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marlincoral 12-29-2007 11:41 PM

how can i stick him????????
i have just purchased a bubble tip anenome and he doesnt want to stick. is there anything i can do to encourage him to stay put. I dont want to stress him by touching him. and he doesnt look happy to be floating all over the tank.

Matt 12-29-2007 11:43 PM

Reduce flow and turn off the lights.

marlincoral 12-29-2007 11:48 PM

done. lets see if it works, still nothing but i have patience

Quagmire 12-29-2007 11:49 PM

Give it a day or 2 to settle in.Then if it hasn't attached,you may need to play with your flow to make it happy.Keep in mind some BTA's like to move around seemingly for no reason.It may attach for awhile,then decide to move on.

Black Phantom 12-30-2007 02:24 AM

Mine took a day or two to find a good spot and then about six months later he chose the other side of the tank. Took out a bunch of corals on the way. Oh well

Nicole8ca 12-30-2007 04:57 AM

Any thoughts on how to move an anenome? I just got one as well and the little bugger is at the back of the tank where I can't see him. I'm not terribly interested in getting stung. There are a couple of spots at the front with low flow which I think would be ideal, I'm just not sure how to get it there. I was thinking about pointing a power head where it's at right now but I'm not sure if that would provoke it to move, or kill it from stress...

Nicole8ca 12-30-2007 05:09 AM

oh yeah, and I came across this article this morning about anenomes. Fast easy read and there might be something you find interesting in there.

Am I aloud to post links like this? Let me know if it's a problem.


marlincoral 12-30-2007 04:27 PM

so now my BTA is all shrunken down, i am affraid of him dying. he seems to be responding when we touch him. How will we know if he is going to die? When should we get him out of there? He was oozing some slime, is this harmful to anything in my tank?

Myka 12-30-2007 04:29 PM

What color was the slime? How much of it? How did you acclimate it?

marlincoral 12-30-2007 04:46 PM

well it was brown slim, there wasnt alot just some tiny strings. We were told not to acllimate him!!!!!!

digital-audiophile 12-30-2007 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by marlincoral (Post 290850)
well it was brown slim, there wasnt alot just some tiny strings. We were told not to acllimate him!!!!!!

Who told you that?

Myka 12-30-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by marlincoral (Post 290850)
well it was brown slim, there wasnt alot just some tiny strings. We were told not to acllimate him!!!!!!

Sounds like it was either just pooping or it was expelling is zooxanthellae. My guess is the latter as it is not attached.

Try this for some good beginner info on anemones:

marlincoral 12-31-2007 03:44 AM

it was actually the store who told us that. The anemone is doing better now, he has settled.

Quagmire 12-31-2007 03:24 PM

Ive never acclimated any of my anems,but Ive always made sure they were deflated before adding then to the tank.I believe I got the idea it was OK doing it this way from Calfo.Its been a while but I think the reasoning was something like,most anems are in shallow water and that they can be subject to large temp swings due to the tides.Think of being high and dry in the sun or in a warm tide pool,then having the colder water washing over them when the tide comes in.Maybe for a better explanation search through Calfos forums,he can explain better than I can.So far I haven't encountered any problems doing it this way.Although it does make me wonder about some corals,they are subject to the same conditions, so in theory it would hold that they wouldn't need acclimation either. Maybe its the deflation part that makes the difference.

Link to Calfos forum

Try a search using "Anemone acclimation" or something like that should work

marlincoral 01-02-2008 02:59 AM

he finnaly settled in but then decided to move so we let him then he got sucked into the bottom vents of the overflow.we had to shut down our sump and let him get out on his own and moved him away from the overflow and hes on the move again.

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