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pimentel 01-12-2007 05:24 PM

my 3 gallon Deco
2 Attachment(s)
3 gallon deco kit
18w pc 50/50
cleaner shrimp
Small maroon clown
Small bubble tip anenome
feather duster
2 zebra hermit crabs

Chaotic Cricket 01-12-2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by pimentel (Post 229709)
3 gallon deco kit
18w pc 50/50
cleaner shrimp
Small maroon clown
Small bubble tip anenome
feather duster
2 zebra hermit crabs

You put a clown and an anemone in a 3 gallon and posted to let people know this? I'd hope you would reconsider.

Farrmanchu 01-12-2007 07:44 PM

Clown, big deal, it's the Anemone that's a concern. I thought they needed more light than PC. It looks really cool, I like the tank, but maybe try some Waving Hand for the Clown instead? The Featherduster looks really impressive in a small tank, Zoanthids do really well under PC's, you should try them.

andsoitgoes 01-12-2007 08:05 PM

Uh - They do. Lots more. I could understand if it was MAYBE a 27w PC inches away from the top, but even then.

I really hope this is just a temp situation, I sometimes feel guilty having anemones under 150w MH in a 44g tank.

As another alternative, what about a torch or similar anemone like coral for the tank? Or maybe this is just a temp situation and you'll be moving those to an appropriate tank within a few days, right?

Fugu 01-12-2007 08:18 PM

nice tank m'man:)

Its okay to keep a fish like that in a smaller tank for a while I beleeve,no biggie.But you MUST do your waterchanges regularly!!! its alot of bioload! I knew a guy who had 3 damsels in a 3g and they where fine.But just keep it in mind that you will need to move them when the time comes.

I heard somwhere that BTA's dont need any light,I think I heard that on TGVAS but I cant remember.I could be thinking of the wrong anem.

man thats a nice worm,where did you get it?It musta cost a fortune!SW stuff is expencive in victoria haha

Skimmer Juice 01-12-2007 08:39 PM

The clown may live fine , but I'am sure he does not like being in a 3g. That is a little extreme.I would take half of the sand out to.

pimentel 01-12-2007 09:16 PM

thank for the info
hey, thanks for the replies, this is my first nano tank and I am moving soon and will be upgrading to a 33 gallon tank. The anemone is doing really good and eats twice a week. This is a temp system, but I was told that I could keep all of these things from where I bought the set up. The feather duster was bought in Nanaimo for only $20 but has done really well, it is the biggest worn I have ever seen.

andsoitgoes 01-12-2007 09:28 PM

holy crap - didn't see the FD first time around, that thing IS huge. I'd be afraid to put my finger in the tank, it's like tremors except wet!

I don't think asking who told you those'd be okay in there would be fair, since they'd be hunted like they were Ogres, but unless they added on "for about 2 weeks" I think wrong would be the best answer :)

Farrmanchu 01-12-2007 10:44 PM

Good to hear about he larger setup, go with T5 HO, or Metal Halide lighting, and you won't be as limited with Livestock choices.

G1GY 01-13-2007 12:03 AM

Nice looking nano pimentel. :)

FWIW, If things are going well I'd keep it just like it is no matter what anyone else say's.

Chaotic Cricket 01-13-2007 12:11 AM

After reading my message over it does come off rather abrasive, your little tank does look good. But for the sake of the fish and anemone its good you are upgrading.

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