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Mik_101 09-07-2007 12:43 AM

HELP HELP HELP with yellow tang
Okay I have a yellow tang and he has ich along with black dot or what ever its called and im wondering is ther any other way to treat ich besides fresh water dip?

Aquattro 09-07-2007 02:07 AM

sure, put him in the quarantine tank and treat with copper, then put him in a bigger tank so he isn't stressed.

Or my favorite, garlic. And a bigger tank.

Jason McK 09-07-2007 02:09 AM

So how is your Naso doing with the Yellow Tang in there too


Zoaelite 09-07-2007 02:46 AM

Possible solutions for curing Ich include Garlic, Copper treatment in a quarantine tank and an increase in Aminoacids/Proteins in the diet (Ich really only affects fish which are stressed out and are lacking the vital slime coat that protects them from infection). Of course you should treat the underlying problem promptly, I dont know alot about your system but if there is more than 1 tang in a tank smaller than 150G right there problems can arise from the natural territoral aspect of the Acanthurus species. Not to act as the "Tang Police" but does this not specificly show that any type of tang in small tank will be more prone to infection?

bv_reefer 09-07-2007 04:10 AM

man yellow tangs sure are susceptible to parisites, it's wierd too because his water is pretty good quality and as far as i know it eats a pretty balanced diet which is supposed to help fight off parasites..

findingnemo1 09-07-2007 04:25 AM

Okay but the problem lies that it is in a 33 gallon. They are one of the more hardier tangs when it comes to disease but it is stressed from where it is living. You need to get it out and treat it and every other fish for the ich. The naso will be next i am affraid.

bv_reefer 09-07-2007 04:33 AM

oh no his is a 46-gallon, mines the 33g, but ya still it's still a small tank for a tang no doubt

Mik_101 09-07-2007 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Jason McK (Post 270100)
So how is your Naso doing with the Yellow Tang in there too


Traded him for a yellow tang

Mik_101 09-07-2007 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by bv_reefer (Post 270144)
oh no his is a 46-gallon, mines the 33g, but ya still it's still a small tank for a tang no doubt

You have a sail fin tang in yours.

Borderjumper 09-07-2007 04:42 AM

:popcorn: :drinking:

bv_reefer 09-07-2007 04:46 AM

ya but my sailfin is 1/2 the size and healthy as heck, and eats 2 sheets of seaweed a day so

scsi 09-07-2007 04:46 AM

46.... 33.....
both too small for tangs imo......
I really want a yellow tang for my 80G, but I'm thinking he might not be completely happy in it. I'm undecided......
In the end, the fish always wins

Renegade 09-07-2007 04:48 AM

I don't know what to say

Redrover 09-07-2007 04:48 AM

Tang's are swimmers...tank to small...stressed out which won't help to get rid of any kind of pest:drinking:

Aquattro 09-07-2007 04:50 AM

boys, take the arguing back and forth to PM please.

I think a YT in a 46 is reasonable, although they are not what I'd call susceptible to disease. I had my YT for 8 years and it never got sick, even when it was in a 45g tank.
Sailfins in 33g tanks is pushing it, since they can grow much larger than a yellow.

Make sure the temp is stable, all water parameters are acceptable and feed a good selection of food, including garlic soaked nori and the YT should be fine.

Borderjumper 09-07-2007 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Renegade (Post 270153)
I don't know what to say

Its like driving past a wreck on the road.. you dont wanna look.. but you cant help yourself.

bv_reefer 09-07-2007 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by Renegade (Post 270153)
I don't know what to say

-i donno honestly i've never seen mine stressed renegade all he does all day is eat hair algae and sea weed and swim through live rock, same as in a big tank so whatever..

EmilyB 09-07-2007 04:53 AM

My Easy Button isn't working.

Aquattro 09-07-2007 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by EmilyB (Post 270159)
My Easy Button isn't working.

It only works before school starts. They don't tell ya that in the commercials though

Chowder 09-07-2007 04:55 AM


Mik_101 09-07-2007 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 270156)
boys, take the arguing back and forth to PM please.

I think a YT in a 46 is reasonable, although they are not what I'd call susceptible to disease. I had my YT for 8 years and it never got sick, even when it was in a 45g tank.
Sailfins in 33g tanks is pushing it, since they can grow much larger than a yellow.

Make sure the temp is stable, all water parameters are acceptable and feed a good selection of food, including garlic soaked nori and the YT should be fine.

So i should just throw him back into the main tank? Feed him garlic, soaked nori and that he shuld heel because it was worse but got much better and i mean MUCH better. He had ich everyber and now his got a bit on his belly and a few black spots.

findingnemo1 09-07-2007 05:35 AM

Ich goes through cycles. If it looks like it has all gone then what it has done is dropped off to the substrate,rocks and corals and then comes back with a vengence. If you already have it out of the tank then treat it with hypo andbe done with it. Leave your main tank fishless for 6 weeks and all should be good. i would treat it if it is out already. Otherwise try and keep the diet good with garlic soaked foods if it is still in there.

