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HiddenReef 07-30-2007 03:20 AM

hidden reef winning #s
Thanks again for a awesome weekend everybody.The support was insane!
Just wait until next weekend.We have a few things up our sleeve!!
We have four large orders of corals,fish,rock & seahorses coming in.

Here are the winning numbers for the draws
Please keep your tickets to match with ours and also let us know who you are.Good luck!

LeeR 07-30-2007 03:28 AM

draw 6 and 7 don't have numbers

niloc16 07-30-2007 04:18 AM

sure they do, read after the prize

Der_Iron_Chef 07-30-2007 04:23 AM

Wow, those are some wicked prizes! Lucky winners!

LeeR 07-30-2007 04:24 AM

haha well they are now...

robzilla 07-30-2007 05:21 AM

nice prizes...too bad we couldnt have a store like this out here in the kootenays....:)

Richy44 07-30-2007 05:30 AM

Sweet Sale! Nice prizes!


Captainhemo 07-30-2007 08:01 AM

Congrats on the big event Mike, soounds like it was a great success :D

Whatigot 07-30-2007 02:37 PM

I bought 200$ worth of stuff on saturday and now i find that their is some draw to which I have not entered?
man, if i woulda known I woulda been one of the 1st 100 for sure.


cav~firez22 07-30-2007 03:09 PM

I wasnt able to make it on Saturday, but i got out there on Sunday, and the sale was still on, i ended up spending 200 then, and will be doing another 150 or so on tuesday when i head back to Kelowna.
The sales were insane.

Great job Hidden Reef Crew.

Chin_Lee 07-30-2007 03:24 PM

were you....

Originally Posted by Whatigot (Post 262885)
I bought 200$ worth of stuff on saturday and 60 of it was regular price stuff that I was NOT given any discount on....
it was only 15 bucks outta my pocket so no biggie but now i find that their is some draw to which I have not entered?


Were you one of the first 100 to enter the store at 6 pm on Sat? If not, it would explain why you didn't enter the draw.

When did you notice your discount was not given? I'm assuming its when you get home ........ correct? Generally it is more courteous (and easier) to try to resolve matters like this privately with HR first. If you have your receipt, I'm sure it can be resolved quickly. Judging by the number of customers in the lineup for the cashier, human error was inevitable.

Redrover 07-30-2007 03:57 PM

Some cheese with your wine...say what ???


HiddenReef 07-30-2007 04:37 PM

I Can't Believe It.Actually I Can . I Have Done This For 18 Years And Nothing Surprises Me Anymore. All It Takes Is A Phone Call."We Can And Will Correct This For You" .What Were You Missing The Discounts On.Maybe It Was Already On Special? It Is Way Too Easy For People Today To Sit Behind A Computer And Complain Rather Than Some Good Old Communication Via Phone Or In Person.
We Are Not Perfect Nor Did We Ever Say We Were, But I Think We All Had A Great Time And So Did 99% Off The Customers.

Anyway Enough Of The Negativity. Wait And See What's We Have Instore For Next Weekend

marie 07-30-2007 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Whatigot (Post 262900)
WOW, so this is customer service for you guys at hidden reef?

I love how your focus is on the fact that I metioned this on a public forum where everyone can see rather than on the fact that your company failedone of your customers.
I think it speaks quite clearly on the management at HR and the real values of the guys running the show.
I post on all these reef forums, I shop ALOT and I am on the internet frequently so I am surprised after reading some good tings about you guys that this is what the mentality is.

who cares if you overcharged one guy 15 bucks right? as long as he doesn't post and make it public.
what do you think is more detrimental to your store, me posting the question asking why it happened or your complete inability to do anything but insult me and make me regret ever driving the 25 minutes to what i thought was a reputable dealer?

I considered this a non issue, just an annoyance, but now you have made it personal for me.
I am not the one who has done anything wrong here, you have.
thank you for exposing what is really hidden at hidden reef, i will do my best to make sure people are aware of what they can expect if they shop there.

