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saltwatermaniac 12-22-2007 11:18 AM

Chiclids and others!?
Hey guys I have got some room left in my 55g and I was wondering if there was any suggestions on what kind of chiclids or other semi-aggresive fish to put in to help fill it up? Any ideas would be great!!


dsaundry 12-22-2007 12:27 PM

south american or african
If you are going for aggressive, and if you are going south american, I would suggest the following.. pike cichlids,, texas cichlids,,salvini cichlids or dempsey's..all can be very aggressive but you still have to watch them as they get big. pikes are very aggressive and can get really nasty with tankmates that are smaller..I dont know too much on africans

auratus 12-22-2007 04:28 PM

it really depends on what you have in there already
list the fish you already have and we can go from there

saltwatermaniac 12-22-2007 10:01 PM

HI yah there is some permenant fish(pf) and some that are coming out(co) in a couple days but anyways there is 5-salousi(pf),pair(2)-convicts(co),trio(3-)juvi frontosa burundi(co),pair(2)-discus(co),1-columbian shark(co),1-pleco(pf).

auratus 12-23-2007 03:17 AM

ok so your salousi are staying, i would go with other semi aggresive mbuna, like yellow labs (labidochromis caeruleus), metriclima callainos, metriclima estherae, psuedochromis socofoli (albino or normal)

what i would go with is:

your salousi
4 yellow labs
one other species of 3 of any of the others i named, make sure to get a 1M/2F ratio

any other questions i would be happy to help

Nauticus 12-23-2007 05:55 AM

Yellow labs go great with salousi, you could also throw in some calvus which are a really neat piscivore that stays small but can be agressive and will eat small feeders, although they will also eat any fry.
You could try neolamprologus felucia, I have a group in my 55 mbuna setup with salousi and they are nasty but not too nasty. I am actually looking to shed them. Stay away from peacocks as they are rather peacfull compared to the others mentioned.
Have fun with it.

saltwatermaniac 12-23-2007 06:19 AM

Thanks for the info on that you guys!! :biggrin:

super7 12-24-2007 08:56 PM

calvus will get beaten by the saulusi and labs, they are not active enough.

Nauticus 12-25-2007 05:31 AM

I have never had that problem in all the years I have kept them together. I suppose though in a very open and unplanted tank that would be the case. My tank however, has many caves and even more plants.

saltwatermaniac 12-25-2007 11:46 PM

Yes that is the case in my tank it has got alot of caves and plants so everybody gets there own spot or else all hell breaks lose and everybody starts fighting!!

Nauticus 12-26-2007 04:20 PM

You should be fine then, I think that should be the only setup with cichlids. They are so interesting to watch weaving through the plants and bobbing in and out of their caves. Great times.

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