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For those who don't think spelling is important
Just a story...we lived in Canmore in the early 90's. I had to continually walk by this restaurant with it's neon sign "restuarant". I mentioned it to them as often as I could....usually got a blank stare. They are gone now... I don't correct spelling or grammer without good intent. I had to re-teach my children for the most part, as the school system failed them. They are in pretty good shape now, I think. :lol: A lot of people on here now are young, but don't try to silence the elders. :razz: We may seem harsh, but we mean well... |
I had to continually walk by this restaurant with it's neon sign "restuarant"
so whitch word was it :razz: sorry Deb couldn't resist |
As an academic tutor, I read a lot of papers written by students who don't seem to realize that spelling is essential in the real world. I've had to correct resumes & cover letters for countless young people who failed to get past the initial interview or to even get an interview and I had to point out the fact that incorrect spelling is the fastest way to lose the interest of potential employers. After all, if you're not willing to put in the effort on your resume, then what can they expect from you if you get the job. Spelling errors are also a killer on marks at school, especially at the college/university level & a quick way to lose 10-20%. I know because for four years I was a Teaching Assistant at UBC & I had to "teach" many of these 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year Engineering students the need to put in more effort on writing a good lab report, including proper spelling. During my time at UBC, the best compliments I received were from Engineering profs who would actually come up to me and mention how they could usually tell which of their students had taken my lab courses, since they were among the few who could write proper lab reports & paid attention to details like grammar & spelling.
I know that when you're in high school there are a lot more "important" things to worry about than spelling, but bad spelling becomes a life-long bad habit that can really hurt your chances of success later in life, both academically and when you get into the working world. Writing on the boards is different, but even here, if the spelling is really bad, many of the more experienced reefers will ignore the post & you'll lose out on learning from their experiences. Anthony |
I have to be one of the worlds worst spellers! Without spell check to save me I'm often looking up words in the dictionary, which is painfully slow and annoying. Even though I know I can't spell worth a darn I make sure I take the time to try to spell correctly, mostly because I hate seeing a word I spelled spelled wrong but also because I don't want others to think I'm dumb and can't even spell right. FYI there is about 4 words above that spell check caught me spelling wrong :redface:
I know that at the bank I work at, if we receive a resume with a grammatical error it is tossed.
Hmm, how many people won't reply to this thread in fear of actually spelling something incorrectly? Remember, spell check can be wrong to <(too)
BoB, you here somewhere? :) |
I went to an asian restaurant in Richmond that had their daily specials in chinese characters on one side and in english on the other. The "Special" dish included soup, bowel of rice, and coffee or tea.
I ordered the special just to see how they would serve a bowel of rice and fortunately it was just white rice served in a regular bowl without any "off-colored" rice grains nor scent of Pinesol. My friend explained the definition of "bowel" to the waitress who turned very bright red and promptly removed all the special menus from the table. I felt rather privileged to be the last person to order the special that day. |
I dont thinc speling is a bad problum. !!
who neds speling wen you have cumputors doing all the werk this day. Huked on foniks werked fer me!!!!
Well I am one of the worst spellers, but also an aspiring writer.
My quote is "Never let your inability to write interfere with your ability to tell a story." The right words and spelling are what editors are for. :lol: |
so are you saying the business failed because of the incorrect spelling on the sign or am i misunderstanding the point here?
im not terribly careful when i post (evident in my lack of apostrophes and capitals) but i make sure that they are at least legible. as opposed to something like "i gotz a sumtin 4 u 2 c cuz I'z not nowin wut it b. werd." true that that would be an extreme case, but i still just ignore anything in that kind of format (or lack thereof). and im sure more experienced reefers have better things to do than try to decipher what us young schmucks are texting too.
chin, i laughed at the bowel story :D |
Teach your kids to read at a young age and encourage them to take out books at the library occasionally.
Reading nourishes the mind and exposes them to new words. I think it's a better way as opposed to just "teaching" them how to spell. Most of the people that can carve linguistically have a habit of reading substantial books and not BS like US Weekly or 7teen, or whatever the heck it's called. |
I agree. I think that text messaging, emails, and bulletin boards (sorry) encourage people to use abbreviations, incomplete sentences, and point form. People are forgetting the skill of writing letters.
By the way, I have been unable to download the spell check for this bulletin board. |
I seldom respond to these threads but walking back from my office to finish the dishes I had two thoughts.....over the crying baby.
Most people dont even reread what they type, and if you think of the individuals you are referring too, is what they type even relevant in most cases. If you take the "p" out of spelling you get what I believe is an important skill. All the best. Wendell PS If I mis-spelled something or my grammer is poor, my wife is too busy with the baby to check it :) |
When I go out onto my balcony, I have to inevitably look at a sign for a barber's shop across the street that reads: "Razors Edge". It makes me cringe. Call me a stickler; call me picky; call me an English major :) But, I have been cursed, not only with the ability to spell almost everything correctly, but also abilities in punctuation and grammar.
Woe is me. P.S. I may be considered one of those young'uns (at 30 years), but I'm probably the exception to the rule. I always got in trouble when I was a kid because I would stay up late, with a flashlight, reading into the wee hours of the morning. Such a rebel :D |
I've been in university for a long time, and I've really started to notice, the severe lack of spelling and grammar skills some of my younger peers posess. There is nothing like doing a project with someone, receiving their share of the work, and then having to spend a couple hours re-writing it because of grammar and spelling errors. Although as far as I am concerned, if I can understand the message or point, and its not an official communication that is fine. Its when I get official letters for job offers, or from my university with spelling errors, and incorrect grammar that I cringe. |
Teehee, people in this thread keep editing their posts for spelling mistakes but I'm not sure if they're leaving some intact just for the fun of it...
:D It's pretty rough when you have people in your workgroup writing at a 6th grade level. |
It's pretty rough when I'm reading this at 1:17 AM :(
In any case, I just caught Superbad. It was super wicked. Rules like I roll... Over old people with my Hummer. El - oh - el Marco. Beat that. |
I got into the habit of correct spelling and punctuation and grammar when I was in high school. My blasted english teacher (also taught me in 8th grade) was so anal retentive about it. However, I'm a young young'un. Only 22. Nowadays, it bugs me to no end to see ppl talk lyk this. I do shorten "because" to "cuz" just because because is such an annoying word. :razz: Ha!
I think the problem on these boards is that a lot people don't proof read before hitting the submit button.
cheers ps. If I have misspelled or used grammar incorrectly I am not sorry. |
My impression is that the majority of young people today have poor to mediocre vocabularies, spelling and grammar. The real concern for me isn't so much these deficiencies in and of themselves, but rather, I think it's an indication of how much TV and internet we consume, where everything (more so in the case of the former) is packaged into bite-sized pieces, with very little real substance or value. Watch a one hour Discovery Channel special, and then spend one hour reading about the same topic in a book (or on a good website), and see which one you gain more from. As individuals we probably know more on the whole than people 50 or 100 years ago, but I think we're very much generalists, and areas where we do specialize, especially for young people, are areas of debatable value, such as music, sports and pop culture.
And then we have the opposite end of the spectrum.....:lol:
Quinn, where have you been ? Finished school yet ? |
Working downtown, realizing that Calgary is a bloody expensive city to live in...
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