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Skimmerking 05-31-2007 12:07 AM

Please All Reefers Read
Well as you can see the army post got out of hand and was closed. First off I would like to take the time to send out my regards to Androsent and Clint.
I do not get a pleasure in Killing people and would I ever get a pleasure. Yes if does effect people in some way more then others, But I have been lucky to keep it from effecting me. The post that I had was QUOTE ROlmfao Seeing the effect that big guns have on people" Was not to be taken in that serious way. Gools and Lando posted about me switching tanks. SO i posted a comment that Gools thought I was ****ed off. But wasnt so I told him i was joking around. So i redirected my post and didnt change all of it so in essence it say ROLMFAO and people thought that I had a sick sense of using big guns to do away with people.

SO my regards to all can reef reefers who read my post. I just wanted to take the time to Show every one what I do in the forces and what I will be doing over there. I Have 18+ years in the Army and truly love what I do. I hate being ripped out of my family and tranfered over to another country to live like a dog for 7 months. All I wanted to do was to give non army folks a look at what I do in Shilo.

Well thanks for listening Mike

CLINT 05-31-2007 12:20 AM

You are doing something that most of us would never even consider and for that you are more man than I ever will be.I think an apologie is not as neccesary from you as much as me.I hope you do whatever it takes to keep our country safe from anyone.foriegn or domestic,and maybe people like me can appreciate the hard work you put in for the little people.Keep up the good work and hopefully I'll never have to.Clint

Chaloupa 05-31-2007 12:32 AM

It is interesting to see what others do...good for you. Thank you for the risks that you take! I hope that I never experience what you have and will nor will my children!

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-31-2007 05:12 AM

It's thanks to you & people like you who are willing to make these sacrifices that we have the freedom to do what we want to (like spend all our $$ & time on our reef tanks). So, thank you & keep up the good work.


Snappy 05-31-2007 05:17 AM

I Support Our Troops!!!

kuatto 05-31-2007 02:05 PM

Mike! old fart,thought you would be retired by now,lol.Come to the other side,you'll love it.I get up every morning pour a cup of tea and sit on the deck looking out onto the ocean.......ahhhhhh.
Seriously,I appreciate what you go through and what you've seen.Like you said,you can't let it bother you,or it will effect your whole way of life.Any time you want to get away and relax,you have a place to stay.

Sushiman 05-31-2007 03:53 PM

I have the privilage of being an instructor for our Forces Med. Tech's. I Teach the Primary Care Paramedic program as an in-field Preceptor. My students have ranged from brand new (still shiny out of the box /I'm not really shaving yet) recruits to a Master Sgt. updating his cred's. I am honored to meet & train them all.
We Canadians now live a pampered life thanks to men & women who stepped up to serve both today and generations past. Some of my dearest friends currently serve, of have served in the Armed Forces of Canada, UK & the Unitied States. They have been involved in everything from Afganistan to Somolia & Bosnia. We never get to hear about the incredible amounts of good done each and every day by these wonderful people who have put duty first. Todays soldier, as in generations past, are there to stop horror. To help those who cannot help themselves, and intervene against those who would like to see otherwise.
I have been a Paramedic for fifteen years. I can tell you first hand, evil is real, not just a concept or old caption of some history book. It is alive and well today. The soldiers I have spoken with with duty experience have seen it as well, in many instances in forms that make my experiences look like kids stuff.
For God's sake support our troops. These people care. That's why they stepped up in the first place.
"Evil flourishes when good men do nothing".

andresont 06-03-2007 05:01 AM

You support your troops they support their troops the result is MORE COFFINS !
Please note my comments below are my opinion only, directed to no body in particular. I am just discussing concepts and hypothetical scenarios (except my own experiences)

This thread made me not very popular person obviously. No one has to read it, but I appreciate the chance to speak my mind. Thank you Asmodeus for your regards.

Some may not like my opinion so perhaps it would be better to visit another thread for example about “hair algae ID”.

Well looks like I am the only one who sound like heartless, cold-blooded idiot.

You can chastise me for having different opinion if you wish. So be it, majority supports the blood shed fine.

It is so easy to blame, be judgmental and spit out propaganda, the bottom line is when you are training some one for war and being paid for or going in to war for money, you are the aggressor and they are freedom fighters, they protecting and we are destroying.

I have two hypothetical scenarios/questions.

# 1

· What is the difference between someone being told by his “employer” to go and kill somebody else on the next block, being caught and sent to the prison.

And someone going to the next continent killing a thousand, getting paid and getting a medal ?

Answer – no difference. Because we make our own choices.

# 2

· Would you not protect your family and your home if a big “slug” from the big gun landed on your roof?

Answer - Sure you would.

You support your troops they support their troops the result is MORE COFFINS. !

I wonder how mothers and sisters of the perished soldiers on both sides feel… proud?

We are not seeing a whole picture here people… We ARE the aggressors!

That is why every kid who lost family over there hates our guts and considers an honor to get the revenge! Do you see foreign soldiers running in our back yards? No..

There is no enemy; it is all being created by small group of people to make a buck.

Einstein many years ago had said: “The problems in the word today are so enormous they can not be solved with the level of thinking that created them”

We can not win in any war because all we have is few troops who “just doing their jobs” and they have millions to protect a country, they have no fear, just hate created by us, they WANT to Die ! is this what we need?. No.

So what are we doing over there?

What are we defending? profits?

What “freedom” are we fighting for?

Why every technology is being turned in to a weapon?

