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christyf5 01-24-2007 10:19 PM

Post your tank photo here! 2007
I've "unstuck" the other two threads in order to keep this one more current.

Post a recent photo of your tank here(or make a tank journal in the tank journal forum :biggrin: ).That way everyone can see your reef in all its glory!! :mrgreen:

Please try to keep photos to 640x480 or so so we don't have to scroll back and forth.

Thanks and happy posting!

adidas 02-10-2007 03:22 AM

G1GY 02-10-2007 03:26 AM

My 14 gallon nano. I need to take a new pic of the 90 though.

One_Divided 02-10-2007 03:59 AM

hahaha.. I just noticed I have a "sad face" of dead spots on the side of my cap. Does anyone else see it?

Snappy 02-10-2007 04:03 AM

Hey Gary I've never really been much of a 'nano' fan before but I like what you've done with yours. That looks great!!! You may have just converted me.:wink:

Snappy 02-10-2007 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by One_Divided (Post 235085)

hahaha.. I just noticed I have a "sad face" of dead spots on the side of my cap. Does anyone else see it?

Yeah that's cool. Nice tank:biggrin: What size is it?

Sebae again 02-10-2007 04:06 AM

I thought it was Mr. KoolAid.

G1GY 02-10-2007 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 235088)
Hey Gary I've never really been much of a 'nano' fan before but I like what you've done with yours. That looks great!!! You may have just converted me.:wink:

Thanks Greg. :)

It's the first time I've tried something this small and I'm finding way more enjoyable than I thought I would.

niloc16 02-10-2007 10:49 PM

Snappy 02-10-2007 11:14 PM

Nice tank Colin.

Sushiman 02-10-2007 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by niloc16 (Post 235205)

Fantastic aquascaping!!!

niloc16 02-11-2007 03:49 AM

thanks guys.

Ephraim 02-11-2007 03:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 1079

Here's mine as of last week. Set up at the beginning of December, it's still pretty bare, it expensive trying to fill up a 90gal with coral. Tank is 6 ft long, 2 ft tall, and 1 ft front to back.

EmilyB 02-12-2007 06:50 AM

Thread killer :lol:

niloc16 02-12-2007 07:08 AM

thread killer? i dont understand

snappy that tank is packed. what size tank is it?

EmilyB 02-12-2007 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by niloc16 (Post 235407)
thread killer? i dont understand

snappy that tank is packed. what size tank is it?

That was a joke, meaning how do we beat that !!!. :razz:

Chaloupa 02-12-2007 02:37 PM

GORGEOUS tank Snappy...WOW...Very nice!

muck 02-12-2007 03:07 PM

I still see some room Greg.. :razz:

niloc16 02-12-2007 03:25 PM

i agree with emily. cant go over the top on that one

vanreefer 02-13-2007 12:14 AM

it's my first time
First time I've posted a pic of this tank... bit of a frag farm as I lost most of my livestock in an unfortunate electricution...but coming along

180 with 30+ sump

Black Phantom 02-13-2007 12:55 AM

Lets see if this works. I'm new to the picture thingy as well. By jove I think I've got it. My tank about a year ago. Since then I've removed a bunch of the leather and have gone to more SPS
Attachment 1096

Attachment 1097

Attachment 1098

Snappy 02-13-2007 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Black Phantom (Post 235497)
Lets see if this works. I'm new to the picture thingy as well. By jove I think I've got it. My tank about a year ago. Since then I've removed a bunch of the leather and have gone to more SPS
Attachment 1096

Attachment 1097

Attachment 1098

I can't see the pictures

Snappy 02-13-2007 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by niloc16 (Post 235407)
snappy that tank is packed. what size tank is it?

The main display is 130 gal

Chaloupa 02-13-2007 03:16 AM

Hey Snappy...YES it's a compliment...a very large one!!! I think your tank is absolutely stunning. And what a change from the "2 years ago" photo. I know we're not here to "beat" each other as it isn't a contest...just giving a compliment...sorry if it didn't seem like it!?

Black Phantom...very cool tank!

G1GY 02-13-2007 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Chaloupa (Post 235418)
GORGEOUS tank Snappy...WOW...I agree; how do we beat that?! Very nice!

The photo's don't do it justice. You should see it in person. :)

AndyL 02-13-2007 03:54 AM

I have to agree - snappy's tank is soo much nicer in person (even if he disagrees).

Black Phantom 02-13-2007 04:13 AM

Thanks Chaloupa
I'm a bit confused. How come you can see the pics and Snappy can't. Did I post this wrong?

G1GY 02-13-2007 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Black Phantom (Post 235546)
I'm a bit confused. How come you can see the pics and Snappy can't. Did I post this wrong?

I see the pic's fine also. Maybe something to do with his browser settings?

Snappy 02-13-2007 05:34 AM

Thanks for the kind remarks you guys, golly gee. :redface:
Interesting that it is only the one post I can't see, just red x's. Do his pics show up in my post that I quoted him in? Sorry not trying to hi-jack the thread, just curious.

EmilyB 02-13-2007 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 235566)
Thanks for the kind remarks you guys, golly gee. :redface:
Interesting that it is only the one post I can't see, just red x's. Do his pics show up in my post that I quoted him in? Sorry not trying to hi-jack the thread, just curious.

I'm having the same problem in other threads, every one can see pics but I don't see any but red x

In this case I see them.

Diana 02-14-2007 04:38 PM

Our 90 Gallon :)

Der_Iron_Chef 02-14-2007 05:01 PM

Wow. Some amazing tanks here. I can't even begin to feel comfortable posting a picture of my humble little set-up :redface: Someday!

danny zubot 02-14-2007 09:51 PM

You should though. This is where you can post your full tank shots today, and then reference them down the road to see how afr you've come.

Black Phantom 02-14-2007 10:35 PM

Very nice Diana
You website doesnt show this tank. Is it new or did I miss it on the site.
Cool cave idea

Snappy 02-14-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Black Phantom (Post 235828)
Very nice Diana

What he said.

GrimReefer 02-15-2007 02:37 AM

diana, niloc, and danny....your tanks are awesome!

Sushiman 02-15-2007 03:36 AM

Very, very, very nice.

Snappy 02-15-2007 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by G1GY (Post 235070)
I need to take a new pic of the 90 though.

When do we get to see the 90 Gary?
Deb where are your tank pictures?

justinl 02-15-2007 06:22 AM

Wow. After seeing all those absolutely stunning tanks, my jaw is floored. One day Ill have a reef so amazing. One day.

note to self: learn how to aquascape.

Ginzo 02-15-2007 06:53 PM

Here's my 118g tank, it only has tap water in it so far, because I've been testing out my plumbing and pumps, but it's in progress :)

Tank: 49.5" x 22" x 25"
3 side Starphire

Stand and canopy: DIY :)

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