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muck 08-09-2007 10:02 PM

Whos got a dog?
Im currently looking into getting a puppy and trying to find the right breed for us. It got me to thinking.
I know this might have been done in the past but members come and go, so.... I thought I'd post this up.

Who has a Dog and what kind of dog is it? Please share a photos as well (if you have one). :biggrin:

Doug 08-09-2007 10:35 PM


Lots here also. :D

michika 08-09-2007 10:42 PM

I'm pretty sure you can guess the breed...

At 4 months

At 7 months

And the other one at 6 years.

marie 08-09-2007 11:37 PM

I have a boxer. They make a great family dog for an active family although they don't make good jogging partners because they can overheat.
The downside is the medical issues they are one of a few breeds where everyone asks you if you have medical insurance :mrgreen:

scub steve 08-09-2007 11:38 PM

just got a siberian husky sooo much energy and soo much fun her name is sable

EmilyB 08-09-2007 11:53 PM

One would think that all dogs do is sleep. :razz: HAH !

Carson - working bloodline GSD - needs job and solid training

Stormy - rescue dobie - allergies to the tune of $400 per month - and she's worth every cent. Velco dog, very needy.

One guy you might remember:

Simon AKA Nitro King AAA rescue retired racer (RIP) - dumb but soft and gentle

mseepman 08-10-2007 12:01 AM

My wife and I have a pure bread miniature schnauzer. It doesn't shed, and it's smart so it's quick to housetrain.

Finaddict 08-10-2007 12:36 AM

ryan I have to give my .02 as well.

I have a pure bred mini schauzer as well.
he is not yappy, very smart came house trained at 10 weeks old.
loves I mean loves other dogs and kids.

goes everywhere with me. small enough to throw in to the tub too...

he is 14inches tall 18lbs and does not shed

make sure and spend lots of time with the parent dogs and learn their personalities.
last summer
and current- last week at the cabin!!!

Der_Iron_Chef 08-10-2007 02:21 AM

Oh MAN. This thread is really making me re-think my cat-loving tendencies! Deb, I remember thinking Stormy was going to chew my leg off when I picked up that toadstool earlier this year!

Tons of beautiful animals here. That husky makes me smile. They all do :)

andestang 08-10-2007 02:31 AM

My Chow Chow

Chowder 08-10-2007 02:49 AM

This is Trip my pure bred Italian Greyhound. He's one and 3 months. Loves to run and play with other dogs.Very active and loves hanging out. He is a lap dog.

fishoholic 08-10-2007 04:30 AM

I have two big lovable dogs. Oreo is a greyhound and Bailey is a rhodesian ridgeback cross.

I got Bailey from a wonderful organization called Second Chance Rescue Animal Society. They have many puppies and dogs available for adoption. Their website is the price includes 1st vet visit/health check/vaccinations, microchip, and spay/neuter. These dogs are in foster homes and the people taking care of them will honestly answer any questions you might have about the dog in order to insure a good match. The people who work for this organization remind me of the people on this site, honest, caring, friendly and sincere. I hope everyone will check out their website and share it with their friends, trust me it's well worth it :biggrin: Look under the available dogs section on the top left hand side of the screen and see pic's of all the puppies/dogs/kittens/cats waiting to be adopted.

Below Oreo is in the front and Bailey is behind her

marie 08-10-2007 04:34 AM

If your looking for something small and cute then maybe this is what your looking for

but be warned, I was reading about a DNA study done on the different breeds of dogs. They discovered, DNA wise, a shih-tzu is more closely related to a wolf then a german shepard is :lol:

muck 08-10-2007 04:57 AM

Wow.. thanks for all the replies guys. There are some awesome dogs here.

I love your boxer. She is exactly what I have wanted to get for the last 6 years. (same coloration and everything) I would prefer a dog that I can take jogging (and not have to push in the chariot) though so I am undecided as of yet.

I remember all those dogs. I always enjoy visiting with them when I come by. (If I could I'd have 3 or 4 dogs as well)

The Italian Greyhound is another breed we have been considering. Trip is awesome. I just may have to send you some further Q's by pm.

I will definately take a look at the website you posted. It is great that there are those willing to give of their time for a great cause. Thanks.

marie 08-10-2007 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 265069)
Wow.. thanks for all the replies guys. There are some awesome dogs here.

I love your boxer. She is exactly what I have wanted to get for the last 6 years. (same coloration and everything) I would prefer a dog that I can take jogging (and not have to push in the chariot) though so I am undecided as of yet

Well I suppose it would depend on how far you jog, they have tons of energy and are ready for a game anytime but I know when the temperatures went over 27 here in the afternoon, Trixie would spend 5/10 min with her head pressed up against the air conditioner hogging all the cold air :lol:

Chowder 08-10-2007 05:44 AM

I would say Trip is the other way, can't deal with the cold to well but loves the heat.

fishoholic 08-10-2007 06:00 AM

I'm so glad you will take a look at the website. It really is a great cause especially when you read the rescue stories, although if you do read them make sure Kleenex is close by. On a positive note they have about 30 puppies to choose from and boy are they cute!!!

