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fishoholic 05-25-2007 04:39 AM

Anyone else on here addicted to facebook other than me? Just wondering thanks Laurie Morin

Der_Iron_Chef 05-25-2007 04:40 AM

Yup! It's insane. But a mild addiction compared to Canreef :wink:

michika 05-25-2007 04:48 AM

Yup, I'm addicted too!

Der_Iron_Chef 05-25-2007 04:50 AM

I'm sensing a Canreef Facebook group in the making...? Hmmmm? Hmmmm?

mr_alberta 05-25-2007 04:52 AM

There is a canreef facebook group...its just not called CanReef...I think its the Reef Network or something like that. It just started, but there are a few names on there I recognize from CanReef.

Der_Iron_Chef 05-25-2007 04:57 AM

I'm on it. Well, both figuratively and literally now. Just joined!

Matt 05-25-2007 05:17 AM

I'm a recent convert, too.

EmilyB 05-25-2007 06:20 AM

I'm watching it with my daughters. However the "getting tagged" part concerns me, so I won't go for it yet. :neutral:

Reefhawk1 05-25-2007 06:35 AM

I'm on there as well. Kind of cool to see all my old friends from high school on there.

justinl 05-25-2007 06:52 AM

facebook! that soul sucking demon. ... i just joined the group. lol facebook addiction is bad, but i have to admit, im much more addicted to canreef.

andsoitgoes 05-25-2007 07:07 AM

LOL - it seems that this time of year is facebook addiction time. a few friends badgered me as I wouldn't touch Myspace, this seems much more up my alley, although for the last 30 minutes I should have been sleeping, I've yapped and yammered on the damn thing. And now I've joined the reefing group. No, not that one, THIS one.

As for the "tagged" - that just means your name was noted in another picture, story, etc. Not tagged in that way. Poked I'd be more concerned about ;) But in the end, all that means is you get a message saying "You've been poked by SuchandSuch, do you want to poke them back?" - so nothing TOO much to fear.

digital-audiophile 05-25-2007 11:56 AM

Crackbook I call it. I can't leave it alone. It has helped me reconnect with old friends that I thought were long lost though :)

Ephraim 05-25-2007 01:21 PM

I've been able to meet up with a few friends that have been long lost....but then after hanging out with them i remembered why we lost touch :)

Murminator 05-25-2007 03:35 PM

Hmmm guess I'm going to have to join to see what this is all aboot :mrgreen:

Phanman 05-25-2007 03:48 PM

very addicting, but like most of you I find canreef way more addicting, lol.

MoeReefer 05-25-2007 05:00 PM

havent brought myself to joining yet. seems like a big deal though as everyone i know is totally addicted.

christyf5 05-25-2007 05:27 PM

I don't know about being addicted but I joined and its pretty fun. I guess I'm not quite as into it as I could be, but really who wants to hear about all my problems and what I do every day? :razz:

I have connected with a couple people I haven't heard from in years which is pretty awesome. I figure I might as well keep it up and see how many friends I can get :razz:

OCDP 05-25-2007 06:02 PM

i found it fun for about the first month when you find all your friends.... after that point it seems completely useless. good for killing time though.

fishoholic 05-25-2007 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by digital-audiophile (Post 253257)
Crackbook I call it. I can't leave it alone. It has helped me reconnect with old friends that I thought were long lost though :)

I have another friend who calls crackbook lol. I'm impressed by how many people are on it, although I admit I am addicted to canreef more!:biggrin:

andsoitgoes 05-26-2007 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ephraim (Post 253259)
I've been able to meet up with a few friends that have been long lost....but then after hanging out with them i remembered why we lost touch :)

Lmao!! Ah, so very true. And like Christy said, it's nice having a big ol list of friends, makes one feel all special and popular, when in fact that maybe 1% of the people on the list you'd actually hang out with and speak to in person even if they were within proximity.

Face it, unless you're in high school or university/college it's just a pi***** contest to who can have the most friends...

