Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Fishman 08-12-2007 08:20 PM

Frustrations with tank provider (Edmonton)
I just wanted to pass along the details of a recent “experience” here in Edmonton *edited*

As a fresh water aquarist for over 25 years, I decided to make the jump to Salt water a few months ago. I’ve basically spent the last few months reading and researching. Yesterday was the big day to purchase a tank. After visiting a few stores in Edmonton, I decided on a corner-bow *edited*(my reasoning was simply based on … they have something in stock that worked for me … I couldn’t find anything else around town for my situation). Anyways, after deciding on a purchase price and a nominal fee to deliver – (including installing the odd-ball metric pipes that you cannot find replacement fittings for), I thought I better have one last home inspection to make sure that it would fit through the front door, not overcrowd the front room etc. etc. I assured I would be back this morning to buy the tank *edited* … and I was, 10 minutes after they opened the doors. I was blindsided when the “boss” showed up and wanted $50.00 more than agreed upon for the delivery and 20% more for the “agreed” upon price … I walked out and will never go back *edited* … I’m open to suggestions as to where in Edmonton I can find a decent tank and more importantly, start a relationship with an ethical retailer.

niloc16 08-12-2007 08:26 PM

uh oh, this thread wont last long. you have to be careful about talking negative about stores or the 'big brothers' will close the thread

RicePaddy 08-12-2007 09:04 PM

A deal is never done until the money has been paid and the item is in your possesion.

I am sure there is at least one person that can say something bad about every vendor out there. However I do not think this is a venue to express this displeasure. And since you are not out of pocket any money, I would say that it could have been alot worse.

Buyer beware!!!


christyf5 08-12-2007 10:01 PM

Sorry guys, we don't do store reviews on this board. I understand your frustration but lawsuits etc. Please no store bashing, if you have a store suggestion for him by all means post but no negative posting. Thanks.

Fishman 08-12-2007 10:33 PM

Thanks for the feedback
Thanks to everyone for the feedback!

Doug 08-12-2007 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by niloc16 (Post 265440)
uh oh, this thread wont last long. you have to be careful about talking negative about stores or the 'big brothers' will close the thread

Not sure what that means. Thats just what we needed. Why do we close them or not allow them. Members need to understand what we go through because of these.

Titus, {and other board owners}, provide boards like this, for us to talk about our aquariums. Plus we have sponsers, like most boards, that pay for advertising, which helps Titus with the cost of running the board so its free for everyone else.

However, when members have their negative say on the board, {why not go to the store itself}, then its us left to deal with it, both the members and the stores. Gee, thanks. We are still dealing with the fall out from the last one. I dont mean to vent on this threads author as they are new or even Colin, whom I quoted. After the last few days, this just needs saying.


RicePaddy 08-12-2007 10:36 PM

AI do have some nice tanks and they can custom make for your needs. They may not be the cheapest but they do quality work.


Chaloupa 08-12-2007 11:39 PM

Thank you Doug for posting that...a lot of members don't understand why threads that name stores and give reviews both negative and positive get closed down or removed...telling them will help in all ways as then there is an understanding to the reasons...not just a thought that the mod's are taking down threads or closing threads, or making warnings for the heck of it.

niloc16 08-12-2007 11:44 PM

hey doug i wasnt attacking you guys, i was letting fishman know that they have to be careful about negative threads about stores or the thread will be closed. it wasnt an insult to the administrators in any way.

Doug 08-13-2007 12:20 AM

Thanks Colin. No problem. I was not sure who big brothers were or what exactly it meant. My post, although quoting you, was in general mostly. As mentioned, its partially a carry over from previous ones. Guess we, or myself as staff, just had to vent finally or as much as we are allowed to. :D

Thanks Sarah.

PoonTang 08-13-2007 04:09 AM

You can say anything about anything or anyone long as its nice????
Somehow it just doesnt seem right that an avenue such as this which is used for the betterment of all who use it is restricted in the information that it provides. Ideally if a product or service is substandard or not we should be able to discuss it openly for better or worse. Unfortunate that an internet forum should be liable for damages when its just random people helping each other out by recomending the good and slamming the bad.
Mabey this is why EBAY actually works, youre allowed to rate your experience truthfully.

scsi 08-13-2007 04:45 AM

Poontang has a valid point.

Are we to be throat tied, always knowing where the line is drawn regarding good/bad experiences we may have encountered in our day to day lives as Aquatists?

I think all of us here are familiar with the laws concerning liable. If you treat opinions here as what they are.....opinions...... then the board is exposed to no dangers.

If, on the other hand, you choose to log on here and knowingly spread lies and un-truths.... then I think that's what the "Admin" posts were all about.....