Mik_101 09-07-2007 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by findingnemo1 (Post 270177)
Ich goes through cycles. If it looks like it has all gone then what it has done is dropped off to the substrate,rocks and corals and then comes back with a vengence. If you already have it out of the tank then treat it with hypo andbe done with it. Leave your main tank fishless for 6 weeks and all should be good. i would treat it if it is out already. Otherwise try and keep the diet good with garlic soaked foods if it is still in there.

what do you mean by soaked foods?
are you saying i should take all my live stock out?
The yellow tang is the only one with it. I hope. is ther any chemical i can add to the tank so the fish get a thiker slime coat?
& garlic like regular garlick from the food store?

Aquattro 09-07-2007 06:19 AM

Ok, my thoughts on treating ich (like anyone cares:)) If a fish gets ich it's mostly likely due to stress of one sort or another. Trying to catch said fish and put it in a hospital tank is going to do nothing good for the stress level. This is assuming a reef tank with lots of places to hide and snag nets, etc.
One needs to accurately/honestly assess the cause of said stress and alleviate it immediately.
Now, a healthy well fed fish is going to be better able to fight off the stress and therefore the disease/parasite/nasty things better.
So, if it were me, as soon as I see any outbreak of bad in my tank, I feed a higher protien diet (PE mysis is my favorite) as well as soaking nori in freshly squeezed garlic oil. You do this by crushing fresh garlic and rubbing the nori through the pulp until it's soaked (this is where the soaked part comes in). Feed as much as the fish will eat until it appears bored of eating nd remove leftover nori so it doesn't pollute tank.

Now *IF* the fish is already in a bare tank, then go ahead with hyposalinity/copper/voodoo, whatever works and is recommended by the masses. I've never gone that route, but haven't had lots of need to treat fish. Just my 2 cents, yes, Rob, I know you think I'm nuts.

Zoaelite 09-07-2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by i2as kass (Post 270110)
Possible solutions for curing Ich include Garlic, Copper treatment in a quarantine tank and an increase in Aminoacids/Proteins in the diet (Ich really only affects fish which are stressed out and are lacking the vital slime coat that protects them from infection). Of course you should treat the underlying problem promptly, I dont know alot about your system but if there is more than 1 tang in a tank smaller than 150G right there problems can arise from the natural territoral aspect of the Acanthurus species. Not to act as the "Tang Police" but does this not specificly show that any type of tang in small tank will be more prone to infection?


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 270183)
Ok, my thoughts on treating ich (like anyone cares:)) If a fish gets ich it's mostly likely due to stress of one sort or another. Trying to catch said fish and put it in a hospital tank is going to do nothing good for the stress level. This is assuming a reef tank with lots of places to hide and snag nets, etc.
One needs to accurately/honestly assess the cause of said stress and alleviate it immediately.
Now, a healthy well fed fish is going to be better able to fight off the stress and therefore the disease/parasite/nasty things better.
So, if it were me, as soon as I see any outbreak of bad in my tank, I feed a higher protien diet (PE mysis is my favorite) as well as soaking nori in freshly squeezed garlic oil. You do this by crushing fresh garlic and rubbing the nori through the pulp until it's soaked (this is where the soaked part comes in). Feed as much as the fish will eat until it appears bored of eating nd remove leftover nori so it doesn't pollute tank.

Now *IF* the fish is already in a bare tank, then go ahead with hyposalinity/copper/voodoo, whatever works and is recommended by the masses. I've never gone that route, but haven't had lots of need to treat fish. Just my 2 cents, yes, Rob, I know you think I'm nuts.

Great minds think alike ;)... Or read the same info off Canreef :D

Gordon H 09-08-2007 03:03 PM

One more tact
Here one more tact - our powder blue tank gets ich periodically, but our cleaner shrimp and neon gobies keep it under control. Whenever he gets it, he knows to go find the cleaners who clean him up great. He seems to be a little ticklish, so he tends to go to the gobies rather than the shrimp, but the rest of our fish get cleaned regularly by the cleaner shrimp (mostly fire shrimp). Hope that helps.

Pan 09-08-2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 270183)
Ok, my thoughts on treating ich (like anyone cares:)) If a fish gets ich it's mostly likely due to stress of one sort or another. Trying to catch said fish and put it in a hospital tank is going to do nothing good for the stress level. This is assuming a reef tank with lots of places to hide and snag nets, etc.
One needs to accurately/honestly assess the cause of said stress and alleviate it immediately.
Now, a healthy well fed fish is going to be better able to fight off the stress and therefore the disease/parasite/nasty things better.
So, if it were me, as soon as I see any outbreak of bad in my tank, I feed a higher protien diet (PE mysis is my favorite) as well as soaking nori in freshly squeezed garlic oil. You do this by crushing fresh garlic and rubbing the nori through the pulp until it's soaked (this is where the soaked part comes in). Feed as much as the fish will eat until it appears bored of eating nd remove leftover nori so it doesn't pollute tank.

Now *IF* the fish is already in a bare tank, then go ahead with hyposalinity/copper/voodoo, whatever works and is recommended by the masses. I've never gone that route, but haven't had lots of need to treat fish. Just my 2 cents, yes, Rob, I know you think I'm nuts.

Does voodoo really work? Do we get to keep the left over rum and chicken....?

Captainhemo 09-08-2007 10:07 PM

Hereit is again:

It really is worth reading

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