Wow, step back from the keyboard and take a deep breath. You were just told to give them a phone call, why don't you do that and get the whole mess staightened out? :wink:

marie 07-30-2007 05:08 PM


do you think you are helping things here by antagonizing me further?
I feel like i did no wrong here, sorry if other forum members do not agree.
I didn't say you were in the wrong, it's just airing dirty laundry in public is a sure way to get a thread locked :biggrin:

Tom R 07-30-2007 05:09 PM

Great Job Mike and Staff

I only wish I could of been there on Saturday night. Half the fun is seeing what my friends are buying. I am sure that Mike and his staff did their best to service all their customers as quickly and efficiently as possible. I am sure that in the frenzy of the moment errors may have been made, but why is it that only the people that were overcharged take it to the Internet, where are all those people that got a better deal than they should of.

Tom R

Whatigot 07-30-2007 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tom R (Post 262906)
Great Job Mike and Staff

I only wish I could of been there on Saturday night. Half the fun is seeing what my friends are buying. I am sure that Mike and his staff did their best to service all their customers as quickly and efficiently as possible. I am sure that in the frenzy of the moment errors may have been made, but why is it that only the people that were overcharged take it to the Internet, where are all those people that got a better deal than they should of.

Tom R

Read my posts, I mentioned that the discount I got on the sale items was enough to make up for the overcharge. I also mentioned I was impressed with the service as well as the selection.

HiddenReef 07-30-2007 05:22 PM

Whatigot.I just don't understand why a phone call wasn't givin.You saw that we were open Sunday and you are a regular customer of the store who comes out regularly, so why do this in a public forum.Also why do the stores {not just us}have to be silent about it these kind of things.

We made a mistake and I do apologize and do want to correct it but in the future give us or the store a ring.

skylord 07-30-2007 05:28 PM

OKay Tom R....I will admit to getting an even better deal. I bought some eagle eye's that were supposed to be $30 at 50% off. Mike sold them to me for $10 instead of $15.

But I really feel quilty about getting $400 worth of salt for less than it cost HR.

Not all things got 25% off. Items on sale didnt get an additional 25%.


findingnemo1 07-30-2007 07:19 PM

Although i didn't get to take part in the sale. I can definetly say that these guys are great. When they had the last sale of free shipping they didn't have what i wanted at the time and did order it in (hopefully this week):) And MIke still offered to honour the free shipping deal.
I think they are great and can honestly agree that mistakes happen all the time. And all it should have and would have taken was a simple phone call to clear it all up.Nobody is perfect and putting on a sale as big as they did i am sure was abit chaotic.

But just my 02

seanoman 07-30-2007 08:05 PM

All I can say is that a simple phone call would have prevented all this frustration. I can personally say that Mike would have been more than willing to reimburse you and probably do something additional for you as well, seeing that you drove from out of town. As you can see, your the only one having a problem and everybody else knows that it was a crazy day for them and they were doing their best!!

Good Job Hidden Reef!!

Whatigot 07-30-2007 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by seanoman (Post 262942)
All I can say is that a simple phone call would have prevented all this frustration. I can personally say that Mike would have been more than willing to reimburse you and probably do something additional for you as well, seeing that you drove from out of town. As you can see, your the only one having a problem and everybody else knows that it was a crazy day for them and they were doing their best!!

Good Job Hidden Reef!!

you wanna prevent some frustration?
shut your pie hole.

I want to address everyone here so that it saves me individual replies, the issue between myself and HR is no longer.
Through PM we have worked this out and there is no more need to attck me for this.
Due to the polite and thorough response I recieved through pm from HR I had the good grace to remove my postings and I wish that all of you on this forum would respect that.
I told HR that I would return to shop there again and I will say the same to you.
thank you and apologys to HR for creating the whirlpool of foolery that has engulfed this thread.
again, this issue was addressed by management at hidden reef in a more than satisfactory method and I am now certain that their customer service and care does indeed match their product in quality and commitment and as such I will be a repeat customer.
thank you.

christyf5 07-30-2007 08:31 PM

I think this thread is done.

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