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30g Nano Cube
Since I'm moving in the near future, and can't take my 230g with me, I'm setting up a nano so I can get my fix.
I picked up a cute little 18"x18"x18" cube from Outtafocus. As soon as it got here I set it up with freshwater so I could see it in action. The tank came with the stand, sump, Coralife skimmer, an ebo jager heater, a SCWD, and a mag 7 return pump. It arrived fully plumbed, and ready to be set up. After letting it run for a couple of hours I decided that I would need a different flow pattern, and possibly more flow. I intend to keep the tank full of SPS, clams, and limited livestock. That being said some changes were made. First I changed the standpipe. I opted to go for a gurgle buster design. This was the original: This is the new standpipe: After that I changed the drain pipe to maximize sump space. It went from this: to this: I also changed the return plumbing. So far this was the biggest change I made. I started by drilling the tank and adding in bulkheads. Through some clever plumbing, thanks to KrazyKuch, I now have two 90s pointing down to the bottom. Later they will hold two spray bars which, I hope, will alternate flow from top to bottom of the tank. The returns before: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...DSCF0059_1.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...CF0058_1-1.jpg New returns, still on the SCWD: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/DSCF0065.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...DSCF0067-1.jpg Overall from the back the return plumbing looks like this: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/DSCF0063.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/DSCF0064.jpg Yesterday I was the recipient of some practically free, 'cause it didn't cost me anything, lights. This a 10k mogul 175w MH that came from Ed Holland. It even came in a lovely reflector ready to go into my hood, whenever I get around to it. So far I have made numerous trips to the hardware store, and will probably be making a bunch more. I made two useless ones because my new puppy has learned how to use chairs to get onto tables. She chewed up the first 90, so I went back to the store. When I got back, I found she chewed the second one, which resulted in a third trip. Nothing is tall enough when your dog understands how to use chairs...:wink: Remaining things to do before adding actual salt water and life to my tank: - add in a refugium to the sump - refugium lighting - hood to hold display tank lighting; 1xMH, 2x PCs, and moonlights - add in spray bars - repaint the blue on the back of the tank So that is my tank in a nutshell so far. I hope to have it up and running by May 1st. |
Hey good work Catherine. I take it you are moving into a smaller place but too bad you couldn't take your 230g with you.
I love cube tanks. I have a 110g cube and it is my most successful tank by far. I have a 300g cube out in the shed that I hope to set up one day. The only things I really need for it are a stand, pumps and a light hood to hold my lights...... oh and room. I bet you are going to be really happy with your cube - keep us up to date. |
I'm actually moving into residence to finish up my last term of school. The 230g and all my bigger fish are going with KrazyKuch to our new house.
I love this tank already. Its different then the standard rectangular tanks I'm used to, but different in a good way. I kind of just want it to be move in date so I can officially set this system up in its and my new home for the next 9 months. A 300g cube sounds so awesome! |
Im actually setting up an oceanic 30 gal cube. However the lights that came with it I think may be much to strong (1 400 watt mogul MH) Im just wondering what you are using or planning to use on yours?
Wow thats a fantastic looking setup. Its so clean looking :biggrin:
Can't wait to see it filled with livestock :mrgreen: |
Yesterday I was the recipient of some practically free, 'cause it didn't cost me anything, lights. This a 10k mogul 175w MH that came from Ed Holland. It even came in a lovely reflector ready to go into my hood, whenever I get around to it.
Right here |
Thank you!
I'm excited for the day I'll be able to add in livestock. I'm thinking of doing both nano only fish, and maybe some fish that I eventually want to grow into going to the 230g. Marcingo, I'm going with 175w for now. If I find I need to upgrade to a 250w its just a matter of switching out the ballast. I personally have never run anything but 400w so I'll let you know how it goes! I plan to suppliment with PCs, probably 2x13" bulbs, and I want to try out this moonlight thing too. My original lighting plan was to do a 20,000k MH bulb, 2x white PCs, and then moonlights. Visually I like it when the lights are more on the blue side of things. With a 10K bulb I'll probably just use actinics instead of white PCs, or a 50/50s to get the blue color I'm looking for. I'm so hooked on setting up a new tank that I'm going to finish off the spray bars tonight and then put some dry rock in to test out the flow. Setting up a new tank is like getting addicted all over again! |
Looking good
I am just about to set up my large tank (90 gal) and I think the most fun is getting things/stuff/toys together. This will likely happen when school is out for me in 2 weeks. I will post some pics when I get around to it.
So are we going to see this cube and your new house in a future reef meet? I hope you have enough room for a large tank in your new place. Good luck on completing school. Laurence |
I'm thinking I will probably have one last reef meet in our old house over the summer, after exams of course. Then maybe one in the new house, but we'll have to see since I haven't even started house hunting yet!
