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Scavenger 05-28-2007 07:37 PM

Frag Fest 2007
Hi, me again!

I'm starting this thread as Anthony suggested to discuss who's coming, what'cha bringing ect. I'll check in as much as I can but I'll let you guys carry the ball here.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-28-2007 08:12 PM

Anthony's list:

Some "blueberry" zoo frags.
Assorted other zoo frags (colourful)
Assorted mushroom frags
A few Red Fromia starfish
Red Halimenia macroalgae
Chaeto macroalgae
Packs of 50 sheets of Nori

some frogspawn
colt coral

for food: I'll bring a big 1.5 kg pack of Harvest Beef Weiners I just picked up from Costco if someone else local can supply the buns & condiments. Don't want to crush the buns bringing them from Burnaby.


May be able to bring over some small stuff from the Lower Mainland LFS.

marie 05-28-2007 08:49 PM

I just fragged around 30 ricordea this morning, some are spoken for the rest are up for trade (I'm looking for sps frags mostly :biggrin: )

I also have an unlimited supply of purple tip, green and orange montipora digitata, yellow monti cap and maybe some purple cap.

For the potluck bbq I'll bring some dessert, nobody wants to eat my potato salad after its been sitting in the car for 4 hours :razz:

christyf5 05-28-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 253693)
I just fragged around 30 ricordea this morning, some are spoken for the rest are up for trade (I'm looking for sps frags mostly :biggrin: )

I also have an unlimited supply of purple tip, green and orange montipora digitata, yellow monti cap and maybe some purple cap.

For the potluck bbq I'll bring some dessert, nobody wants to eat my potato salad after its been sitting in the car for 4 hours :razz:

Marie, lets talk ricordea :wink:

I will have frags of the following. Probably just a couple of each.
1. yellow birdsnest

2. Pavona

3. Pink birdsnest with purple polyps

4.tenuis (one frag probably)

5. mini colony of pink birdsnest (different from above). Its lookin a bit rough lately but some TLC will bring it back.

6. Tiny frag of purple acro (mother colony pictured, frag broke off during move).

7. blue tipped acro (pic does not do it justice, colony is brown with baby blue tips, fast grower)

Plus a few more that I need to take some pics of.

IPZ 05-28-2007 08:54 PM

Hey :)

I should be able to make the " Frag Fest ". I will have nothing to trade but will be able to buy any frags that are available. PM me if you have extras and we can work something out.
If anyone is in need of supplies, Salt, food ect, from my store I can always bring those along as well.


whiteice669 05-29-2007 02:31 AM

those are some nice pieces, I love to get some, inc some of Marie's ricordias, but have nothing to trade yet,

milesj250 05-29-2007 04:42 AM

new to salt water hobbie. my name is milesj250, i live in ladysmith. i have a 240 g reef tank with mostly indo-pac fish. looking forward to meeting people in my area into salt water. i will be attending frag fest. let me know if i should bring anything? can't wait to meet you guys.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-29-2007 05:12 AM

Are you Dead_by_Dawn's friends by any chance?:razz: You don't have to admit anything.:wink:


fishmaster 05-29-2007 06:01 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I can't make it down to the meet, but I have a few frags I can send down with Sarah. Pleased pm if interested.
ShaunAttachment 1567

Attachment 1568

fishmaster 05-29-2007 06:09 AM

I have a couple more but I'm having trouble with the attachment...stay tuned.

reeferaddict 05-29-2007 07:50 AM

Well! I certainly don't have anything that nice to frag these days! I think I'll just bring my wallet! haha

more1020 05-29-2007 08:30 AM

I will try to join and would like to get some zoo frags. :biggrin:

Chaloupa 05-29-2007 04:00 PM

I have 2 very very large colt corals on rock each weighing over 3lbs, 1 large leather coral, and some Kenya Tree frags, mushrooms of varying color....will post pics later, if anyone is interested in the large corals I would bring them with me....but they are LARGE....I am interested in $$, easy SPS, Ricordea and zoos. PM me if interested in them at all, so I can plan it.....they would be excellent choices for newer large tanks that need some colonies and have spaces to fill!

I can bring Caesar Salad if that's ok, if there is any other items in need such as buns etc let me know as I can bring that too....any thought to having a 50/50 draw? It would help cover meat and miscellaneous supplies PLUS someone ends up a winner....let me know if any interest in it and I will grab will be my husband, myself and possibly one of our kids.

here is the in the centre and one is behind it....the front one is very very large, the toad on the right is the one I would like to sell also....sorry for the photo skills or LACK thereof!

christyf5 05-29-2007 04:23 PM

I'm bringing the "hello, my name is... stickers" :razz:

milesj250 05-29-2007 07:50 PM

ya i hate to say it i know him. SHHHH don't tell any one

Chaloupa 05-29-2007 08:32 PM

Christy! Thank you, I was going to suggest it...but forgot...I hate being introduced to someone and then not knowing their name 10 minutes later:redface:

Midknight 05-29-2007 10:50 PM

Ok, is there a time and place?
Some of us mainlanders might want to join. :wink:

Chaloupa 05-31-2007 12:34 AM

To add to my corals for sale/trade...if anyone is interested I have a pair of Gold Stripe Maroon clowns that I would trade or sell. let me know via PM and I can bring them (cooler, etc etc to go with them)

PoonTang 05-31-2007 03:36 AM

Ill be there too. Going to bring a branching frogspawn frag and a few shrooms. Hey it's all I got so far :sad: Also have a Clarkii Clown if anyone is interested in him. Let me know if you want anything specific, food wise, brought along.

