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Temporary Babysitting Setup
Friend selling house.
Me, free tank. Mismatch sump. Will be moving soon. Big tank too much of a hassle to set up and move with. Temp tank set up. There, I said it in as few words as possible. Here's the details thusfar: http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...20Tank/PVC.jpg Mess of PVC I pulled out my car to make this all come together. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...0Tank/Cube.jpg This is the tank that's suppose to be set up. It's 36" x 28" x 28" of Starphire, beveled and polished edges, Euro-bracing, external Herbie-style overflow (henceforth, the SUPER WICKED overflow), the whole nine yards. I didn't go with black silicone - not my cup of tea. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...Tank/FTS-1.jpg Here's what ended up happening. Not much to say here other than it's looking rather... ghetto. The tank itself is also Starphire, 30" x 18" x 18" with the same trimmings, including that SUPER WICKED overflow. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...0Tank/Elos.jpg Sump detail. No baffles. No microbubbles. It is the miracle of Awesome Albert design and the SUPER WICKED overflow. That's an Elos NS-500 in there. Doesn't look so much a skimmer as a piece you'd display on a prominent shelf in the house somewhere. My girlfriend wonders how I can justify $700-ish for what looks like a glorified penis pump. I contend with an arguement against her $1200 - $3000 purses that she never uses. There isn't much discussion after that. Edit Okay, under threat of spending lots of long nights on the couch alone, I am retracting the previous statement and enacting this one: I wonder how my girlfriend can justify her $1200 - $3000 purses, she counters with my frivilous spending of alike sums on what really amounts to no more than a glorified penis pump. There, I did the "right" thing. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...k/Overflow.jpg Here's that SUPER WICKED overflow I keep on mentioning. It kicks @$$ and is SUPER WICKED, much like me. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...k/Manifold.jpg Manifold I made to feed the Phosban and Zeovit reactors. That's a Sequence Snapper on there. It's rated at 2500 gph. I have it throttled down a bit. I left the wrench there for obligatory masculine purposes. It makes the picture look so much more manly. If you stare long enough, you might even be able to hear me grunting in a manly fashion. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...Phosbanmod.jpg Modified Phosban reactor. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...ank/Zeomod.jpg Modified Zeovit reactor. I don't know why the picture turned out this way. I may submit this photo to one of those paranormal sites, claiming orbs. I rule. http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...ank/Unions.jpg Unions EVERYWHERE! AAAAOOOGAH! The vast majority of you are on the edges of your seats. I know. But that's all for now. More to come once I finish with leak testing. |
I love it when its new , clean and no salt creap !
This made me chuckle
Very nice,
I definatly heard the manly grunt, but i also predict to hear a womans banshee scream when the tank bottom lets go becuase you didnt use a ply wood sheet underneath it to even up the pressure on the bottom. Sweet stuff though,Marc. |
LOL. Albert. You make me laugh.
SUPER WICKED d00d :wink: |
<jet pilot> Womanly scream averted. Operation success. </jet pilot> |
Replaced the Sequence Snapper with a Hydor SELTZ L45. It rocks. Makes Mag-Drives look like wimps. Here's a quick review I snatched from a PC cooling site: http://www.systemcooling.com/hydor_l30ii-01.html Okay, read that, imagine the article's about the L45 and imagine that I wrote it. I know, you all want one now. Quickly, head out, replace that crappy old Mag-Drive with one of these. You'll thank me. Oh yeah, just a quick comparison between a few popular pumps from this flow range: Hydor L45 Max Flow 925 gph Power Consumption 50 watts Max Head 8' 8" Price $100.00 Eheim 1262 Max Flow 900gph Power Consumption 80 watts Max Head 11' 6" Price $175.00 Mag-Drive 9.5 Max Flow 950 gph Power Consumption 93 watts Max Head 14' Price $110.00 Sedra 9000 Max Flow 900 gph Power Consumption 90 watts Max Head 17' Price $110.00 |
:eek: <blink> ... <blink> ... People liquid cool their PC's? I had no idea.. Wow.
Where you been Tony? :lol:
People will do anything to cool down their PCs. As evidenced by me, who once put his laptop in the freezer because the cooling fan was broken....and then fell asleep....for three hours.
Seriously people, learn from my mistakes :D LOL |
Which is all besides the point. Let's stay on topic here guys - EVERYONE GO OUT AND BUY A SELTZ. They are ub3r x 5000 vs Mag-Drives and other similar pumps.
