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michika 11-04-2006 05:02 PM

What qualities do you look for in an LFS?
I just want to know what criteria everyone uses (subconsciously or not) to determine what a good LFS is? What are really good qualities and what are some of the drawbacks.

I'm not looking for flaming or anything, just general comments about what it is that people like about their favorites, and what people don't like?

For example I like personal service, good selection, knowledgable help, etc. What does everyone else look for?

marcingo 11-04-2006 05:06 PM

I look for the most variety in stuff and low prices (Im cheap:lol: )

WWWD 11-04-2006 05:18 PM

Honesty.. hard today I admit but some stores do a better job of it than others.

michika 11-04-2006 05:20 PM

What kind of honesty? Do you mean that you would rather they be honest about you needed all these gadgets that you really don't need?

Moogled 11-04-2006 05:53 PM

I'm just going to go along with the qualities that make a good retail store:

1. Fair prices.
2. ACCURATE information.
3. Not treating customers according to their wallet size.

Personally, I don't know how some LFS stay in business. They lie and give inaccurate information to make sales, yet people keep busting their own balls and going back.

Ruth 11-04-2006 06:40 PM

Here are some that I look for:
-Willing to ship (I don't have a LFS in my town or even close)
-good selection of healthy livestock
-fair prices
-helpful staff - I long ago learned to do my own research and consider myself fairly knowledgeable so am not likely to heed advise that I know is incorrect but I do like it when there is someone there to help me once I do make a decision
-clean, well laid out store
-willingness to work with me - I once had an experience with a LFS in Edmonton that I wanted to hold a clam for me for 2 days while I went to Calgary and back (of course I wanted to pay for the clam immediately) Even though I had spend probably in excess of $10,000 in this store they told me that they would not hold and would only hold for people that had earned the privilage - needless to say this store no longer gets my business.

Der_Iron_Chef 11-04-2006 07:00 PM

I've been made to feel stupid at one or two stores since I started into this hobby. If I'm new and already feeling overwhelmed and insecure about asking questions, a snide or belittling comment is not going to do anything to secure my business. And it hasn't.

That said, I've learned more from the people on this forum than I have anywhere else. You're all pretty fantastic.

Pan 11-04-2006 07:16 PM

hmm, changed my mind...yep it's the money tooo :)

i rather as murminator said get my info from all of you guys :)

Murminator 11-04-2006 09:06 PM

$$$$$ all about the $$$ I have the web to find my own answers.....I would rather have 1000 people answers than 1 guy at the fish store sooooo for me it's the $ :mrgreen:

vanreefer 11-04-2006 09:44 PM

info and help without the expectation of a sale... for example telling me I could raise my ALK with baking soda not the latest buffer

Dave C 11-04-2006 10:04 PM

I go to the LFS mainly for live goods so I'm looking for unique stuff that is high quality. I like to think I'm getting a deal but I don't expect to get their best products for nothing. You get what you pay for and they have to stay in business to keep serving me.

EmilyB 11-05-2006 02:49 AM

LFS with it's Local Fish Store definition - I look for ethical stock choices, ease of purchase, pleasurable shopping experience.

I don't want to cram myself into a small space and fight to get a specimen.

I don't want to be prodded into a sale either. So on that note, I usually find ordering my livestock online works best for me.

There is no high end equipment available locally when I want it, so on that end, I look for professional, friendly, and prompt delivery to my doorstep. :mrgreen:

Joe Reefer 11-06-2006 02:38 PM

I have to say that recently there have been one or to local places that have gained my business, but I have to agree with EmilyB when looking for high end equipment you cant find it locally or when you do its 200% more than online, so I make the smart choice.

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