Wow, you have made some nice changes to that tank.
When I had originally set it up, I too was using a gurgle buster but I could not get it to stop "flushing". Looks like you may have solved my problem. I bet that tank is super quiet now. I cant wait to see this tank develope. I miss it already. |
So far its pretty quiet. I'm pleased that there was relatively little work to be done. I loved how it arrived to me, kind of like a plug and play tank! I'm so excited to put stuff in the tank its getting out of hand. I already have a fish list for stuff I want to eventually put in the tank! |
Nothing new??
Lots new actually!
I'm assembling photos, hopefully for an update tonight. The tank currently has rock, sand, and a new 'fug to boast about. Tomorrow its getting livestock! |
May 3rd update,
The tank has hit a bit of a slump as far as production is going. I keep planning on working on it, and then something comes up, and I get distracted. First there came spray bars! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0062.jpg Then came the disaster....the siphon break holes I drilled at the top of the spray bars morphed into mini gisers courtesy of my SCWD. I then had to drill bigger holes in the spray bars. Now I have mini mounts of wavy water when the SCWD alternates, I'm pretending and calling it added surface movement! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0064.jpg After the spray bars came the hood! I have 2xPCs ordered, and I have picked up the supplies required for moonlights! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0068.jpg I installed two little fans to facilitate air movement, one blowing in, and one blowing out. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0069.jpg Next up was a powerbar, installed below the display, at the back of the stand to keep everything looking neat and clean. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0072.jpg The MH ballast was also installed. Something still needs to be done about the cords, but that is a job for tomorrow. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0073.jpg This is the sump as it stands now. I'm going to find a way to keep all the cords up, out of the water, and with drip loops. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0074.jpg The display with some fugly sump rock from the 230g tank. I have some nice rock picked out from the display, but I don't want to move it to the nano yet, as most of it is encrusted with SPS. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0081.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0080.jpg The whole thing sitting on plastic in the basement. I move in less then 4 weeks, so we just left the plastic down as its there for painting the basement. I tested all my levels today and it seems that I have a slight ammonia spike. I'm not sure where it came from as everything came from the 230g display. I'm just going to finish all the hardware related work, and hopefully by then the system will be ready for livestock. Next up: -lighting for the refugium -fans for the sump -install my PC lights (whenever they arrive) -install the moonlights -put all the lighting on timers -add macro algae to 'fug -remove fugly rock and replace with pretty rock -add livestock |
looks good so far Catherine
Something about posting photos incited me to do more work! So now I have moonlights!
First there was heat shrink, 2 blue LEDs, and 2 big resistors. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...DSCF0069_1.jpg Then there was lights... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0084.jpg And now my tank has two artificial moons! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...o/DSCF0089.jpg Now I'm putting my camera down for the evening. |
Just to mention, the LEDs are 15,000MCD, 100mA, and the resistors are 100 OHM, 2% tolerant, 2W.
FYI Kevin (Krazykuch) assembled the above moonlights lights, I just took photos and asked lots of questions. That was about it for my share of the work in building the moonlights, aside from purchasing, and picking out colors! |
The tank is officially up and running!
Over the course of the last few days I have moved over most of my SPS, and all of my clams from the 230g display. A shot just after all the SPS and clams arrived in the tank http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/DSCF0123.jpg The first fishy inhabitant, a yellow shoulder tang. its approximately 1" in length at this time. I plan to move it to a much larger tank once it grows bigger, and stronger. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/DSCF0117.jpg The tank this evening. I'm not pleased with the lighting, I find everything to be too yellow. I think I will be swapping out my 10,000K PC for a second actinic bulb. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/DSCF0072.jpg A closer shot of everything tonight. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/DSCF0078.jpg |
you have enough CLAMS In there that is retarded
looks great |
Thank you!
I'm done with adding clams to this tank. If anything I would be removing 1-2 of the larger ones, but I'm not sure yet. I am letting it run to the end of the month before I make a decision. How many clams can you find? |
I love the bottom one I wish that I lived closer I would take one off of you..
:sad: |
You're close, but there is more then 7 in there!
ok found the little guy on the left 8
We have a winner!!!
I love your clam on the right thou is that a squamosa
Yes, I believe it is.
The tank has been chugging along pretty well since my last update.
