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bv_reefer 07-23-2007 11:11 PM

-pest or benificial?
-well as i was helping set up my cuzins 110-gallon yesterday, we found something rather unusual. -it waz flat, about 6 inches long and has count-
less numbers of legs like a millipede, in fact it resembled a millipede alot!

-any1 know of this thing?

Moogled 07-23-2007 11:15 PM

That would be a bristleworm.

I know very little about them but personally I would not want one in my tank.

PS: Use Google to find more information on them.

Chaloupa 07-23-2007 11:45 PM

smaller bristleworms can be beneficial to the aquarium, eating left over foods and's the big ones that can be a bit unsightly...but they are a good part of a cleanup crew...just don't touch them...those are spines on the side...not nice to get in your fingers!

skylord 07-24-2007 12:52 AM

The blisters are just going away for me. I transfered everything from my old frag tank to the new one. Both are bare bottom and I hadnt seen any bristle worms in it. Being in a hurry because I didnt want the water to get to cold I just reached in and started transfering rock and frags. Felt something on my finger and looked down ....a BR had wrapped arround my finger and was going around the second. Shook it off and looked at my fingers in the light. I was amazed at how many of this worms bristles were in my fingers. I had blisters on 3 fingers, it took 3 weeks to start looking normal again. This worm was about 10-12 inches long.


bv_reefer 07-24-2007 04:56 AM

-we were'nt 100% sure what it waz yesterday but now we know and i told him 2 put it in his sump for now until he figures out what 2 do with it, alright thx again for the replys.

Jenndarlin 07-26-2007 10:26 PM

kinda off topic - I got stung by something
The other day I was moving a GSP Rock which I had noticed one or two of the "small milipede, catepillar" type creatures climbing on the night before. I picked up the rock and felt a little sting but not too bad but then when I pulled my hand out of the tank I could feel something like "stinging nettle" well i looked at my finger and it was COVERED in tiny almost translucent white "nettles". Took me over an hour to pull them all out with tweezers. got a tiny bit of blister but I thought that was probably more swelling from the sting.

Is this charachteristical of the bristleworms or does it sound like something else???


marie 07-26-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jenndarlin (Post 262336)
The other day I was moving a GSP Rock which I had noticed one or two of the "small milipede, catepillar" type creatures climbing on the night before. I picked up the rock and felt a little sting but not too bad but then when I pulled my hand out of the tank I could feel something like "stinging nettle" well i looked at my finger and it was COVERED in tiny almost translucent white "nettles". Took me over an hour to pull them all out with tweezers. got a tiny bit of blister but I thought that was probably more swelling from the sting.

Is this charachteristical of the bristleworms or does it sound like something else???


definitely bristle worm, scotch tape helps pull out the bristles. I don't usually get much of a reaction from bristle worms, hydriods on the other hand can make me intensely itchy for weeks

bv_reefer 07-26-2007 10:41 PM

-thats definitely the culprit were talking about! -as mentioned earlier,
there usually not ''bad'' but as also mentioned don't handle bare handed-

bv_reefer 07-27-2007 05:35 AM

-just wondering about the hydroid, where wud u get that pest(IMO)
does it come on live rock or what? cuz the only things that shud sting in my tank are the anemones.

marie 07-27-2007 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by bv_reefer (Post 262396)
-just wondering about the hydroid, where wud u get that pest(IMO)
does it come on live rock or what? cuz the only things that shud sting in my tank are the anemones.

Google is your friend :mrgreen: and yes they usually come in on the rock

Mik_101 07-30-2007 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by bv_reefer (Post 261816)
-well as i was helping set up my cuzins 110-gallon yesterday, we found something rather unusual. -it waz flat, about 6 inches long and has count-
less numbers of legs like a millipede, in fact it resembled a millipede alot!

-any1 know of this thing?

I told you it was a britle worm but you dident belive me.

steva44 07-30-2007 05:24 AM

Ahhh they un-banned you i see.... lol

Mik_101 07-30-2007 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by steva44 (Post 262842)
Ahhh they un-banned you i see.... lol


bv_reefer 07-30-2007 07:11 PM

-u told me did u? of course u did lol

Beermaster 07-30-2007 07:45 PM

Was it like this?

bv_reefer 07-30-2007 08:24 PM

-yup pretty much

steva44 07-31-2007 10:01 PM

wtf.... if I find something like that in my tank, I am going to drop a loaf.. then head straight for the Glock...

fkshiu 07-31-2007 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Beermaster (Post 262938)

A darn shame that his tank crashed recently.

steva44 07-31-2007 10:13 PM

wow that sucks... you would think with a tank that big, it would be pretty impossible to lose everything, except maybe with an equipment malfunction

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