Whole nations over there are suffering …

I honestly was thinking that way not long time ago and back then I would agree with all of you. Let me share a true story with you…

I know how it is to loose people you care for … I lost 3 family members in one day. Two of them were less then 50 years old and one was 70 years old. They were stabbed, killed for nothing, by rebels, multiple chest and neck wounds. And I would not seek any revenge or would not fight or kill even now after what happened. “Forgive and Forget “ is good way to go.

How many of you have seen pools of the blood on the floor and splashes on the walls ? How many of you have buried loved ones before this was time for them to go? How many have seen rows of graves?

I wish you never have to.

This whole thing makes me sad …

Every body knows that even squashing a bug makes a difference! Supposedly people on this forum CARE for life on this planet ? How come you care for a coral or fish and not for another being?


My point is we have to grow. Solution is very simple: If we are to progress as a species we need to “LOVE thy neighbor” , if you love one and hate the other you are not getting it.

That is all there is to it!

I am not saying that I got it all figured out, all I am saying is that I try to keep an open mind. Every truth has two sides to it.

Everything that we are being told is about 5% valid. If one wants to educate him or her self he or she must go beyond what he/she was told in school or presented by media and TV.
"They" cover up the whole UFO thing, and real alternative energy research never goes beyond theory.

People who sell oil have a lot to loose and UFO’s are not using gasoline engines you know…The global worming is not caused by humans, all planets are heating up from Mars to Pluto and there are no SUV’s unless Mars “Rover” exhaust caused Mars polar caps to melt (Well this is for another discussion)
For example how many of us read any world news story from more then one source? We do not even have that option when we are presented with some TV version of any story.

Just go to Google world news and read about same news from two or three different countries point of view and you will get two or three versions, and they all telling the truth right?

Some one smart (I think Buddha) said: “Don’t listen to any body, don’t even listen to me, believe only what makes sense to you.”

Bottom line here is one need to know both sides of the truth to know for sure what is going on.

How many times history was re-written?

How many books were taken out of the Bible just to make it suitable for current times?

Every country that was involved in WW2 had said that this one country was the actual Winner!

So where is the real truth ?

With respect and understanding to all of you out there.

I don’t want you to believe me, I would prefer you’d take your time to do your own research and make up your mind then.




Skimmerking 06-03-2007 05:22 AM

just remember no one can ever take you opinion away from you. you have every right to speak your opinion...

well written.

EmilyB 06-03-2007 05:37 AM

I grew up with war. My parents lost relatives, not just in world war II but due to suicide from the results of.

My closest brother, 14 years older than me, had friends I remember dearly. I still remember his friend Frank Delmark volunteering for Vietnam (Canadian) and coming home in a body bag one month later. My brother used to draw...and I could draw those nuclear clouds pretty good at my young age.

Why do you think you are so special Andresont as to not have to experience this?? Would you just bow down and give up your rights so easily?

justinl 06-03-2007 06:58 AM

I cant speak for everyone, but i for one, still respect you as a person Andresont. our opinions define much of who we are, and we are as unique as we like to be. no one has the right to fault you for believeing any differently.

I do agree that the concept of war is cyclic and in the end solves nothing at all of importance. I also agree that there are always two sides of the story, and that most hear only their own. Im not innocent either. I only hear one side, but in the back of my noggin, there's always a voice reminding me that the window im looking through can be viewed from both sides.

that said, i do still support the troops themselves. I even feel for the "enemy" who are simply sheep following orders. many would be shot for doing otherwise. I highly doubt any soldier actually enjoys risking his or her life and taking the lives of others (granted there are a few nutjobs who just happen to have a gun and a fistful of power). the fact that so many pay the ultimate price on our behalf is something i cant even begin to fully comprehend. but i know that that is something i will never take for granted.

andresont 06-03-2007 10:17 AM

I am surprised some one actually reading this,
Thank you for that.
I lost my loved ones in August of 2001 not in WW2 just FYI, it was very recently. Took a lot of therapy to get over it.

Honestly I think every body will agree that we prefer children to draw flowers and space shuttles instead of nuclear clouds what a nightmare...
of course I am not special in any way just one regular Joe.

May be I need to think more and try to figure out how can one be against the war but support those who goes to war or even volunteers. I can understand brain washing concept on both sides but beyond that it just does not compute.

Thank you for not throwing rocks at me.


Originally Posted by EmilyB (Post 254455)
I grew up with war. My parents lost relatives, not just in world war II but due to suicide from the results of.

My closest brother, 14 years older than me, had friends I remember dearly. I still remember his friend Frank Delmark volunteering for Vietnam (Canadian) and coming home in a body bag one month later. My brother used to draw...and I could draw those nuclear clouds pretty good at my young age.

Why do you think you are so special Andresont as to not have to experience this?? Would you just bow down and give up your rights so easily?

hawk 06-03-2007 07:37 PM

Supporting the troops and supporting the war are two different things. In the US any opposing political views are portrayed as "not supporting the troops" and un-patriotic. Some may even call that propaganda. As the two wars drag on this rhetoric finally seems to be falling on deaf ears in America. I hope that we in Canada do not let our political leaders get away with trying (continuing) the same argument of equating the two. Our troops of today and yesterday deserve all the support and gratitude we can give them, the vast majority of Canadians feel the same way. The domestic debate of whether the war is justified will continue for years, let's force the politicos to hash it out on it's merits and not use a phony argument as a way of dividing the country.

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