stock of blue legged hermits and the red scarlet ones. So basically all the crabs from the packages. :neutral:

So what should we do? Postpone or something until they're re-stocked?

Gold's has these right now and they're pretty sweet:

pandafishowner 01-13-2008 11:11 PM

Yep, I got two of those today. But we're in desperate need of hermits and snails. The J&L order would be much better.

Maybe J&L will order stuff in if there's a big enough order from us?

finn-a-gin 01-13-2008 11:58 PM

We will see early in the week. I will try to call Mike tomorrow and find out what is happening.

pandafishowner 01-14-2008 01:41 AM

Definitely let me know. Maybe we can pay in advance for an order or something? I made some calls and Golds no longer sells blue legged hermits?? Said they don't sell? :neutral: and all the other fish places are way too far from us since we depend on walking or busses. :lol: :redface:

albert_dao 01-14-2008 03:47 AM

It's not that we don't sell them, it's that we're trying to find a source that's reasonably priced ATM.

pandafishowner 01-14-2008 08:06 PM

Oh. Well, whoever I spoke to yesterday said you no longer carry them because they don't sell?

Anyway, let me know what's going on. If J&L can get us a shipment, that would be great. Otherwise I'm going to have to make more calls this weekend to get some crabs and snails locally, regardless of the higher costs.

digital-audiophile 01-14-2008 08:52 PM

Just a side note, inverts are always hard to come by in Calgary. Never really figured out why.

pandafishowner 01-14-2008 09:06 PM

Believe me, I noticed. If you don't get to a store almost as soon as they get an order, you're s**t outta luck. :redface: and of course, all stores get them when it's NOT my payday :lol:

SJSobczyk 01-14-2008 09:56 PM

Why not order from here?

A lot of good experiences and he ships Greyhound!


pandafishowner 01-15-2008 04:29 PM

I PM'd Howdy20012002 last night.

Re: group order?


Originally Posted by pandafishowner

Wondering if you'd be able to put together a group order for inverts? The thread is in the Calgary forum in the Alberta section.

I'm personally looking for astrea snails, and blue legged hermits.


Mel (Panda)

actually I don't have many astrea if any.
I personally would use the margarita they are a much better snail IMO and can upright themselves.
I can certainly do a group order..
just depends on the numbers.
LMK what people what.
shipping is 30.00 thru greyhound

So, if we can get the entire order figured out, we can contact Neal again and see what he has for it.

Sound good? Still aim for this Friday?

finn-a-gin 01-15-2008 06:52 PM

J&L is short on Blue leged, new order coming in Thursday or Friday. This may be delayed a few days. He was to get back to me with a better answer on supply by days end.

If all interested want to try Howdy, I am for it.


pandafishowner 01-15-2008 07:24 PM

Maybe if we figure out exactly what everyone's aiming for, we can contact Neal and J&L and see who can supply it?

Me personally? At least 10 (max 15) blue legged hermits and at least 10 smaller snails unless I go with turbos (which I'd choose 4 of and sell or trade off later on).

So let's tally, ok?

If we go for Neal I want....
10-15 blue legged hermits
10 margarita snails (OR 4 turbo snails)

or still package 2 from J&L
Package #2 15 - 25 Gallons
12 - Blue Legged Hermits
3 - Red Scarlet Hermit
5 - Astrea Snails
5 - Margarita Snails
5 - Cerith Snails

finn-a-gin 01-15-2008 11:23 PM

Here is my shopping list

Package #4

45 - Blue Legged Hermits
6 - Red Scarlet Hermit
15 - Astrea Snails
15 - Margarita Snails
15 - Cerith Snails
1-Coral Banded Shrimp
1-Sally Lightfoot Crab
1-Yellow Watchman Goby

:biggrin: :biggrin:

TRIX 01-16-2008 02:56 PM

I'm thinking Package #2 give or take.

pandafishowner 01-16-2008 05:24 PM

Have you heard back from J&L on the availability then Tony (finn-a-gin)? Will they have these inverts in stock?

finn-a-gin 01-17-2008 01:24 PM

I haven't heard from them(email or phone), but I was out of town yesterday, never had a chance to bother them :biggrin:

Realisticly, and unfortunately, it will be a last minute scramble if they receive an order. I will keep on it, or if you have time today to give them a call, even better.

Thanks to all for your patience

pandafishowner 01-17-2008 04:17 PM

I haven't received a reply via email or an answer when I call and I can't wait any longer, so I'll be ordering from Neal (Howdy).

finn-a-gin 01-17-2008 10:46 PM

Fair enough. I received a reply from J&L today, delivery is still slated for 22nd.
If anyone else is interested, call and arrange for your list and payment.
For the ones that PM'd me with their phone #'s, I will call tonight or tomorrow AM,


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