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fmelindy 12-22-2007 06:32 AM

where to get prodibio?
I've been thinking about trying it... anyone know where I can buy the prodibio system additives?

andresont 12-22-2007 08:02 PM

Ocean Aquatics has from Fauna Marine ( they have probidio culture in ampoules for sure)

I think it's the same as ZEO product line from J&L.

fmelindy 12-22-2007 08:44 PM

I was under the impression they were completely different systems.... anyone know whether this is true? the zeo system requires zeolites and a reactor as does the fauna marin system but there is no mention of a substrate or reactor required with prodibio....

albert_dao 12-22-2007 09:10 PM

The reactor is a PLUS, not a drawback FYI.

Substrateless probiotic systems are far less effective at providing bacterial plankton suspensions for coral feeding.

fmelindy 12-22-2007 10:23 PM

ok, I'll take your word on that. but I'd still like to know where I can buy prodibio...

albert_dao 12-22-2007 11:35 PM

Premium Aquatics, I believe.

Reefer Rob 12-23-2007 02:18 AM

Aquarium Specialty

fmelindy 12-23-2007 06:07 AM

both of those places are in the US. doesn't anyone locally sell this stuff?

albert_dao 12-23-2007 07:05 AM

Not as far as I'm aware.

Is there a reason, in particular, that you want to try Prodibio over the Fauna Marin/Zeovit products?

fmelindy 12-23-2007 08:48 AM

maybe it's laziness.... the prodibio system doesn't seem to require as much day to day work as the other two and the dosing is seems to be much less often. Then again, it's also a system that you could go away and leave for a week or two without worrying about the fact that you're neglecting your dosing. Correct me if I'm wrong...

Reefer Rob 12-23-2007 02:48 PM

Prodibio is much milder than the other 2 systems. You'll see a much less dramatic effect. I ended up supplementing it with sugar dosing to get the look I wanted. In the end I found a fuge with macro algae to be more effective for nutrient export.

andresont 12-23-2007 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by fmelindy (Post 289645)
both of those places are in the US. doesn't anyone locally sell this stuff?

When i got those ampoules from AO they were probidio bacterial culture.
I think these product lines are very close and can be mixed.
I was using FaunaMarine (including probidio) and now use Zeo (just because J&L has it and it's closer to my home)
Mix and match FM leftovers with ZEO, all life stock is happy.
Its all the same principal: Bacterial culture , bacterial food , coral food , amino acids etc. I have dosing calculator for faunamarine if anybody interested.

fmelindy 12-29-2007 06:36 AM

ok I decided to go with the zeo system. Anybody want to share their experiences? How long do you have to dose before you start to notice some changes? Any specific additives in the system you would not recommend or ones that you would particularly recommend? It's a pretty big system!

andresont 12-29-2007 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by fmelindy (Post 290601)
ok I decided to go with the zeo system. Anybody want to share their experiences? How long do you have to dose before you start to notice some changes? Any specific additives in the system you would not recommend or ones that you would particularly recommend? It's a pretty big system!

This guide will answer all of your questions.
First step is to set a reactor the important thing is to properly calculate NET water volume for the first zeo rocks portion.
if you have stocked tank already you need to take 20% off of you water volume for decorations then use only 60% of what is required for the first time and make sure to reduce the flow down to required g/hr.
Then for the first 6-8 weeks use only additives that recommended for the initial period.
After that you can start adding staff for color enhancement for SPS.

Myka 12-30-2007 01:01 AM

Try they have forums specifically for helping people with their systems. They are very good there.

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