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SeaHorse_Fanatic 07-05-2007 07:00 AM

What temp. did your tank hit today with the heat?
Mine maxed out at 81. That's with 3 250w DE MH on all day too. Very happy with that. Tomorrow though will be a challenge since it'll be even hotter in the Lower Mainland. May have to use my new AC unit after all.


fkshiu 07-05-2007 07:01 AM

Didn't budge past 78F with 3x175w MH - I love my basement =)

niloc16 07-05-2007 07:09 AM

must be nice. my tank every day goes from 80 in am to 83 in pm with 3 400w's. i have central air in the house so the outside temp doesnt effect it. i have debated on getting a chiller but nothing in the tanks has evered showed any signs of suffering.

Der_Iron_Chef 07-05-2007 02:23 PM

It's been hella hot here in Calgary at times already this summer, and I live on the top floor of a condominium complex. The highest I've seen my tank is 82.5. Not too bad I guess.

danny zubot 07-05-2007 02:59 PM

82.5 isn't that bad. Last summer in my condo mine peaked at 89F. This year my tank is in the basement, where I can take the lid off when it gets hot. Temp range has been 78.5 to 79.5 all day and night.:biggrin:

michika 07-05-2007 03:05 PM

88 at 10pm a few weeks ago before I got my chiller.

Its 27 in my apartment now, and its just after 9am.

Chaloupa 07-05-2007 03:08 PM

84.8 with 2x400w halides.....that includes having fans on the tank....ugh...I think a chiller is next as it's only getting hotter

i have crabs 07-05-2007 03:25 PM

i was at 84-85 on 2 different tanks yesterday

Snappy 07-05-2007 03:30 PM

I invested in a chiller last winter as I had a lot of dead corals last summer & fall. I have it set to come on if the temp reaches 80.5, so far so good.:smile:

Rippin 07-05-2007 03:51 PM

83 degrees using 2x150W over a 50g. I suspect that may go up this summer, if we get a true summer :), so I'm going to mount my MH fixture from the ceiling so that I can increase the distance between the fixture and the tank.
When I had the Corallife 1x150W on the tank temperature increase wasn't a problem.

digital-audiophile 07-05-2007 04:17 PM

My main tank is in the basement so it never goes over 81. The nano in my bedroom hit 89 yesterday though :O

Doug 07-05-2007 04:26 PM

Mine is 78.6. Open top though with a decent cooling fan. Do your tanks reach those highs, even with central air. Thats what keeps mine under 80 on even the hottest days.

dreef 07-05-2007 04:46 PM

tank temps
Yes it's a blazing furnace here in the prairies,only a small wall air conditioner and tank on main floor.But.... :) T5's baby.. 8 tubes,open top and it peaks in late afternoon..81.9

Todd 07-05-2007 04:56 PM

88 Yesterday with 2 x 400w halides. Think that I am going to reduce my photo period by an hour, and might add a clip on fan to the sump area, but I allready have 2 fans (50cfm) on the canopy, one of them runs 24/7 the other when the lights are on.

Finaddict 07-05-2007 05:07 PM

it hit 84.5 on monday night

i have fans and I ce packs ready if it goes high again...with +33 today

andsoitgoes 07-05-2007 05:52 PM

My main tank was 80-81 max, and that was with no cooling other than the standard fans in the bedroom. If it becomes an issue, it's as simple as tossing on the overhead fan

problem is evap, I'm using at least 2g of water a day it seems!

My nano is taking it a bit hard though, it's hitting 84 even with the lights off. It's gradual though, and I don't think I'd be able to keep up with evap if I put a fan on! :(

sandyd 07-05-2007 07:29 PM

I moved my tank into the basement about a month ago. After that last hot spell we had, my tanks would get up to 84-85 upstairs but are a steady 78 now.

Tom R 07-05-2007 07:38 PM

My tanks hit 81 yesterday so I have put a fan in the room and reduced my MH to 4 -5 hours and today my temp is 78.6.

Tom R

untamed 07-05-2007 07:45 PM


I'm just going to raise the lights 6" or so. That should keep things under control.

Canadbis 07-05-2007 07:47 PM

Mine was at 83.6 when I got home from work around 5PM
afraid to see what it hits today

0sprey 07-05-2007 11:15 PM

29C, so...82. Completely closed system... finally occured to me today that I could open up the cabinet underneath so that some air could circulate over the sump, that may help. The temp inside the house, on the other hand... a whopping 34C today. It's HOT. Glad I've got LED's instead of MH's...hate to think what the temp would be like otherwise. o.O

Justusfish 07-05-2007 11:59 PM

I came home today and kissed my chiller. Temp was 77

michika 07-06-2007 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Justusfish (Post 258879)
I came home today and kissed my chiller. Temp was 77

I hugged my chiller this morning :lol:

bulletsworld 07-06-2007 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Justusfish (Post 258879)
I came home today and kissed my chiller. Temp was 77

:lol: :lol: :lol:

bulletsworld 07-06-2007 01:43 AM

I didn't want to chance a tank melt down come summer so I moved my upstairs tank to the basement. My main tank is already in the basement, although just running heaters and the basement usually cold, I did notice my tanks hit 79 yesterday. Yiks! Or so I thought. Since I keep them at 77 usually.

