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Mattgesy 12-13-2007 05:10 AM

LED lighting?
Anyone herd of this?
whats your thoughts?

mark 12-13-2007 05:18 AM

do a search for Solaris, lots of threads here and on other boards

Salmon King 12-13-2007 09:20 AM

Saw one working so I am buying one.

Shipwreck 12-13-2007 02:32 PM

They have had good reviews from those that have used them. Most are just waiting for the prices to drop to try them out though.

Slick Fork 12-13-2007 03:04 PM

I'm very interested in the technology, however reading threads on Reef Central and elsewhere, the Solaris has some pretty serious sounding quality control issues as it is made in China. A North American built competitor would be the Aqua-Illumination fixture, but I haven't read any review on this unit yet. Hopefully they don't have the same build issues.

If you read all the threads on RC, you will find that the efficiency claims being made are greatly exaggerated. The units DO use less power than my 250watt MH/54watt T5 fixture, however they also put out less light. The Solaris lovers all say that their corals are doing just fine with the less light which brings up the question of whether we've over-estimated the light needs of our photosynthetic friends. However the Solaris haters are very quick to point out that despite all the talk and claims, there are very few growth pic's of sps corals to back up all the talk.

Personally, the only advantage I see right now is the controllability and having all the features in one single package. BUT for the price they're asking, I could buy a Dimmable MH ballast, Dimmable T-5's and a controller like the profilux to run them all. I think I'll end up with one eventually, but I'm going to wait a few years and let the technology and competition mature.

PzReefer 12-13-2007 04:51 PM

Well said Slick Fork

Originally Posted by Slick Fork (Post 287902)
I'm very interested in the technology, however reading threads on Reef Central and elsewhere, the Solaris has some pretty serious sounding quality control issues as it is made in China. A North American built competitor would be the Aqua-Illumination fixture, but I haven't read any review on this unit yet. Hopefully they don't have the same build issues.

If you read all the threads on RC, you will find that the efficiency claims being made are greatly exaggerated. The units DO use less power than my 250watt MH/54watt T5 fixture, however they also put out less light. The Solaris lovers all say that their corals are doing just fine with the less light which brings up the question of whether we've over-estimated the light needs of our photosynthetic friends. However the Solaris haters are very quick to point out that despite all the talk and claims, there are very few growth pic's of sps corals to back up all the talk.

Personally, the only advantage I see right now is the controllability and having all the features in one single package. BUT for the price they're asking, I could buy a Dimmable MH ballast, Dimmable T-5's and a controller like the profilux to run them all. I think I'll end up with one eventually, but I'm going to wait a few years and let the technology and competition mature.

Friends in the lighting industry also state many off these LED issues as well.
However, I love the built in timers and controllability of the Solaris. I also can see MH/Led units in future too, using 6500K -10000K for growth and dimmable LED from 0-20000K for colour.

PS: IMO dimmable MH ballasts, although cool, are expensive and reduce bulb life up to 40%.

bassman 12-13-2007 05:26 PM

Matt 12-13-2007 05:29 PM

LEDs don't yet create the same lumens/watt that the best fluorescents do, but they're improving, and getting better. Longer useful life, faster cycle time, infinitely controllable... little doubt in my mind that they will become the standard over fluorescent and HID in time. We just need more development on higher-output LEDs and bigger manufacturing/yeild to drive prices down.

andresont 12-13-2007 06:39 PM

Very negative review on the Solaris.

J&L's big price drop

Hmm ...makes me wonder...


skylord 12-13-2007 09:42 PM

You're going to get negative reviews no matter what you sell. This guys latest post is that PFO is going to make it right. We shall see what that means.

Price drop is directly related to price drops in the LED's....the bigger the demand for bigger and better helps PFO and their customers. There is also a new kid on the block with LED's for our hobby. Competition is also a good thing for the consumer.

The newest LED light out is the I4 and it hasn't been out long enough to see any results...about 1 month or so.

This guy doesn't state which light he has so I wonder if it is the first generation G4 because he seems to be comparing it to the 250 halides.

I have read every post I can find on these lights and it seems there are 3 or 4 at RC that are dead opposed to this type of light but from what I have read none of them has ever seen one of these lights let alone done any testing with them. I think if you toss out the reviews by those who haven't seen them and the reviews by those who are in love with their $4000 investment (not the light, just the investment) you will get a better feel for the light itself.


Zylumn 12-14-2007 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by skylord (Post 287980)
You're going to get negative reviews no matter what you sell. This guys latest post is that PFO is going to make it right. We shall see what that means.

Price drop is directly related to price drops in the LED's....the bigger the demand for bigger and better helps PFO and their customers. There is also a new kid on the block with LED's for our hobby. Competition is also a good thing for the consumer.

The newest LED light out is the I4 and it hasn't been out long enough to see any results...about 1 month or so.

This guy doesn't state which light he has so I wonder if it is the first generation G4 because he seems to be comparing it to the 250 halides.

I have read every post I can find on these lights and it seems there are 3 or 4 at RC that are dead opposed to this type of light but from what I have read none of them has ever seen one of these lights let alone done any testing with them. I think if you toss out the reviews by those who haven't seen them and the reviews by those who are in love with their $4000 investment (not the light, just the investment) you will get a better feel for the light itself.


Scott you are so correct. When some people spend more than they can afford and get less than their high expectations, they blame the product. I own at 36" solaris G4 (I think, 8 months old) and I did not pay full price as full price would have been beyond what I could afford. I have seen a positive difference in my 33g over 20K 175MH with 65w 50/50 but then again I was not expecting a whole lot. Its ease of use and that there is no (hot spots of light) in the tank is nice because I can place frags evenly throughout the tank.

Mattgesy 12-14-2007 04:20 AM

thanks alot this was very helpful,
i am still thinking of going with MH and PC lighting together
trying to find a good deal

skylord 12-14-2007 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Mattgesy (Post 288021)
thanks alot this was very helpful,
i am still thinking of going with MH and PC lighting together
trying to find a good deal

Dont rule out HO T5's with those MH's.


Mattgesy 12-14-2007 05:15 AM

ok this is what i want
i want to be able to go to the store and be like i want that coral! without any hassel of lighting
what do you think is the best?
HO T5? never heard of, got a picture of them, or agood place to buy?

mark 12-14-2007 05:34 AM

T5s look like your fluorescent lights you see is shops and offices but thinner (the number is bulb dia in 1/8" increments so T5=5/8" dia).

Some do corals just with only T5. Can get in combos with MH, separate, retro kits.

Big RC thread

midgetwaiter 12-14-2007 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mattgesy (Post 288031)
ok this is what i want
i want to be able to go to the store and be like i want that coral! without any hassel of lighting
what do you think is the best?
HO T5? never heard of, got a picture of them, or agood place to buy?

There is so much more to this than lighting though. Lighting isn't even the important bit IMO.

Salmon King 12-14-2007 08:44 AM

I saw 2 models .The old and the newer. Quite a difference.The ones J&L were selling at clearance prices I think were the older models.They are improving these lights with every new model they bring out.

Doug 12-14-2007 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mattgesy (Post 288031)
ok this is what i want
i want to be able to go to the store and be like i want that coral! without any hassel of lighting
what do you think is the best?
HO T5? never heard of, got a picture of them, or agood place to buy?

Also a search on Canreef will bring up several threads they are being discussed on. If you need a hand I can link some here.

Mattgesy 12-14-2007 03:42 PM

thanks so mucheveryone, i think i should have it from here :)

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