Hope this clarifies.......

Continue to post either your pleasures or tantrums

btw, you can name any business you want......

Aquattro 08-13-2007 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by scsi (Post 265522)
Are we to be throat tied, always knowing where the line is drawn regarding good/bad experiences we may have encountered in our day to day lives as Aquatists?
I think all of us here are familiar with the laws concerning liable. If you treat opinions here as such..... as opinions...... then the board is exposed to no dangers.
Continue to post either your pleasures or tantrums
btw, you can name any business you want......

Um, ya, pretty much throat tied, as you put it. Essentially, if you have nothing nice to say about some store/user, etc, say nothing at all. BTW, no, you can't name any business you want, you can follow the rules of the board. Which are as I just stated above. The laws of libel (not liable) do not apply here. The laws of private property do, and as a privately owned board, the owner decides what gets said and by whom. It's all very simple. Thank you.

scsi 08-13-2007 05:02 AM

I stand corrected......
By the "Rules" of this board. There are alot of boards that don't have this restriction.

don't throat tie me.........

Aquattro 08-13-2007 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by scsi (Post 265525)
By the "Rules" of this board. There are alot of boards that don't have this restriction.

I see that as a perfect solution to the problem. Got something bad to say, go to a different board to say it.

Btw, your unedited post was better....

fishytime 08-13-2007 05:11 AM

If your gonna censor the "bad" post, you should follow through with it and censor the rest of the posts that named the store in question.

Aquattro 08-13-2007 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 265530)
If your gonna censor the "bad" post, you should follow through with it and censor the rest of the posts that named the store in question.

At this time we're trying to get a point across to the few members that don't understand the policy. Do not bad mouth anyone or any store on this board.

fishytime 08-13-2007 05:17 AM

Just seems kinda pointless to edit the original post and then let others name the store in subsequent posts.

Aquattro 08-13-2007 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 265533)
Just seems kinda pointless to edit the original post and then let others name the store in subsequent posts.

Thank you, concern noted.

Mik_101 08-13-2007 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by niloc16 (Post 265440)
uh oh, this thread wont last long. you have to be careful about talking negative about stores or the 'big brothers' will close the thread

lol i agree this post will be closed sooner or later:lol:

Johnny Reefer 08-13-2007 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 265530)
If your gonna censor the "bad" post, you should follow through with it and censor the rest of the posts that named the store in question.

I try to stay away from these threads lately, but I've noticed something that I think needs mentioning. The store edited out of the original post is not the same store that is mentioned in the other posts. Now the other store is being unfairly confused with the first store. So ya, I think the other posts should be edited, too. Or just delete the whole dang thread.

Aquattro 08-13-2007 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny Reefer (Post 265540)
I try to stay away from these threads lately, but I've noticed something that I think needs mentioning. The store edited out of the original post is not the same store that is mentioned in the other posts. Now the other store is being unfairly confused with the first store. So ya, I think the other posts should be edited, too. Or just delete the whole dang thread.

Thanks Mark. I didn't want to point it out as he seemed so passionate about it.

Aquattro 08-13-2007 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mik_101 (Post 265538)
lol i agree this post will be closed sooner or later:lol:

Miki, maybe read more, type less, k? :)

rigger11 08-13-2007 05:40 AM

ya know maybe there should be a section for ranting and allowing others on this bord to be informed about how some ppl have been "riped off, or mistreated" by some of the stores. make it a members only section where the vendors or sponsors are not allowed to go. cause really as stated be for we shouldnt be "throat tied" and should be allowed to warn eachother of the deals gone south...


scsi 08-13-2007 05:44 AM

I'm sorry I even opened my mouth now........

Aquattro 08-13-2007 05:45 AM

Guys, this isn't an idea or a guideline or an invite to a discussion. This is a rule. Want to rant, go to a reef meeting, Go to the bar, go to a board that allows that type of post. Canreef does not.

rigger11 08-13-2007 05:50 AM

it was just a sudgestion that maybe it is time to re evaluate the guidlines of the bord. this bord is a usefull tool of us reefers but alone with the good experiences being allowed to be shared the negative ones should be allowed as well..

it may just be time to reevaluate

Aquattro 08-13-2007 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by rigger11 (Post 265551)
it was just a sudgestion that maybe it is time to re evaluate the guidlines of the bord. this bord is a usefull tool of us reefers but alone with the good experiences being allowed to be shared the negative ones should be allowed as well..

