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04scoobysti 03-15-2007 10:04 PM

10g Nano, Upgrade lighting?
Im currently checking out my options for upgrading my lighting. Im currently running 2 x 20w 50/50 PC. I have looked at a few options, and im not to keen on a retrofit kit for this tank (haven't ruled it out). I have looked at:

sunpods 70/150/250w MH all 20" wide

Current USA Orbit 80w PC

In this 10g tank I currently have zoo's, green star polyps, various mushrooms, toadstool leather, fingerleather, and a RBTA w/percula clown. This system has been doin well for 2 1/2 years. I was just thinking the corals and RBTA might like some more light.
I'd also like to keep the cost below $200

Midknight 03-15-2007 11:19 PM

The Current USA Orbit 80w PC is in US prices.
Double that if you look at the Canadian site.

04scoobysti 03-16-2007 02:29 PM

Yeah, i realize that. I was just grabbing quick examples of the products..
Im thinking that im going the route of the sunpod anyway.

Midknight 03-16-2007 04:33 PM

Let me know how it works for you and where you get one.
Would be interested in one for my nano.

Borderjumper 03-16-2007 06:38 PM

I bought this from ebay for my refugium. It seems to work very well. I have bought 2 lights from these guys and have received them both brand new in perfect condition. The only suck thing is that you do have to pay duty upon delivery.:twised:

digital-audiophile 03-16-2007 06:59 PM

Can you get legs for those sunpods? I'm thnking about selling my 250W PFO MH pendant that I used on my cube and get a 48" MH strip for the new 90gallon.

Borderjumper 03-16-2007 07:54 PM

Both sunpods we bought came with legs.

Midknight 03-16-2007 07:57 PM

Looks like the legs are built in. You can buy hangers from these guys. The instruction are on-line if you want to see them.

Borderjumper 03-16-2007 08:31 PM

No, the legs are not "built in".
They do not even come attached. If you want them on you have to take one end of the light off and slide them on. The hanger kit is optional.

Our sump is 33 gallon and the refugium is about 10 gallons. This light does an awesome job.

Borderjumper 03-16-2007 08:46 PM

Heres a picture of the smaller sunpod. We did not buy the hanging kit. We suspended it from the stand with picture hanging wire.

and the bigger one. We did use the hanging kit on this one.

We took out the 14k bulbs on both lights and replaced them with 20's.

Nixon 03-17-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Midknight (Post 241027)
The Current USA Orbit 80w PC is in US prices.
Double that if you look at the Canadian site.

actually i bought my current usa orbit 80W for 170 CND shipped to calgary. and that was for a 5-10day shipping time which isn't too bad. still waiting for it to arrive but i'll let you know how it is when it arrives. i'll keep ya posted.

Midknight 03-17-2007 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Nixon (Post 241222)
actually i bought my current usa orbit 80W for 170 CND shipped to calgary. and that was for a 5-10day shipping time which isn't too bad. still waiting for it to arrive but i'll let you know how it is when it arrives. i'll keep ya posted.

Cool. Where did you get such a great deal? :biggrin:

mixixe 03-17-2007 08:43 AM has current usa products that are pretty cheap. and shipping is only 10 bucks if you know someone right over the border..otherwise shipping is alot more.

Nixon 03-18-2007 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Midknight (Post 241227)
Cool. Where did you get such a great deal? :biggrin:

ebay ;) they have a sale on right now. $105 usd for that light right now. not relaly much of a sale. you only save $4 usd haha. every little bit helps!

Nixon 03-22-2007 01:46 AM

just thought i'd update. i just got my current USA orbit 80W light and here's how it looks.

seems pretty good so far. it actually has 2 lunar lights. some places advertise 1.

Setup on 50/50 (both lights on)

Only the 10,000/6700 on

Only the Actinic

my tank's still cycling so it's kindda boring haha

hope this helps your decision.

04scoobysti 03-22-2007 02:06 AM

That looks great! I think i may have to order that one off ebay or something, any idea on what the duty was?

Nixon 03-22-2007 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by 04scoobysti (Post 242063)
That looks great! I think i may have to order that one off ebay or something, any idea on what the duty was?


i got them to use USPS so i didn't get raped with brokerage from UPS. really nice light. 3 seperate plugs for each one of the lights so you can set up timers for each. i got it from the "seacorals" store on ebay. great service. recommended :)

Midknight 03-22-2007 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Nixon (Post 242059)
just thought i'd update. i just got my current USA orbit 80W light and here's how it looks.

seems pretty good so far. it actually has 2 lunar lights. some places advertise 1.

Ok, you can turn all 3 bulbs on indipendantly but are they all on the same power cord?
Or could you plug each one into it's own timer?

Nixon 03-22-2007 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Nixon (Post 242069)
3 seperate plugs for each one of the lights so you can set up timers for each.


Midknight 03-22-2007 04:16 AM

Dooohhhh... :silly:

I seemed to have missed that line.
Thanks :wink: :wink:

Nixon 03-22-2007 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by Midknight (Post 242081)
Dooohhhh... :silly:

I seemed to have missed that line.
Thanks :wink: :wink:

heh np :) does anybody else have problems with water clarity? i have little particals floating around :( is that normal?

Midknight 03-22-2007 04:51 AM

Ok, so it is about 2.5 weeks old correct.
How much live rock is in it?
Was the live rock cured that you know of?
Are you running a skimmer or what filtering are you doing?
What salt did you use and what are your mesurments at?
Lets start with these.

Midknight 03-22-2007 04:56 AM

Hey 04scoobysti,

Here is the e-bay link. I am trying to find out how much he charges for shipping.
Will let you know when I find out.

(And only 5 left)... for now:lol:

Nixon 03-22-2007 12:57 PM

mine was about 30-40 bucks for shipping, depending on how fast you want it. i went 3-5 days. they shipped out on a saturday, i got it on weds. pretty fast haha. only went global express so i could track it.

04scoobysti 03-22-2007 03:05 PM

Thanks for the link! i found the other one that nixon recomended,
A little more money, the sale is over :cry: but it says they ship to Canada

Nixon 03-22-2007 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by 04scoobysti (Post 242131)
Thanks for the link! i found the other one that nixon recomended,
A little more money, the sale is over :cry: but it says they ship to Canada

Don't be bummed you missed the sale. It was $104 down from $109 haha. you don't save THAT much.

04scoobysti 03-22-2007 04:34 PM

They bumped it up to $114.89 US, i think ill wait another week and see if they drop the price back down. I know, it's only a few dollars difference, but im trying to stay within a budget...:(

fishytime 03-29-2007 05:32 AM

hagen has come out with a "glo" T5 HO line that is fairly inexspensive.I have two 2x 24w 24" units on my 20g for about $250 with the bulbs.Oh yeah they have a 6400k, a 18000k, and actinic bulbs available.Single reflector, but its a full curve one.

Midknight 03-29-2007 02:32 PM

I picked up the Oribit from E-bay so just waiting for it to arrive.
Will let you know what I think of it.

Nixon 03-29-2007 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Midknight (Post 243319)
I picked up the Oribit from E-bay so just waiting for it to arrive.
Will let you know what I think of it.

Ya wont be dissapointed :)

guys, 50/50 simulates the middle between dusk/dawn and daylight right? so i should run

actinic => 50/50 => daylight => 50/50 => actinic => moon?

let me know if i have that wrong. thanks!

Midknight 04-25-2007 10:34 PM

Holly Freaking #$@%... The light finally arrived.
Gotta love the postal service.
Now I have to wait until I get home to see it myself!

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