Aquattro 08-10-2007 06:17 AM

I'm going to see some Bullmastiff pups later this month, I might be bringing one of those home!

hamsik97 08-10-2007 06:20 AM

If I had a dog it would be a spoiled micro yorkie :)

Joe Reefer 08-10-2007 02:09 PM

You have met this guy before.

michika 08-10-2007 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Reefer (Post 265105)

Most awesome dog ever! Makes me want a third dog!

doublette 08-11-2007 03:37 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 265081)
I'm going to see some Bullmastiff pups later this month, I might be bringing one of those home!

We had a bullmastiff for 8 years, he was an awesome dog. I swear he thought he was people!

Rumika 08-11-2007 05:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
We have a Shiba Inu and she is a great family dog. They have have a cat like personality and are very strong willed. You need to let them know who is Alpha and keep on top of it, they like to take control.

tmbar19 08-11-2007 05:39 AM

yorkies and yorkie crosses
3 Attachment(s)
Funny you should ask - we have several puppies for sale right now. We like the smaller, quiet non-shedding lap dogs. They mature to around five pounds. If you would like to see more, check out my ad on

Attachment 1753

Attachment 1754

Attachment 1755

hamsik97 08-11-2007 07:11 AM

Awwww, they are adorable!!!

scub steve 08-11-2007 06:47 PM

he said he wants to jog not carry a dog around lol cute though

rigger11 08-13-2007 06:27 AM

ryan ive got a seiberian husky x german shepard. i got him roughly 6 or 7 yrs ago from the spca. i have never seen a dog so devoted. he goes absolutly nuts when ever my dad comes home even if its only a ten minute trip to the store. ill post a pic when i find one or ill just bring the dog for a trip to the store

EmilyB 02-05-2008 06:16 AM

A birdie told me you might have a puppy.........:lol:

SO......WHAT IS IT !!! :mrgreen:

chevyjaxon 02-05-2008 09:34 AM

Attachment 2334 Thats my dog Jaxon picked him up from the SPCA
3 1/2 years ago he was 2 months old when I got him and can you belive it they neutered him before they let me have him :neutral:

dsaundry 02-05-2008 12:45 PM

All these dogs and not one Lab..My personal fave is a black, or golden or yellow lab, maybe a chocolate too..Smart, great with kids, active and did I say smart. One of the most intelligent dogs out there. Used to take mine jogging and swimming. That was quite a few years ago and he has long since passed away but by far one of the best dogs I have ever had. I currently have a Shitzu/Chin cross and a Border Collie/Spaniel cross. Great dogs as well and our constant loyal companions. Can't imagine a house without a dog. We have 2 cats too and without trying to offend cat lovers I still prefer dogs.:mrgreen: Now watch the thread for cats jump up...:biggrin: :biggrin:

muck 02-05-2008 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by EmilyB (Post 299371)
A birdie told me you might have a puppy.........:lol:

SO......WHAT IS IT !!! :mrgreen:

Hey Deb.. thanks for reminding me about this thread.. :biggrin:
Here is a few pics of Jaime our sweet baby girl.

Parker 02-05-2008 02:38 PM

I have a Cockerspanial, best dog I have owned. Very smart and very good with children etc..but also the most expensive dog I have owned. He has allergies and is prone to ear infections. Given the choice I would spend the money all over again though.

I'll post a pic when I get home.

Aquattro 02-05-2008 03:00 PM

I adopted a boxer/staffy cross last month, great dog!

muck 02-05-2008 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf (Post 299391)
I adopted a boxer/staffy cross last month, great dog!

Nice Brad.
Any photos??

Mattgesy 02-05-2008 03:06 PM

I have dogs! lol
A Rottie, A Shiba Inu and A Chihuahua
love them all :)

Aquattro 02-05-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 299392)
Nice Brad.
Any photos??

Ya, I'll post in a bit. When I'm not 30 minutes late for work :)

TAZ 02-05-2008 10:53 PM

Here is our little man "Ripley", our lovely Weimaraner. He is 8 months old now, but these shots were taken at 9 weeks old.

When we first got him, he was lucky enough to meet a couple of the stars of the TV show "Battlestar Galactica", at one of our Canuck Place events at work

Here he is with Tricia Helfer

Here he is with Edward James Olmos

CLINT 02-06-2008 12:57 AM

I will second and third the Mastiff vote.I have a female that is the best dog ever.She has never raised an eyebrow at a child even when there jumping on her.She doesnt bark a lot like some dogs and appreciates her quiet time as much as I do.GL.Clint

Aquattro 02-06-2008 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 299392)
Any photos??

Here's a couple from the second day I got her, on Long Beach

Murminator 02-06-2008 03:38 AM

Here is our newest dog Abby aka spawn of all evil....nah she is fairly well behaved she is a 5 month old purbred westie

Sorry crappy pic taken with camera phone, cause she looked to cute

and yes she loves her booties and jackets

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