it may just be time to reevaluate

No, my post above is to let you know that no, it is not time to re-evaluate. It's time to follow the rules of the board, or go elsewhere. It isn't a guideline, it's a primary operational rule. Don't badmouth anyone. Period.
Anyone browsing the board and seeing a billion good things about store X and nothing about store Y can make their own conclusions.

rigger11 08-13-2007 05:57 AM

pm sent to you reef raf, better asked there then in the open

EmilyB 08-13-2007 07:29 AM

IBTL :biggrin: I'll just get the thread closed...

rigger11 08-13-2007 07:36 AM

ibtl???? dont know this one

Redrover 08-13-2007 09:36 AM

Deals a Deal
There are people out there that will push any product or what ever just to make a sale [ it's all about money ] deals a deal...I'd sure like to know before I delt with that person...the sweekie wheel gets the grease...I have to many gray whiskers for all that crap...One good thing, there usually not in business for long.

" It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere "


SuperFudge 08-13-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 265549)
Want to rant, Go to the bar.

No Matter what Brad tells you, DONT DO THAT ! bartenders hate it when you tell them all about your water changes and stocking procedures.

J/K bud, I feel bad for you guys.

Well, ill give you guys a "cyber" pat on the back for a job well done. :)

Mik101, how the heck did you get to 1000+ posts in a couple months??
Damn, it took me 7 yrs.

fishytime 08-13-2007 01:09 PM

Also find it odd that you can bash a product(like sea clone skimmers) but not the guy that told you it was a decent skimmer.

Doug 08-13-2007 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by rigger11 (Post 265546)
ya know maybe there should be a section for ranting and allowing others on this bord to be informed about how some ppl have been "riped off, or mistreated" by some of the stores. make it a members only section where the vendors or sponsors are not allowed to go. cause really as stated be for we shouldnt be "throat tied" and should be allowed to warn eachother of the deals gone south...

Does it not matter how we explain it? Please READ my posts again. Its us left to clean up the mess after posting about "riped off", "mistreated" or ranting. Who do you think does it. The magic clean up goblins.

We have to answer to these buisness,s. Not to mention the fallout from members. I told you we are still dealing with the one from last week and now this. Ranting on the thread, pm,s, you name it. You need to see behind the scenes to understand.

I,m not sure what else we can say, so you understand. Check out most other boards. What you propose would be shut down fast on "most". I wonder why this is.

By the way, I deleted posts that mentioned stores, {even though they were ok}, as it was mentioned here that some may read it wrong. Please leave any store reviews, good or bad, out of this thread. It will remain open for now, if anyone has a point to make and as we would like to make our thoughts and board policy,s clear without just saying this is the way it is.

SuperFudge 08-13-2007 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 265591)
Also find it odd that you can bash a product(like sea clone skimmers) but not the guy that told you it was a decent skimmer.

Its not odd at all, if you bought a crappy car off the lot without doin your homework, would it be the salesman`s fault ?

All it would take was, typing "seaclone" into the search function feild up top and youd get more than enouph to make an informed decision.


Chaloupa 08-13-2007 03:20 PM


Mik101, how the heck did you get to 1000+ posts in a couple months?? Damn, it took me 7 yrs.
because he replies to everything under the sun, even if he has nothing more to add to the thread other than "I second that" or "I agree":lol:

Aquattro 08-13-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFudge (Post 265590)
No Matter what Brad tells you, DONT DO THAT ! bartenders hate it when you tell them all about your water changes and stocking procedures.

That explains the watery drinks!!

PoonTang 08-13-2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFudge (Post 265598)
Its not odd at all, if you bought a crappy car off the lot without doin your homework, would it be the salesman`s fault ?

All it would take was, typing "seaclone" into the search function feild up top and youd get more than enouph to make an informed decision.


This is what we are all trying to do here...our homework. Now if i were to do a search here and not find anything negative about seaclone (because the mods had deleted all the posts) then I would assume they were OK. So logically my next step is to go to the store, say store X for example, and ask the salesman. Hey buy one of these Seaclones he says, there greeeat. Well gee Ive never heard of anything bad said about these salesmen on Canreef (because the mods have deleted all the posts) so i guess it must be a great skimmer like he says.
Now i realize that its pretty hard for the board owner and mods to be all thing to all parties but if a board sponsor is running a crappy business and pushing crappy products then the board users should have a right to know and the store owner better pull up his socks.
Pretty soon we may not even be able to mention which livestock is good or bad. Green peace will say that Aptasia is a valuable anemone and sue us. :twised:

Doug 08-13-2007 06:39 PM

Ok. I give up. If you guys wish the board rules to be otherwise, perhaps contact the owner and then staff the board and deal with it all.

The rules now, are what they are. And if I may add, most members are happy with it and wanted it that way.

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