Johnny Reefer 05-31-2007 04:24 AM

Can't make it. Work that day. Maybe next year. Thanx for hosting, Scav.


lukep77 05-31-2007 03:59 PM

So I will be there, with $$$$$ in hand. I dont know what Iam looking for exactly, But I was thinking of getting a couple of diferant mushrooms, I already have some purples but was thinking of getting some others.

Oh what time are we all meeting?

I could bring down some Pop and Juice if that is ok with cupps.

marie 06-06-2007 10:49 PM

Unfortunately I won't be bringing any ricordias to the bbq, I lost a large portion of the frags to brown jelly this weekend and the rest don't look good :cry: .
I will bring montipora if any one wants some. I have some yellow cap, purple cap, green, orange and purple tip digi. I also have pink birdsnest i can frag

castaway 06-06-2007 11:25 PM

I'll be bringing some softie frags and a sebae anemone if anyone is interested in it.

Chaloupa 06-06-2007 11:28 PM

AW! Sorry to hear about your ric frags Marie! I'm always interested in your frags of SPS!

Scavenger 06-08-2007 07:03 PM

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been able to keep up here. Anyway, for those that pm'ed for directions, I'll have them out soon.

We may be setting a first here. This might be the first frag meeting without a reeftank. Things have developed about a year before I thought they would. My wife and I are getting into a position to buy our first house. As the older kids have or are about to move out, we are looking at a much smaller house. I've had a great offer on my current 110 system and will be busy getting repairs and maintance done here, and I really don't forsee having the room for it (and alot of other toys) once moved. I'm taking a bit of a hiatus until settled and at that point will set up a nano or smaller tank. I will at least have some salt water in the 48 gallon to serve as a float tank for the event however.

I'm still more than willing to have you all over, but appologize if I have no tank for you to see. Perhaps other local reefers would be willing to have a tank tour after the bbq and frag swap???

I'm off to the west coast for the weekend guiding a couple of fishing charters so I'll check back on Monday and see how things are developing.

PoonTang 06-08-2007 07:08 PM

Can somebody please bring me a big ball of Cheato. Just got my sump up and running now I need to populate it.

whiteice669 06-08-2007 09:33 PM

ya I can bring you a wad full, with or without aptisia ?

PoonTang 06-09-2007 04:58 AM

well i just finally got rid of my aptasia, um ya so I would perfer without please. :twised:

sea gnome 06-12-2007 03:13 AM

Hi I have tree corals (kenya i think) and more tree corals, did I mention the tree corals?. As an added bonus I may have one dead blue chromis whose has been MIA for the last couple of hours. (Didn't come out to eat). Is anyone coming from the mainland able to pick up a clam from Wendell proir to coming over. How are you for buckets and heaters? I could bring a couple, actually I just will. Rachel

Chaloupa 06-12-2007 03:30 AM

I have Kenya trees too (man do they multiply) frogspawn frags (bright green with pink tips....frag factory calls it crazy frog), hammer frags (green body with purple tips), also still have 2 large colts on rocks, and a large leather if anyone wants to trade for them....some cool mushrooms; dark burgandy with wedge of polka dot blue, some fluor. green, some burgandy that fluor. blue, poss the odd green striped one....only if there is interest...I'm into zoos

castaway 06-12-2007 03:05 PM

Chaloupa I'd be interested in your frogspawn and hammer frags

Scavenger 06-12-2007 04:09 PM


I've sent directions via pm to all who requested them. If I missed you, just let me know. Anyway, as 1 of our weekend charters canceled, we had a chance to do some personal fishing so I'll have a couple of salmon to toss on the BBQ on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you all.

sea gnome 06-13-2007 03:50 AM

I need the directions and the time to come please Rachel

sea gnome 06-13-2007 03:52 AM

Caluolpa bring mushrooms please.... Rachel

sea gnome 06-13-2007 03:31 PM

Hi itss me again, is anyone form the mainland able to stop by Wendell's and pick up a maxima clam for me and bring it over. It would be paid for. Rachel

christyf5 06-13-2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by sea gnome (Post 255764)
Hi itss me again, is anyone form the mainland able to stop by Wendell's and pick up a maxima clam for me and bring it over. It would be paid for. Rachel

Hi Rachel,

I can do it. PM me the details :biggrin:

sea gnome 06-14-2007 06:33 AM

Thanks Christy Pm on way.

christyf5 06-14-2007 02:24 PM

Ken do we have a time for this thing?

Jaws 06-14-2007 04:36 PM

Is there anyone coming over from the mainland that is planning to take the Victoria ferry back over by any chance?

Scavenger 06-14-2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 255970)
Ken do we have a time for this thing?

How does 11:00-4:30ish sound?

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