And I'm doing quite well so far ;) ;)

digital-audiophile 05-26-2007 02:44 AM

It can be so random at times though an amaze me. For example, as a teenager I was in the Canadian Air Cadets and one of the summer camps I went to was in Winnipeg. I just got a message from a gal from Manitoba that was there at the same time. Had it not been for facebook I doubt I would have ever heard from her again in my life :O

EmilyB 05-26-2007 07:20 AM

Actually, tagging I was told was posting an embarrassing pic of someone else ?

fishmaster 05-26-2007 08:07 AM

I had to find out what all the hype was and OMG there are allot of old friends on there. Very cool site....yet another place to waste time on line!

christyf5 05-26-2007 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by EmilyB (Post 253382)
Actually, tagging I was told was posting an embarrassing pic of someone else ?

I thought it was just posting pics of your friends and labelling them with their names. You have the option to remove your name or change it I think. Besides, only the people in your facebook list can see the pics (well as well as the friends of whoever posted the photo.

Der_Iron_Chef 05-26-2007 04:01 PM

Yeah, the pics don't actually have to be embarrassing! I think some of mine are, but not intentionally, LOL. *ouch*

So, Facebook is a p***ing contest, eh? I wonder who's p***ing the farthest....:lol:

fishoholic 05-27-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 253396)
So, Facebook is a p***ing contest, eh? I wonder who's p***ing the farthest....:lol:

My friend Kevan is probablly p***ing the farthest he has 259 friends in total so far!:surprise:

justinl 05-27-2007 05:23 PM

well if its a p***ing contest, my friend sherry has a total of 533 friends.

DJKoop 05-27-2007 05:49 PM

I'm on facebook but am never there. I find it boring. No addiction here.

EmilyB 06-09-2007 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 253394)
I thought it was just posting pics of your friends and labelling them with their names. You have the option to remove your name or change it I think. Besides, only the people in your facebook list can see the pics (well as well as the friends of whoever posted the photo.

Okay, I'm ready to tag you...can you tell me how??? :lol:


Delphinus 06-15-2007 03:43 PM

Got this note today from a friend - you may wish to take a look at this if you're on Facebook:


Apparently Facebook has started SELLING user information (surprise, surprise!) to third parties. They call it the "Facebook Development Platform."

To restrict use of your information, do the following:
Click "Privacy" on top right.
Under the "Facebook Platform" section click"Edit Settings".
Scroll down to the bottom and UNCHECK ALL of the items under facebook platform.

If you check any items, your name, networks, and list of friends will also be shared. If you uncheck all items, no information about you will be shared.

Most creepy is the inclusion of photographs!
(Do your friends a favor and repost this as your own note.)
Nothing ever ever comes for free - Facebook has to be earning income somehow.. So ... anyhow there ya go.

Slick Fork 06-15-2007 04:18 PM

I got that note as well but it's B.S.

The permissions are for third party applications, things like "superpoke" or "Graffiti". Basically, by leaving those permissions enabled you are saying If you OR your friends subscribe to those applications you will allow the application to access that information.

The trouble you run into is that you are being asked to trust that your friends understand enough about privacy to know what third party applications they are installing and allowing to access their info as well as your own.

It makes sense to me to uncheck them all anyways like the note suggests, but it isn't anything as sinister as facebook selling your identity.

Der_Iron_Chef 06-15-2007 04:25 PM

Awww, crap. I love a good scandal. Guess I'll have to go read the war threads instead....:wink:

andsoitgoes 06-15-2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 256144)
Awww, crap. I love a good scandal. Guess I'll have to go read the war threads instead....:wink:

It's a BS scandal, and has already been addressed by Facebook. If you look, those options aren't even available ;) Just someone trying to make a scene for a free product!

Oh I'm too slow on the response - but anyway, yeah - bunch of hooey of people trying to find flaws in a wicked cool service :P

Der_Iron_Chef 06-15-2007 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by andsoitgoes (Post 256159)
...anyway, yeah - bunch of hooey of people trying to find flaws in a wicked cool service :P

Hooey, huh? What's the definition on that? lol....:wink:

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