So it reminded me to turn down the heaters come summer. :mrgreen:

mark 07-06-2007 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Justusfish (Post 258879)
I came home today and kissed my chiller. Temp was 77

Wife bought central air for the house last year (and tank was part of the reason), tank's 79°. She got another kiss from me.

GrimReefer 07-06-2007 03:17 AM

as long as i keep my sliding glass door open, i'm good. when nobody's home and the place is locked up, the RK2 shuts the light down. thank god for temp controllers....(thank you Digital Aquatics) i will never let a prize aquarium live without a temp controller again. a chiller is nice, a temp controller is awesome...both is better. scratch that...ESSENTIAL. i insure my belongings....$2,000 in livestock is insured...remind me to review the insurance policies of the livestock i'm responsible for. shameless plug for reef computers: GET ONE! if you have thousands invested in an aquarium, buy an aquarium computer. the peace of mind is worth thousands....all you have to spend is $400. if not for the sheer dollar value, find comfort in the fact that you're sparing live animals.

Mik_101 07-06-2007 03:20 AM

Hit 81 degress fernhite.

Johnny Reefer 07-06-2007 03:42 AM

Main Tank 82.8F.
Sump 84.4F.
Tank mostly with glass/acrylic top. Aqualight 4x96W PC. Coralife 150W MH over 'fuge. No top over sump/fuge. Fan blowing on sump. No chiller.

Main Tank 79.5F.
Sump 80.6F.
Tank 2/3rds covered with glass/acrylic top. Aqualight Pro 3x150W MH. Coralife 150W MH over 'fuge. No top over sump/fuge. No fan blowing on sump. Chiller.

Delphinus 07-06-2007 04:08 AM

Before A/C my tanks would hit temps like mid-80's, high 80's, even 90 in a few extreme cases (ie. if I didn't get a chance to knock the halides off or something like that).

Last year I put in an HRV and A/C at the same time. Best investment I ever made for the hobby. Well, it was more of a "investment in order to stay in the hobby and not rot my house out from under me" - as within a year of the house being built I was getting mildew on the walls and ceilings - not good. The HRV put a stop to that as well as the "weeping windows" in the winter phenomenon.

And the A/C - well - it was that or a chiller - I gotta say, outside mid-30's, inside mid-20's - 'nuff said. Pricey maybe, but ooooooh so nice. But then .. it wasn't really much more than a chiller would have cost anyhow. And the tanks don't go above 77-78 anymore, ever. Thought about getting a chiller for the big tank if/when I ever get it running but the A/C is working out so well right now I wonder if I'd even need to go that step. Nice thing about A/C over a chiller is I don't have to choose which tank to put it on - the household ambient temperature regulates ALL tanks, FW/SW upstairs/downstairs.

GrimReefer 07-06-2007 04:41 AM

a chiller sounds like my dream. johnny reefer, does your chiller keep all your tanks at bay, or do you rely on your AC. sometimes i want to leave it up to my ac/dehumidifier. i'll have a lot of tanks running, and i definitely need a good dehumidifier.

marie 07-11-2007 03:50 AM

Well the first hot day of the year hit here today and my tanks have made it through unscathed. Hopefully plan A (fans and window air conditioner) will work tomorrow as well when the temps are supposed to be well over 30.

Redrover 07-11-2007 04:12 AM

I don't like the heat and here in Abbotsford today 90f...anyway just checked the tank it's 36c
Mike from Hidden Reef picked up a chiller, I'll be setting up in the am
Come on Rain


Chaloupa 07-11-2007 05:58 AM

biocube hit 89.9 today....UGH..2 days until the heat pump gets installed and then it can get as hot as it wants outside...I'll be chillin inside!

andresont 07-11-2007 07:21 AM

Mine is up to 27 C

SeaHorse_Fanatic 07-11-2007 08:34 AM

My new 90g frag/sump tank is almost at floor level & it only hit 76 degrees with a 175w MH on all day. My big tank with 3 x 250w MH hit 80 degrees. I love living in a cool basement suite, which stayed in the 24-25C range and now I have a 12000 btu portable AC unit to keep everything nice & cool (hopefully), even in the upcoming heat wave.

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