Yesterday my float valve for my auto top off failed in the on position, and my tank's SG dropped from 1.025 to 1.021 overnight. I have returned it 1.023. Tank parameters from today, after the big freshwater flood: Temp: 79.7 pH: 8.1 SG: 1.023 (aiming for 1.024) dKH: 6 Ca: 320 (Before adding the Kalk Reactor) Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 0ppm Ammonia: 0ppm Magnesium: ~1200ppm Today I added on a kalk reactor to help maintain my calcium levels. I'm using a Kent Phosban reactor filled with kalk powder. So far the output is testing well, Calcium is off the chart, and pH is higher the 8.8 (the max my kit tests for). The biggest hurdle right now in the way of tank parameters is dKH. Hopefully the Kalk reactor will maintain my calcium, and then I won't have to worry about that. I looked at getting a Calcium reactor, but right now the only one I could find wouldn't fit in my sump. I am considering a DIY reactor, but for now I will continue to dose with a suppliment. Magnesium levels are holding nicely, especially in light of the fact that I have two red mangrove plants sucking it back. I am hoping to come up with a dosing regiment for magneisum in the next few weeks. Pretty much everything is going well. I've taken steps to correct the lighting, and to try and prevent any forseeable water quality issues. The next hurdle will be continuing to monitor the levels, and to come up wtih a schedule for dosing, etc. I am also looking into a controller again, so far I'm not having a lot of luck finding a system that is mac compatable. Along the way I have accidentally made a few frags, which I promptly glued to some rubble. My goal, once I move in a week, is to start trying to add more colorful frags to the system, oranges, pinks, bright purples, etc. |
Here is how I set it up: I started with my Phosban reactor, then I removed the sponges. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/DSCF0076.jpg I added on tubing for the intake and output. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...DSCF0078-1.jpg I used John Guest fittings because the tubing fit over the fittings. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...DSCF0080-1.jpg Then I added in Kalk powder from LittleSilverMax, and hooked it up to my top off pump. I'm only using 2 teaspoons of powder in the reactor at the moment. After that I shook up the reactor, and manuvered all the bubbles out. I've adjusted the drip rate to be avoid spiking my pH, and arranged for it to drip in a high flow area, in this case, the output of my skimmer. Now I just have to remember to shake the reactor up every few days. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...DSCF0072_1.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...DSCF0072-1.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...DSCF0073-2.jpg I hope this helps, or at least clarifyies the process. Let me know if you need more information. |
May 25th update
The tank is having a few nasty outbreaks. I'm experiencing cyano, and in the last two days a sudden bloom of green hair algae.
Lately every time I do something in the tank I seem to make an accidental frag, so I have a bunch of frags I'm starting to grow out for sale. I'm seeing my SPS coloring up with brighter, and more distinct colors. This is a frag from 5/23 This is the same frag on 5/25 Under the actinics only I expect it to eventually darken out like its parent I recently added more inverts to my cleaning crew. I added in bumblebee snails, and blue leg hermits to help give more live to the tank, and for some added benefits. I will be fixing the lighting issue (too yellow) this weekend, by replacing the 10,000K PC bulb with an actinic. The plan right now is to - figure out whats wrong with my auto-top off float switches - combat the green hair algae - combat the cyano - Ensure my Ca levels stay steady via the kalk. reactor - Look into a calcium reactor, and a 2.5lb CO2 bottle. - stop making accidental frags |
Does SPS break that easily? Not having dabbled with SPS, I'm ignorant!
My blue-tip stag seems to be rather fragile compared to other SPS I've kept. It also happens that I have been rather clumsy as of late when working around it.
To me SPS is fragile in general, but more so when its branches are long, and thin. |
Post Move Update
The tank has moved, and I'm sorry to say I missed how it used to be aquascaped.
The tank now looks like this, aka an algae farm! I'm not impressed with it at this moment. A month ago I was experiencing a cyano bloom, and issues with the balance between my calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. The cyano has subsided, but in its place is now, what I have tentatively identified as bryopsis, and green hair algae. Thankfully my aformentioned levels are balancing out, and remaining constant. The levels are still lower then my goals, but they stopped fluctuating, so I'm pleased in that respect. I'm still actively trying to get the levels up to where I want them. I added a Hydor Koralia 1 to add additional flow to the front center of the tank. I'm pleased to say that I see a nice change in the corals in its path; great polyp extention, and no algae in its path. The magnetic base The actual powerhead, side view I've also added a chiller, as I didn't account for the crazy heat in my new place. I picked up a 1/4HP Aqua Logic chillder from Mr.Alberta for an awesome price. The tank now runs at a happy 79-80 constantly. This is my favorite new addition as I'm constantly worried about the temperature of the tank now. So right now I'm focusing on beating my hair algae, and bryopsis problems. I think its triggered by three things, so I'm focusing heavily on getting these all under control. 1) Water quality, I had to give up my RO/DI unit when I moved, I've been using Prime as a water conditioner in the meantime. I'm going to try and find a new unit with a sink adaptor ASAP. 2) Lighting, I've been complaining about how I feel my lighting is too yellow. I learned that yellow lighting may contribute to the growth of my algae problem. So I've ordred a new PC light, actinic this time, to balance out the yellow of the 10K MH. 3) Flow, flat out I think my flow (Hydor not included) is insufficient. I'll be looking into re-aquascaping for better flow, upgrading my return pump from a Mag 7, and changing the position of my Hydor. I've also had a few great oppertunities to pick up some lovely frags, and have gone ahead and placed a few orders. I'm excited to see more colors in my tank soon. Right now the dominant colors are blues, greens, and browns. On that note here is a recent shot of the frag I posted previously. This one is under both MH and PCs. And to round this post out, a few photos of my still tiny Orange shoulder tang. |
Is buying bottled RO or DI water from the grocery store not an option? I started my 20g with tap water and promptly switched to store bought RO. Since then my algea issues have been slowly going away. I find that with a 20g tank I only use about a bottle and a half of water a week( between top-offs and my 4g ish water change) so it only costs about $7.
