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saltynuts 09-21-2007 12:05 AM

who,s running zeovit.
would like to here from you!
i am looking to try it out. but want to here from you!

scsi 09-21-2007 12:53 AM

Lot's of intrest in this product lately.....
I'm still trying to get through the on line manual, while listening to both sides of the debate argue yay or nay

albert_dao 09-21-2007 05:04 AM

I run it. I love it.

honkey sauce 09-21-2007 05:16 AM

I ran it for 6 months and had to give up cause LFS always ran out of stock.
too demanding of a system when relying on a constant supply.IMO
it does work though.

Jason McK 09-21-2007 05:55 AM

Run it love it aswell.

It's becoming more popular and if you plan ahead you can ensure your LFS has what you want. (no offence Hockey Sauce)

the longer your on it the less product you use. But the more parts of Zeo you use. It takes all of 2 minutes a day. i do it while I feed.


honkey sauce 09-21-2007 06:34 AM

true this was last year so with the increased popularity your probably right. I just didnt go it was costing 200 $ a month.I wouldnt recommend it on large tanks if you dont want to pay that.

theres BC method I would consider too

Pan 09-21-2007 04:28 PM

I have noticed a lot of backlash and...well other remarks regarding Zeo on RC lately. But alas like everything else who knows. I have not tried it, but even the people I've talked to wo have run it for awhile say it keeps their tanks on a very fine razor thin line. I've had people tell me the only reason it works is it forces people who spend that much money to have a reason to constantly monitor their tanks, which if they hadn't forked out the money they wouldn't. If i had the money i would have tied it though...just to see.

Jason McK 09-23-2007 03:07 AM

Quite frankly I'm getting sick of justifying my use of Zeo and that is why initially I didn't want to post in this thread.

Everyone has an opinion but unless you've tried it your opinion means nothing.


Tom R 09-23-2007 04:53 AM

I am with Jason here. I have been using ZEOvit for about a year. I have had remarkable results and will be using it until something better comes along. Now that the cost of the products have come down by about 25% it has become very affordable. If you have been lucky enough to have seen Jason's tank you would definitely agree with what ever system Jason is employing. I have seen many very exceptional tanks and I can tell you very few of these Reefers are practising the same method.

Tom R

For costs look at this

littlesilvermax 09-23-2007 04:58 AM

I am curious about total cost vs the cost of Reef Refresh system by PolypLabs.

Anybody know?

Tom R 09-23-2007 05:16 AM

I originally looked at the Reef Refresh system and estimated my costs for my 500G setup to be approx $1800 per year. My original estimates for ZEOvit was approx $1400 per year. My first year costs have been approx $900 as once my levels came into check I cut my dosage's to about half. I am using just the basic 4.

Tom R

albert_dao 09-23-2007 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by 'Ol Nobodaddy (Post 272447)
I have noticed a lot of backlash and...well other remarks regarding Zeo on RC lately. But alas like everything else who knows. I have not tried it, but even the people I've talked to wo have run it for awhile say it keeps their tanks on a very fine razor thin line. I've had people tell me the only reason it works is it forces people who spend that much money to have a reason to constantly monitor their tanks, which if they hadn't forked out the money they wouldn't. If i had the money i would have tied it though...just to see.

Reef tanks are the same as financial success engines - the losers are always the loudest. Not to pick on the people who told you this, but they really don't understand/have never used Zeovit. The benefits of Zeovit extend well beyond stable water parameters.

Here's some proper information:


albert_dao 09-23-2007 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tom R (Post 272660)
I originally looked at the Reef Refresh system and estimated my costs for my 500G setup to be approx $1800 per year. My original estimates for ZEOvit was approx $1400 per year. My first year costs have been approx $900 as once my levels came into check I cut my dosage's to about half. I am using just the basic 4.

Tom R

Not bad for a 500 (!!!) gallon set up. Actually, I've read that in the larger systems, not only can you cut down to half of your dosing scheme during phase 3, but you can get away with using significantly less product than the recommended volume amount. There's a few tanks on Z-Land that go on this rule.

atcguy 09-23-2007 01:29 PM

use fauna marine Ultralith, much more cost effective!!!!!!!!!!!

michika 09-23-2007 02:56 PM

Can someone tell me all the positive results they've seen with zeo?

