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kwirky 05-24-2007 06:52 PM

More saltwater dealers in Calgary?
Ok I'm trying to figure out how to do this without vendor reviews happening.

What saltwater shops do you regularily shop at and which end of the city are they located? Don't say who's bad and who's good. I can make that decision for myself when I drop by them and check 'em out.

I have a car now and I'd like to see what some of the other places have for livestock. I'm hoping to see a little diversity around the city in what's stocked and maybe see something I haven't really seen before at the one I normally purchase at.

digital-audiophile 05-24-2007 07:25 PM

South :

Everybody else.


I end up going to all of them, everyone has their pros and cons.

Moogled 05-24-2007 07:35 PM

I've been to Gold, Red Coral, Ocean City and Wai's. They all seem to stock the same types of products, but Gold stands out a bit more in terms of equipment and from time to time - rare fish.

The only obvious diversity "exception" I can think of is that Ocean City has been bringing in alot of inverts.

Most LFS don't seem to "specialize" in certain reef products, so I think you'll have a decent time anywhere. :D

PS: If you don't want inadvertent vendor reviews, just ask who has good selection of products rather than asking where people shop.

0sprey 05-24-2007 07:36 PM




Snappy 05-25-2007 01:41 AM

I will copy what I wrote the last time this question was posted about 6 weeks ago. Although now I look at it my original post was apparently edited by the "Mod" Squad.

It depends on what you are shopping for. I'll list them in the order of quality & best selection by catagory. These stores are mainly where I shop so it's only my opinion, others may disagree.

Gold's, Wai's, Ocean City, Elite
They all have their strengths and weaknesses in various areas.
They are all good so best to check them all.
(I've never been to Red Coral........a little out of the way for me.)

JOSH 05-25-2007 01:44 AM

i use elite, golds ocean city and wais

albert_dao 05-25-2007 01:46 AM

I love lamp.

kwirky 05-25-2007 07:10 AM

thanks. I'll check 'em all out over the next while

Geofrog 05-25-2007 06:02 PM

I've check out most that have been mentioned. Could someone please tell me where Elite and Red Coral are located as I wouldn't mind checking them out one of these days.

0sprey 05-25-2007 06:36 PM

Elite is on McLeod trail, just north of Outlaws. It's on the north side of a little strip mall... the 7400 building, I think. The sign is a bit difficult to read from the road.

Moogled 05-25-2007 08:44 PM

Red Coral is across from Sir Winston Churchill High School.

In the corner of the larger parking lot next to Mac's.

soaptray 06-28-2010 07:37 PM

We need more in the South! The only option is really Elite, which I find to be a LOT more expensive than others in the city.

globaldesigns 06-28-2010 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by soaptray (Post 530980)
We need more in the South! The only option is really Elite, which I find to be a LOT more expensive than others in the city.

DITTO, I don't deal with them anymore.

I like:
- Red Coral - Kevin is the owner - great guy and is trying to specialize in great coral (SPS, rare zoas). He doesn't have a large fish selection, but when he does get some, he is trying to get things other LFS don't have.
- Gold's - Dennis is the owner - I would say he was the best in the city for everything, but I am finding that he is moving back to his roots. Doing more chichlids and fresh water stuff. He still has great pricing, but I find his salty selection not that good anymore. Therefore my 1-2 visits a week has now dropped to a visit every few or more months
- Ocean City - I have bought a few things there. Can only say that they are friendly and tanks are very clean.

That is about it, have fun zooming around to see all the stores, I am sure you will find your favourite.

Take note of what others do say about some other LFS, learn from their experiences, as not all are equal and some are not very reputable.

Edit: Also JL (online) is probably the best for anything in hardware and supplies. I buy all my supplements from them, my new lights, and much more. They will certainly save you money, no LFS can really compete.

Snappy 06-29-2010 06:01 AM

Holy smokes, this thread is 3 years old.

jarrid 08-24-2010 05:46 PM

Red coral is the best place for actual usefull info, the owner kevin is the nicest in the bis. Red coral is just across from northland mall in a strip mall.

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