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Snappy 11-05-2007 06:46 PM

Congrats to SuperFudge TOTM on RC
CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING SELECTED AS TOTM ON RC!!!:mrgreen: Way to go Marc, your tank is world class and this recognition is well deserved. For those who haven't had a chance to see, likely the nicest tank in the country, here is the link to see this amazing set up.

christyf5 11-05-2007 06:47 PM

Woohoo!! Congrats Marc!! :mrgreen: Way to go!!

Delphinus 11-05-2007 06:48 PM

That's awesome! :cool:

fishface 11-05-2007 06:49 PM

way to go SUPA-FUDGE!

Chowder 11-05-2007 06:54 PM

Congrates on TOTM.

niloc16 11-05-2007 07:00 PM

that is awesome. it is well deserved my friend. you should be really proud. in my opinion there is no other tank setup or DIY'er better then yours man. congrats buddy, that rocks. wahooo

reptile guy 11-05-2007 07:06 PM

for designing all that and for how great it looks your definatly the man!

Joe Reefer 11-05-2007 07:31 PM

mini-sump!!! could be the best idea ever!

SeaHorse_Fanatic 11-05-2007 07:33 PM

Your tank is not only breathtaking, but the fact that you DIYed most of it yourself is mindboggling. Well deserved TOTM.

mark 11-05-2007 08:06 PM

congrats to the bigtime recognition

wickedfrags 11-05-2007 08:52 PM

Congrats Marc - very well deserved. And nice to see another Canadian get some recognition on RC this year also!!! A very nice write-up, and well documented with photos. Mad DIY skills I must say!

You can look forward to the many many many PMs on RC from those looking for assistance and advice with their "new tank". If it has not already started, well it will. It will be a busy month for you. Again, great tank, and the aquascaping also.


Der_Iron_Chef 11-05-2007 09:03 PM


Definitely well-deserved! Congratulations.

Jason McK 11-05-2007 09:03 PM

It's about time LOL

Sweet Marc what's the prize for getting TOTM maybe the ability to use the search feature for a month.

but seriously your tank has to be the best overall tank I've ever seen. your attention to detail and planning has made your tank a standard of exceptional talent.


Murminator 11-05-2007 09:55 PM

Yay glad to see a "local" on top :mrgreen:

Slipstream 11-05-2007 11:39 PM

Congrads :)

Der_Iron_Chef 11-06-2007 01:20 AM

I just looked again at the thread on RC. Wow, Marc. It's absolutely stunning. I believe the word that kept running through my head was, "ridiculous" :)

untamed 11-06-2007 01:23 AM

Wow...RC. That's the big time Marc!

georgiab 11-06-2007 01:59 AM

Congrats marc, that rocked!! you deserved it :) hehe your like a mini celeb on RC.

Skimmerking 11-06-2007 02:23 AM

Way to go there Marc I know how you got the RC TOTM from my lights that we traded . but I will let you have the honor's:lol:

SuperFudge 11-06-2007 02:28 AM

Wow !

Thank you guys...ima go crawl back under my rock now. :redface:

cprowler 11-06-2007 02:46 AM

Congratulations Marc!

A well deserved honor for a fantastic system and your absolutely sick DIY skills.

Samw 11-06-2007 03:05 AM

Amazing accomplishment. Congratulations for the top honours. Where does one go from there? Hehe.

Rumika 11-06-2007 03:12 AM

Congratulations Marc,
Awesome job. Well deserved by all your hard work, skills and knowledge in this hobby.


Aquattro 11-06-2007 03:38 AM

What can I say? Great job, and well deserved! When is the live tour happening?

Chaloupa 11-06-2007 04:38 AM

absolutely excellent! Congrats!!

Samw 11-06-2007 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 280106)
What can I say? Great job, and well deserved! When is the live tour happening?

It already happened this past summer and it was awesome. Guess you missed it. :lol:

Aquattro 11-06-2007 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Samw (Post 280116)
It already happened this past summer and it was awesome. Guess you missed it. :lol:

oh, sure, have tours when I'm on hiatus....:)

fkshiu 11-06-2007 06:06 AM


This is like winning an Oscar or an Emmy.

crusty1 11-06-2007 07:04 AM's about time
CONGRATULATIONS MY LITTLE ANEMONE!!! Not only do you deserve TOTM for your unbelievable talent and dedication to reefkeeping, but also for being one hell of a nice guy!

ps....this is Sydney....don't worry man....Crusty wouldn't be that mushy!!!

Matt 11-06-2007 01:04 PM

A nice honour for a terrific setup, and beautiful display. I've loved that mini-sump since I first saw the pictures, and that skimmer? Unreal.

TRS 11-06-2007 03:13 PM

Congratulations Marc. That is fantastic!!!

Tom R 11-06-2007 03:54 PM

Congratulations Mark

The fact that you have designed and built this system from scratch just puts that extra wow in the mix.

I was unable to make the tour in the summer, however if you ever have another please include me in the event.

Once again WOW.

Tom R

justinl 11-06-2007 03:59 PM

amazing!! congrats marc. i hope to be half as skilled at DIY at some point in time!

Shrimpy 11-06-2007 04:12 PM

Congrats! Awesome tank!

Doug 11-06-2007 06:18 PM

Congrats Marc. :mrgreen:

Quagmire 11-06-2007 11:09 PM

Wow, good job.Master DIY guy

SuperFudge 11-07-2007 01:00 AM

Thanks so much guys, i appreciate it. :)


Redrover 11-07-2007 04:18 AM

Congrats Marc
Great see your setup in person was just awesome!
Once again congrats:onfire:

Dale 11-07-2007 04:38 AM

Way to go Marc :)

Renegade 11-07-2007 06:02 PM

Well Deserved, Absolutely one of the best tanks I've ever seen.


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