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topcatz 02-11-2007 01:19 AM

Help Needed
I just sold my house and will have to move out around 3rd week of March.

My new house will not be ready until may be sometime in April, 2007 or middle of May, 2007.

I have a 175 Gallons Tank with about 40 lbs of Live Rock, 40 gallons of sump, some live stocks.

I need to tear down my tank move into storage, and send my live stocks and live rocks for may be 2 months of fish sitting.

I did contact the LFS and one told me to call back around the time to see any room avaliable for the fish sitting, one has not response me yet and the other told me to get rid of the fish.

Any suggestions?

I will pay for the services.


Der_Iron_Chef 02-11-2007 03:04 AM

What are you needing fish-sat, exactly??

topcatz 02-11-2007 03:22 AM

What I need is where I can store my live stocks anf live rocks for two months then set up the tank again later when I move in to my new house.


Delphinus 02-11-2007 03:33 AM

I think he meant what livestock do you have that needs to be babysat? I was just about to ask the same thing actually. You thinking of having a tank setup specifically at someone's house or just absorb the livestock into their systems?

Der_Iron_Chef 02-11-2007 05:42 AM

Indeed, that's what I meant! Are you wanting someone to take your whole system, or just plunk your rock/fish/corals/inverts/etc. into their existing tanks? And if so, what of the above do you have?

topcatz 02-12-2007 04:05 AM

The livestock I have are as follows:

1 yellow tang
1 regal tang
1 Sailfin tang
2 crown fishes
4 green chromis
1 sea cucumber
1 brown-barred goby
5 hermit crabs
1 Brown brittle star

I need someone who can take care of my fishes and live rocks (in someone setup).

If not, I have to sell them and restart again.

Also, I have a lot of live aragonite sand that I might have to sell away.


EmilyB 02-12-2007 04:27 AM

You are new to the board... welcome !

I've fish sat (one fish) for someone I know very well on the board. :biggrin:

Sounds like you have a major there and may have to shut it down and sell off.

topcatz 02-12-2007 04:41 AM

If that is the case, I have to sell all of it, I have to do what I have to do then.


danny zubot 02-12-2007 07:26 PM

Welcome to Canreef. If you are moving out mid March you must have a place to stay until you take possession in April/May. I take it you can't accomidate the livestock there?

If you do decide to sell, I will take your goby and hermits.

Good luck with the upcoming move though, hope the weather is nice.

Robw 02-12-2007 11:46 PM

I know Colby @ Elite does tank sitting. He has a customers tank in his store.
Elite Aquatic :258-0448


topcatz 02-16-2007 05:23 AM

Since, I can not find help for fish sitting, I think I have to start selling my live stock by early March.

1 yellow tang
1 regal tang
1 Sailfin tang
2 crown fishes
4 green chromis
1 sea cucumber
1 brown-barred goby
5 hermit crabs
1 Brown brittle star


michika 02-16-2007 03:21 PM

I hope you don't have to see and do find someone to watch over your livestock.

If I was in Calgary I would it for you no problem!

Delphinus 02-16-2007 05:14 PM

What sizes are the fish? Specifically the tangs.

What size is your tank? I wonder if the best thing to do would be to move the tank somewhere and let it run until you're ready to have it moved into the new place.

topcatz 02-20-2007 06:51 PM

The Tank is 175 gallons.

The Tangs is about 3 inches or slightly more.

matix 02-24-2007 09:39 PM

what are your dimensions on the 175 gal tank?

topcatz 02-26-2007 03:23 AM

The dimesion are as follow:

72" X 24" X 27"

The center is 28"

It is a bow front, Red Cherry wood hood and stand.


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