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michika 11-15-2007 03:57 PM

Helfrichi Firefish
Does anyone have any experience with Helfrichi firefish?

I'm considering a pair for my new nano. I'm still in the research stage, but any experience with these would be appreciated.

howdy20012002 11-15-2007 04:02 PM

I have brought a few in.
they appear to behave similarly to other firefish.
lid is a definite.
beautiful fish.
appeared to settle into captivity easily.

michika 11-15-2007 04:04 PM

Very cool, thanks for letting me know.

Did you ever keep any in your tanks long term?

Were they hard to bring in?

howdy20012002 11-15-2007 04:12 PM

I didn't keep any longterm.
I only see them infequently with my supplier.

michika 11-15-2007 04:34 PM

Are they a seasonally collected fish?

howdy20012002 11-15-2007 04:47 PM

that I am not sure

justinl 11-15-2007 05:16 PM

+1. beautiful fish but a jumper. seems hardy enough from what i hear. Only thing is that pairs are discouraged. Older ones will fight regardless of whether or not they were introduced together or not.

search around there's a few people over there with helfrichis.

fkshiu 11-15-2007 05:25 PM

I think that they're collected from far deeper waters than their more plebian firefish cousins which would explain the price and lack of availability.

michika 11-15-2007 08:28 PM

Thanks guys.

I think may just opt for a single firefish. I'm still deciding on if Helfichi is for me, or if I should go with a purple or red.

Veng68 11-15-2007 09:06 PM

that's one pricey fish......... last time I saw one at J & L it was ~$130

Vic [veng68]

michika 11-15-2007 09:12 PM

Yeah I know $$! I figure if I do my research it may be worth it.

Chaloupa 11-15-2007 09:18 PM

Hey Catherine...glad to see this thread...saves me from starting one! I too am looking at adding Helfrichi Firefish, have been doing some reading but would like some input...I would like a pair...but I think that may be I'll just tag along on your thread!

Big Al's BC 11-15-2007 11:35 PM

Catherine and Sarah,
Helfrichi Firefish are generally collected at around 250 feet. They come mainly from the Marshall islands, Tonga, Tahihi and occasionally Vanuatu. Safe dive limits are 220 feet, which means divers collecting these fish are risking their lives. That is the reason they are expensive. Price varies slightly depending on which of these areas they are collected from. One of us has two in a 14 gallon Bio cube. They have been in there happily for 4 months. One is more dominant than the other and occasionaly nips, but no damage. They are full grown. Healthy specimens are as hardy as other firefish species and are found in pairs.

Big Al's BC

michika 11-16-2007 12:07 AM

Very good to know.

I can understand the price, and it doesn't bother me. Its all about compatability, and long term survival for me. I want fish that don't just survive, I want them to thrive.

Thanks for weighing in.

Chaloupa 11-16-2007 12:12 AM

Thanks to Big Al's for the information...sooooo did you want to sell the pair in the biocube?? (psst even if it is a store employee's tank, I'm sure you can snag them without them knowing :lol:) I had read up on the collection and completely understand the risk that divers are taking in order to bring these fish to us! And in turn yep, the cost will be affected...I am more concerned that I do want a pair and whether that was even a possibility, and had read a few accounts that they were more shy than other firefish, and had a harder time getting used to aquarium life. I thank you so much for your info...and think of me for that pair!!!!!!

Big Al's BC 11-16-2007 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Chaloupa (Post 281669)
Thanks to Big Al's for the information...sooooo did you want to sell the pair in the biocube?? (psst even if it is a store employee's tank, I'm sure you can snag them without them knowing :lol:) I had read up on the collection and completely understand the risk that divers are taking in order to bring these fish to us! And in turn yep, the cost will be affected...I am more concerned that I do want a pair and whether that was even a possibility, and had read a few accounts that they were more shy than other firefish, and had a harder time getting used to aquarium life. I thank you so much for your info...and think of me for that pair!!!!!!

Great to hear you have done your research! The bio cube in question is not a store display unfortunately.:smile: As far as their being shy, I would say that depends on what you have them with. They are not the best fish to have if you have larger fish around. We would say they are best suited for smaller, quieter aquariums. Also deeper fish in general we find quite hardy and adjust readily to aquarium life.

Big Al's BC

Chaloupa 11-16-2007 06:05 AM

DARN IT! I will have to continue in my search and hope that I stumble along on a pair.......

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