Do you see more growth, or is it just better quality growth (more color, thicker skeletons, etc.)?

I hear a lot of people say they get better coloration out of their corals, but what kind? Brighter colors, sharper contrasts?

albert_dao 09-23-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by atcguy (Post 272696)
use fauna marine Ultralith, much more cost effective!!!!!!!!!!!

Not anymore:

Starter Ultralith kit is $88.99

An equivalent Zeovit kit would cost $77.96.

atcguy 09-23-2007 03:29 PM

always thought zeo was more $$$. Guess I was wrong... I am going to start Ultralith soon , as Wendells Tank At Ocean Aquatics. Looks Great. Colors are really starting to pop. and water clarity is amazing ,

albert_dao 09-23-2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 272699)
Can someone tell me all the positive results they've seen with zeo?

Do you see more growth, or is it just better quality growth (more color, thicker skeletons, etc.)?

I hear a lot of people say they get better coloration out of their corals, but what kind? Brighter colors, sharper contrasts?

Noticeablye improvements with Zeovit:

- Better water clarity, on par with ozone.
- Increased stability. I feed as much as I want without algae blooms or SPS browning.
- Better colors, brighter with more contrast. Browned out corals regain their coloration in short time frames (1-3 months for a full recovery, IME).
- Better growth because I can feed more.
- Increased vigor due to the supplementary feeding of bacteria to the coral.
- With a super low nutrient system, I now have the option to play with and refine the coloration of my corals by using trace element solutions/combinations. You CANNOT do this in a high nutrient tank. You're just asking for algae problems.

As far as testing goes, I test once every two weeks. Same as when I didn't have Zeovit.

Either way, check this out:

All the scientific abstract you can shake a stick at.

albert_dao 09-23-2007 03:38 PM

Ahh, here's a particularily important article to wrap your head around:

albert_dao 09-23-2007 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by atcguy (Post 272704)
always thought zeo was more $$$. Guess I was wrong... I am going to start Ultralith soon , as Wendells Tank At Ocean Aquatics. Looks Great. Colors are really starting to pop. and water clarity is amazing ,

Not to rain on your plans, but I'd consider taking a full evaluation of the Zeovit system prior to starting on your Ultralith.

Start with a few questions at Look for responses by G.Alexander and Mesocosm. Both of them are extremely knowledgable.

I believe both Hidden Reef and JL Aquatics carry Zeovit in your area.

scsi 09-23-2007 04:18 PM

Is there any point in running Zeo in the initial stages of the tank's life? Or is it best to start the regimen once you have some stock of corals in your tank?

albert_dao 09-23-2007 04:26 PM

There is much merit to starting out with Zeovit if you consider the progression of a Zeovit system:


Different ZeoVit phases by Aged Salt

ZEOvit phases depend on the nutrient level & coral appearance. Nutrients are relatively high[with "pooled-reserves"] & corals are dull in coloration. Polyp-extension may or may not be present.

Consider phase 1 the initiatation of ZEOvit method. The basic 4 are used to reduce nutrients in a balanced manner. As nutrients & "reserves" are depleted, the corals become brighter, lighter in appearance & the quantities of the zeo's dosed becomes less.

Enter phase 2[~3-6mos], the corals continue to colorize more & nutrients are becoming more exhausted. During this phase, however, if dosing is stopped for more than a few days, nutrients again begin to rise, & corals become darker. This is due to "pooled-reserves" still remaining available.

Phase 3[5-10months] is characterized by stable nutrients & color appearance of the corals, ie. if the zeo's are not dosed for many days, the N03's/P04's do not increase & coral colors remain fast. In this phase, the stored nutrients are exhausted, as evidenced by the low quantites of Bak/Food7/Start used, with coral color intensive.

Tom R 09-23-2007 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by scsi (Post 272721)
Is there any point in running Zeo in the initial stages of the tank's life? Or is it best to start the regimen once you have some stock of corals in your tank?

My tank had been up and running for 3 1/2 years when I started to use ZEOvit. If you are starting ZEOvit in an established tank you start your dosage at about 50% and progress slowly over the first year.

Tom R

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