My tank current evaporates between 4-5g per day due to the heat in my suite. Then there is the ~10g water change I do each week. I would be going through a good bit of water each week. You did give me an idea though, perhaps, if I can't source out an RO/DI system that works with my exisiting taps, then maybe I'll look into having water delivered from a water company. Thanks for the idea! |
Well its been over a month since I updated. I avoided doing so mostly because all the hair algae has become embarassing, and depressing.
Obviously my hair algae problem isn't resolving itself. Shortly after my last post I got a new RO/DI system and installed it. I've been only using RO/DI water since then. I've also switched my lights, I got another actinic bulb, so my PCs are both actinic. I also upgraded my MH bulb from a 10K, to a 15K XM bulb with phenomenal results. I've also been so lucky as to take advantage of the opening of Wickedfrags.com. These lovelies came to me, http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...a/PICT0026.jpg and this came as a freebie: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0003-1.jpg I was also lucky enough to make a trip to Calgary and pick up frags from Snappy (Greg), and Nate. They all made a successful trip home and look great. These are a few of the frags a month or so after they arrived in my tank, I'm really pleased with how they are coloring up, and many of them have begun to encrust or push out new branches. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0002-3.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0003-2.jpg I've been adding a few nano fish, a green clown goby, and 4 absolutely tiny chromis. The goal was to add the 4 tiny chromis to my existing shoal in the 90g once they got used to the flow, but then we had that unfortunate tragedy where almost all the fish died from the 90 and we shut down the tank. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0001_2.jpg Green clown goby: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0013-1.jpg Here are the before and the after shots with the new MH lighting. Before: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0007_1.jpg After: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0008_1.jpg I've recently started selling off a bunch of my extra frags. They are just causing too much clutter, and its always a good plan to have frags of your favorite peices somewhere other then your own tank. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0001-1.jpg I recently traded off some of my frags for a paly frag from Edmonton Eskimo. It looks awesome under actinics. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0021-3.jpg I finally added my Calcium reactor. It was DIYed from a phosban reactor and a Mag 4 pump. So far I'm pleased with it, it fits in my sump, and so far its been working wonderfully. First version: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0005_2.jpg Final version: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...PICT0009-1.jpg My recent additions have been more LPS from the 90g when it got shut down. I am temporarily housing my yellow damsel, and an ocelaris clown. I plan to keep the neon green candycane, hammer coral, ricordia, one neon green mushroom, and the red zoos. The tank right now is too full. I'm trying to sell or trade off a bunch of my SPS frags to create space, and I'm also looking at temporarily housing my ocellaris, yellow damsel, and tang in another location until probably December when I am again able to start up a much larger and more appropriate system. Since I've been having so many problems trying to resolve my green hair algae problem I have finally resorted to adding an urchin in an attempt to get the agae cleaned off. I plan to either move it to my larger system, or sell it off once its done its job. I'm happy to see that my has come together, I still have some minor adjustments to make, mostly in regard to livestock. I'm still frustrated with the hair algae, but sometimes I'm still able to look past it an enjoy the system without focusing on its flaws. |
Man those are some intense frags you have. I love them all. Paly frag dose look grate under actinics.:mrgreen:
The DIY Calcium Reactor is interesting. Where'd you find how to do that, or did you just come up with it on your own? Mind explaining it for a Calcium Reactor virgin like myself? :)
The DIY Calcium idea first came from the fact that I couldn't use my dual chamber reactor from my 230g (well I could but I think it would a bit of overkill. The rest of it came from the fact that my kalk. reactor was successful.
Originally the plan was to just make a whole new appropriately sized calcium reactor, but then while out shopping I saw a phosban reactor for the first time in person. From there it was some bantering with Krazykuch and then we had a rough idea. In short it was trying to find the most useful and cheap materials with which to make a calcium reactor. There was really no where to find out how to make it, we just tried it out, and we lucky enough that it worked. If it didn't work I was just going to use the phosban reactor to actually run phosban or something. :D Thanks Mik for the compliments. I have a whole tank full of frags to photograph now, so maybe I'll put a few more shots up once my MH comes on for the day. |
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