Today's updates:
- Filled the tank with RO/DI water. - Added Ocean Pure Pro salt to 1.025. - Filled up the Zeovit reactor. - Filled the Phosban reactor with Silicarb. - Tossed on a Profilux controller. - Jacked the 2' HOT5 display unit from the store and rigged it over the top of the tank using some Aquactinics riser brackets. I'll play with the controller over the course of the week. Harry Potter kills everyone with an Uzi. You're welcome. |
And so help me god, Albert, I was ready to come down there and kung fu your a$$ when I read "Harry Potter kills...." ;) |
- Seeded the Zeoreactor with some stuff from the store. - Added some 20ish lbs of rock from my friend's tank. I had to scrub a lot of hair algae off it though. Pretty queer. - Rock came with to RBTA's. Whatever... I have test kits and loads of free time. - Added a Koralia 3 and 4 to produce a gyre flow effect. - Forgot the camera at the store. - Yelled at my roommate for eating peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon and not cleaning it. I'm allergic to peanut butter. Cleaning it off the spoons is such a hassle. I don't know what the crap, but is it really that much more effort to run a spoon under hot water for 15 seconds while scrubbing? God. Why are people so lazy? I think it's cause they play too much WoW. That game is retarded. I watched my roommate/friend go from being a super mega pick-up artist/ladies man to a sedentary, unmotivated jack-hole because of WoW. Parents, don't buy this game for your kids. If you do, you've pretty much have gauranteed their untimely failure in academia. - Stared at live rock and anemones until I was satisfied with the flow. - Sat in front of the fridge for two minutes . I need to go grocery shopping. You can't make anything with ketchup, lettuce and mustard. |
Hello lettuce rollups! :razz: |
"- Sat in front of the fridge for two minutes . I need to go grocery shopping. You can't make anything with ketchup, lettuce and mustard." Ahem - Pot. Kettle. Black. :wink: BTW Albert, what's with your egregious use of homophobic lingo? Homotesticle? Queer? Hmmm. Oh sorry, I'm off track: tank sounds good. Want pictures. |
I'll trade you a rock with no RBTA's for the rock with RBTA's if you are itching to get rid of them :p
@ Christy
- I go to SAIT. They didn't teach me nothing about survival, only about debits and credits. Jackwads take my money and don't even teach me useful stuff. God. @ Drew - I'm not homophobic, I just like those words. They punctuate my daily vocabulary with happiness and joy. I'll have to remember to bring home the camera today. I took some PIMP pictures at the store and they need a home. In the meantime, here's a picture of a turkey, a monkey and an elephants bum: http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...Zoo/turkey.jpg http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...Zoo/monkey.jpg http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z...o/elephant.jpg @ Greg - No can do, they don't belong to me and my friend (Cyril) has an emotional attachment to them now that his girlfriend is gone. Speaking of which, why would anyone take a six week vacation to Vietnam, China, or any other semi-third world country? Cyril's girlfriend has confided to him via phone and whatnot that she's dreadfully bored and has the runs on a daily basis. I mean, what was she expecting?????? OMG, </wrist> |
Hmmm, maybe I'm just too spoiled by gadgetry and modern convenience.
Anyway, does anyone have any stock suggestions? I was thinking a school of ten or twelve Yellow Tangs - you know - to disperse the aggression. That, or maybe a small human child. |
-where else can you drink beer with ice cubes and get away with it? -have pho at 5am in morning -take your wife on a nice date for $2.50 -have your own driver, tour guide and chef for less then 1 hundred a week Great place to visit! |
I dunno, but I bet you that if your wife played WoW, you could take her out all month slaying fiends at the low monthly fee of $14.99/account.
lol...does your roomate urinate in a cup while playing WOW? It's sad how technology is ruining lives
Not yet, but he recently picked up a foam rest for his left arm...
i vote for 20-30 cromis and a trigger
... This thread is taking a swift downward spiral into the depths of very non-Christian values.
I lol'd. |
Hurrah for non-Christian values!
I keed, I keed.... Were you serious about the ten or twelve yellow tangs? How about a giant school of....something. Anthias? |
Why Anthias? Why not Naso tangs?
In retrospect, I know I meant to suggest a school of Moorish Idols.
mabey a octo of some kind and a little lego pirate boat so you can sit in your winnie the poo undies and play pirates of the caribean while your roommate plays wow.
I am SO disturbed by that image. I do like Anthias. They're pretty, the way they school is cool (too cool for school), and they're readily available (though I suppose lots is readily available to you). How about a Trigger Tank? |
LOL @ Corey
Great minds think alike. @ Drew Titan Trigger? Definitely. There's at least 40 gallons in the main tank to work with. As far as what I'm inheriting from Cyril, off the top of my head: Marine Betta Saddled Tobey Blue Lined Dottyback (RARE) Tomato Clown Tobacco Basslet Chalk Basslet Some kind of Istiblennius A bunch of hair algae covered live rock (I was really happy, no, orgasmic about this one) HUGE Green Echinophyllia Galaxy Coral Hammer Coral Frogspawn Pearly Bubble Coral RBTA's Hmm, probably more, but that's all I can think of. |
Why don't I have any friends who feel the sudden need to dump all their aquarium gear on me?!
Hey Albert, if you need to get rid of some of those LPS, let me know ;) |
:P Well, I guess the term "inherited" was misleading. I'm babysitting.
On a brighter note, the shock of moving caused one of the RBTA's to split. Hurray! New stock should be coming in on Friday. I'll probably add something like a brittle star to the tank then. |
I LOLed very hard throughout the whole thread.
i_have_crabs, you win at life! That is one awesome comment! |
So yeah, unloaded all of Cyril's stuff today. I'm tempted to drill holes in the rock to make it more porous.
I hate hair algae. Scrubbing that stuff was a hassle and I didn't even get most of it. Reflecting on the past half hour, I should have just tossed all the rock in boiling water and been done with it. Yay, two weeks of testing to go before I can start bringing home the cool stuff. |
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