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MikeP 07-19-2007 09:26 PM

Lets talk about my dead fishes :(
So my wife just called me at work to tell me that I've had 2 fatalities today :( And things have been going quite well with the tank so far. 1 fish went carpet surfing and the other was stuck to my Seio 1500. I'm wondering about tank coverings. My light set up doesn't really allow for a canopy but I do have eggcrate on the top. There is a small section at the back on the right that has an opening in the eggcrate for my UV sterilizer (which will be moved to the sump this weekend). So has anyone had a fish go through eggcrate? I'm thinking he found his way through the opening at the back...but he was found in front of the tank??? The other thing is that it was a diamond goby that jumped out. I've never seen him come more than 6 inches off the bottom (the tank is 30 inches deep). What would motivate him to jump out? And the one stuck to the Seio, is it plausible that he was sucked up to it while still alive? Or is it more likely that he died for another reason and ended up stuck there?

Thanks for any insight

digital-audiophile 07-19-2007 09:56 PM

Perhaps and aggresive fish chased the goby out of the water? As for your fish stuck to the powerhead I had that happen in the past with a CBB, I suspect that he was starting to fail in health and just ended up getting to close to the powerhead and did not have the strength to move himself off.

Sorry for your losses :( It is always a horrible feeling to lose fish when everyhting seems to be going good.

surgeonfish 07-19-2007 10:01 PM

Sorry to hear about not one, but two fatalities today. I have never covered my tank but did consider using egg create in the past. Does the egg create decrease the light into the tank?

digital-audiophile 07-19-2007 10:03 PM

I used eggcrate on my old cube and didn't find that it reduced the amount of light that got into the tank. I am open top now but only becuase I have a rimless tanks and nowhere to place the eggcrate on top.

MikeP 07-19-2007 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by surgeonfish (Post 261193)
Sorry to hear about not one, but two fatalities today. I have never covered my tank but did consider using egg create in the past. Does the egg create decrease the light into the tank?

I was just thinking about removing the eggcrate too. I do find that it does block some light. Obviously that's not an option anymore.

Quagmire 07-19-2007 10:56 PM

I have open top tanks now,but when I was using eggcrate I had a firefish jump through and onto the floor.Same fish knocked himself silly a couple time by trying the same trick.
Also if you find the eggcrate blocks light,turn it over.One side is slightly smaller than the other.You want the small side up if I remember correctly.

Der_Iron_Chef 07-19-2007 11:09 PM

My vote is that something was harrassing the goby. What else do you have in there that might be a bully?

Sorry, Mike :( That sucks. At least it wasn't anything you did.....your tank seems to be doing very well.

MikeP 07-20-2007 01:24 AM

Yeah when my wife called to say we lost 2 fish I thought the tank was crashing or something. I have seen the goby thats paired with my pistol shrimp chase the diamond around when he gets to close to his territory. That may have been it but there are so many rocks and caves to go in I thought it was a bit weird that he would go strait up and out if he was being harassed.

Here is a pic of the other goby (you can see a bit of the pistol shrimp on the left)

I would love to get another diamond goby cause they are neat to watch and do a great job on the sandbed. But I'm not to sure if I can.

i have crabs 07-20-2007 02:26 AM

yep it sucks ive had a small puffer,a tomini tang and a fire shrimp go missing since our heat wave,tring to keep my tanks under 84 has been a pain.

digital-audiophile 07-20-2007 03:26 AM

I think I cursed myself by posting in your thread today :O I was downstairs after coming home tonight and after dinner just staring into my tank any my purple tang came up quick on my sleeper goby and he made a dash from the sandbed to get away and went straight up and out over the side of the tank and onto the carpet. :O If I had not been downstairs beside the tank at that time he would have been a goner!

MikeP 07-20-2007 03:47 AM

I hope this thread hasn't started a trend! Good thing you were right there. I'm thinking this is more justification to set up a webcam so I can monitor my tank from work :mrgreen:

fishoholic 07-20-2007 04:56 AM

Sorry for your losses. I had a cinnamon clown fish chase a zebra goby out of the tank, along with herself:cry:

MikeP 07-20-2007 02:41 PM

Thanks for the comments everyone. It sucks to loose a fish. At least these weren't due to sickness so the water quality is good and the other fish are fine, but it still sucks.

digital-audiophile 07-21-2007 03:17 PM

Ahhhh!!! I lost my Perc last night to a jump :( :( I went down this am to check on everything and I saw my two new false clowns but my Perc was not in his regular sleeping spot (beside the return line from the sump) I look around the rocks, in the sump, beside and behind the tank and did not see him, I step backwards and feel a "squish" :( He had jump a good three feet infront of the tank :(

I'm really upset, I have had this guy for over two years, he was actually the first marine fish I ever bought, he was in my very first SW tank, a little 10 gallon setup.

I need to figure out an eggrcrate topper today, it's going to be a PITA as my tank is rimless and does not have any thing to support the eggcrate, Ill have to figure out some kind of a clip system, I just don't want my heart broken anymore

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