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butters88 07-02-2007 12:13 AM

Butter88's 120g Reef
I hope everyone is having a great long weekend! I finally had time to snap a decent full tank shot today. More pictures and details of my tank will follow as time permits.
Stay tuned! :D

michika 07-02-2007 12:32 AM

Very nice!

More pictures?

butters88 07-02-2007 01:48 AM

More pictures? No problem!

Here is a sequence of photos for a wild tonga piece that is one of my favorites. I originally acquired it in November 2006.

As reputable with most tonga corals, over the next two months it gradually browned. Here it is January 23rd, 2007.

Here is is today.
It is still hard to capture it's colors (the 2nd brown photo is very accurate though lol), but it is now more of an ice blue than the original ice purple color.

butters88 07-02-2007 02:03 AM

A recent purchase from the aussie shipment that came in a few weeks ago.
In case you can't tell from my FTS, I'm a LPS fanatic! :D

butters88 07-02-2007 02:10 AM

One more before I head out, here is my one and only favorite multibar angel!

michika 07-02-2007 02:46 AM

Wow! I love Tonga pieces, they always seem to turn out so pretty once they've transitioned.

I love the shot of the angels. Do you have any problems with them sampling?

butters88 07-02-2007 05:58 AM

I haven't had any issues with them sampling SPS. With regards to LPS, the multibar does occassionally develop a taste for one of the chalices, nips at it for a few days, then leaves it alone. From my experience, I would consider these fish good reef citizens, since they haven't caused the death of any corals.

exee 07-02-2007 07:54 AM

Wow! your tank looks amazing now!! completely different from when I last saw it! You've had some amazing growth in there!!

butters88 07-02-2007 04:18 PM

Hey exee, thanks!
I think the last time you saw it was almost a year ago? A lot has changed and you're more than welcome to come have a look :)
With the amount of time I've been out of town, I'm very fortunate the tank is still in this condition. Btw, I think it might be time for another group order ;)
How are things with your tank?

butters88 07-02-2007 05:41 PM

Some shots I just took of my favorite chalices :)

michika 07-02-2007 06:21 PM

I love all the photos!

How long has your tank been running?

butters88 07-02-2007 06:56 PM

It's been up and running for approximately 1 year and 8 months.

Here are some brief system specs:
400W 10k XM - PFO HQI ballast (left side)
250W 10k XM - Icecap ballast (right side)
39W x 2 - T5 actinic blue+

Euro-reef CS/RS 8-1 Skimmer

Water flow:
Tunze 6200 (left side panel)
Tunze 6060 (left side back)
Seio 2600 (left back corner)
Tunze 6100 (right side, not used)
Little Giant Pump 4MDQX-SC (return pump)

2 x Phosban Reactor (1 for rowaphos, 1 for carbon)
Tunze Osmolator + Kalk Dispenser (auto-top off)
50 gallon sump

Chaloupa 07-02-2007 07:00 PM

Gorgeous corals!!! (frags?? :lol:) and your fish are stunning! Any trouble with the 2 angels fighting? Their picture is absolutely perfect!!! WOW!

Samw 07-02-2007 07:04 PM

Awesome tank. I see you have a flameback angel there. How about a closeup? :) Did you get anything yesterday?

michika 07-02-2007 07:10 PM

What else do you have for livestock? I think I see a handful of anthias, and at least a couple of tangs?

More and more I see people using two different MHs. Why did you choose to do it? It gives a really nice look to your tank.

Do you dose anything, other then dispensing kalk, into your system?

butters88 07-02-2007 08:09 PM

Thanks for the compliments! My multibar angel did "initiate" the other angels when I first added them with a decent smacking. This only lasted a few days. After that phase, there have been no problems.

It was nice running into you the other day! I ended up buying a blue sided fairy wrasse. My girlfriend convinced me my corals weren't worth the risk with the other fish I was considering. I'm glad she was there :) I'll post a picture of the wrasse and flameback shortly.

I actually ran 2x250W before, however the 250w ballast on the left suddenly malfunctioned. I had to get a new ballast, so I thought I might as well get a 400W since I was transitioning towards more SPS. This look wasn't intentional, but I'm glad you enjoy it!
With regards to dosing, my CA Reactor has been offline for a few months due to a malfunction with the pump, so I've been dosing ALK and CA as needed. Besides that, I do monthly or weekly water changes, depending on my schedule.

Here is my livestock list:
3 x Dispar Anthias
Multibar Angel
Flameback Angel
Golden Angel
Atlantic Blue Tang
Mimic Eibli Tang
Yellow Tang
Pair of Gold Stripe Maroons
Algae Blenny
Blue sided Fairy Wrasse

Samw 07-02-2007 08:14 PM

Another colorful pygmy angel that you might want to consider is a Cherub angel. The Potter's that I had before I sold it was good too.

butters88 07-02-2007 08:25 PM

Sam, here is a picture of the flameback. I was considering the potter's for quite a while, but I saw some drawbacks to the ones available so I didn't get it. I'll pay more attention to those fish next time I see them. :)

And here is a picture of the wrasse I got. Please feel free to chime in if this isn't a blue sided fairy wrasse. Wrasses are definitely not my forte.

michika 07-02-2007 08:27 PM

I'm jealous that you have an Atlantic Blue, they are such beautiful fish.

Any future plans for your tank? Maybe some fragging?

Chaloupa 07-02-2007 08:31 PM

I have a flameback in my reef...and was a bit concerned....I'd love to add more but of course being angels...SCARY...they are one of my favorite group.....I have wanted both the Potters and the Golden angel and maybe now I'll just have to try my 120g I have a Rusty and a Lemon Peel that get along so have got a gorgeous group of fish and your reef is stunning!

butters88 07-02-2007 08:54 PM

I really like the Atlantic Blue as well. Watching it grow from being a 3 inch yellow juvenile to its current state has been amazing. I'll try and find some old pictures to show its transition.
I don't have any specific plans at the moment for the tank, only the basics of continually keeping the reef inhabitants healthy and watching it grow out. I have been considering upgrading lately and the Atlantic Blue is definitely one of the reasons. If the timing and the tank is right, maybe you'll see a fresh tank journal :). I rarely intentionally frag my corals. The corals are still fairly spaced out with room to grow. On the rare occasions I have, they were for good friends or maybe the seldom trade with local reefers.

I definitely agree that adding angels to a reef can be risky. A reefer has to be prepared for the worst case scenario,...which can also be an opportunity for reaquascaping the tank :D! I like them a lot, but I must say, they are definitely hit and miss with corals.

butters88 07-27-2007 09:29 AM

Its been a while since I posted any updates to this thread, things have been pretty hectic. Here are some photos I took a few days ago. First of all....

...the best looking fish in my tank! lol

...and some misc. coral photos. Please enjoy :D

butters88 07-28-2007 05:40 AM

Multicolor Acan

albert_dao 07-28-2007 07:03 AM


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