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My 2 year old 65g hex reef..
This is my tank...it's 2 years old now. I have a Remora Pro skimmer, Coralife Aqualight Pro (150w), 85lbs live rock, 2 inch sand bed, mostly softies and a couple of LPS....front view, left side and right side
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...oupa/front.jpghttp://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...loupa/left.jpghttp://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...oupa/right.jpg |
Cool tank. I really like it, looks great. :cool:
I assume you're running sumpless since it looks like the powerhead is servicing a skimmer with the tube going out of the water like that. What else do you do for flow in there? I spy two clowns, a chromis, and a mandarin ... who else lives in there? |
Very nice, how tall is that tank?
Very nice. I love the aquascaping. You've got a lot of nice caves in there that would be perfect for a sun coral. Nice work!
I actually do have a sump...the centre column is the overflow with some of the rock leaned against and giving stability to the rock work at the front.....I have 3 powerheads, unfortunately, as it is tough with the tank being 30.5" high. 2 are for water movement one on the surface as I like a lot of surface agitation and then I have a 2nd for moving water to the bottom of the tank...the 3d (which is the ugly tube that you see) is for the Phosban reactor. I would love to hide it in the sump but have no room. We are trying to rework that now. We had a custom sump built but it takes up a lot of stand room and I have the Remora hidden in there now. I hate being able to see powerheads and tubes and stuff...but you get used to it.
Livestock; pair of false perc's, Kole Tang (don't tell the Tang Police as the tank is not long enough being only 24" :wink:) Male Madarin, Yellow Watchman Goby, 3 Chromis, 1 Bi-Color Blenny, 2 Firefish, Yellow Clown Goby, 2 Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Coral Banded Shrimp, 1 Blue Tuxedo Urchin, 1 UGLY cucumber, emerald crab, clean up crew and corals. I did have a sun coral but found with all the large feedings they require that my water quality was a concern. We are going to add a Scribbled Rabbitfish to the tank for some algae control...we have a nasty red "crunchy" (for lack of a better word) algae that we are hoping it may have a taste for...we really enjoy our Golden Spotted Rabbit who resides in our 120g that is a great algae fiend but is WAY too large for this tank so went with a smaller variety purchased in a smaller size! If it's size becomes a concern we'll move it to another tank. Thanks for the compliments...if I were to start over, I wouldn't jump at doing this tank as it is so limiting with it being so high and short...but it looks good, fits where it is and we learned a lot from it the hard way! |
These tanks are so cool for aquascaping. I think if I were to setup another tank it would be one of these. Looks like you've got some great stuff in there too :biggrin:
What is the yellow coral above the chromis and kole (I think it's the kole, it's more of a blur??) in the 2nd pic? In the first pic there's an ocellaris in it. Is that some kind of gorgonian? Can you post a closeup of it (I have a thing for gorgs ..)
Yep its a gorg! I love them too! I have 2 and would love to add some of the harder to keep red and yellow...but "key words" harder to keep make my decision easy! I will check all my pics and see if I have any decent ones of the two.
Nice hex. I had a 35g hex as my reef tank for a couple of years & loved it. In fact, I've had people tell me that was the fav. of all my tanks & why did I not set it up again when we moved. Oh well, good to see someone else carrying on the hex-reef tradition. It's harder to aquascape, but well worth it in the end IMO.
Anthony |
Looks very good after 2 years, since when you first started heh! Patience and years and tears for something to develope into a very rewarding hobby. Glad you stuck with it. Congrats Regards Ken
Great looking Tank Sarah!
The side by side pic effect makes it look even sweeter.. :mrgreen: |
Cool tank. I can understand how frustating it can be with a tall tank, mine is 24.5 inches and I get frustated with that, but I love the aquascaping you have done. I really like the pillar of rock look. That look inspired my tank.
The resurrection of a thread AND the tank!!!!
After 5.5 years I figured I should update this...the tank is still running but I will say it's neglected BADLY! I only have a pair of False Percula's in the tank, some snails and a few gorgs, ricordea, cashmere shrooms, superman mushrooms and a leather or 2. Since we bought me a job (I left my job of 21 years and decided I needed to be my own boss, good God what was I thinking?!) the tank took a very very far back seat. The other tanks were either sold or rehomed to my work...as well as the 10 foot long tank we have at work took up a bit of time.
I have done NOTHING to this tank in years....I still have the Aqualight Pro 150w/PC light on it, Remora skimmer, and the numerous powerheads. At work we just switched our Aqualight Pro 250w from PC lights (YUCK) to the Hagen Glo T5HO ballast and end caps.....WOW what a huge improvement and it fits inside the light like a glove!!!! SO easy...so I figured I'd do the one at home also....and then I opened my Christmas present and found a LOVELY Kessil 350! To say this is a nice light is an understatement!!! It's stunning! I am eager to get the tank back to nice looking again. I have a few fish that need to come home with me, some corals to bring it back to a beautiful system and then I'll post pics. I LOVE this light! Got me interested in the tank again that's for sure. I even did a water change (first one in a very long time) so the clownfish are pretty happy! BUT on the other side...if you own an Aqualight Pro light...do the T5HO swap and get the PC's out of there...it's SO incredibly easy and the difference is like night and day!!!! And cheap too...the unit I think was about $80.00...comes with the ballast and end caps...you use the original reflectors and done! The Aqualight from this tank will be refitted and used on a coral tank at work. Can't wait to see this tank in good condition...was a bit sad to look at the pictures and look at it now :eek: |
LOL, I'm impressed that you still have it running actually. I'd love to see photos of it once you get it all tickety boo. I've always liked the idea of the taller tanks but never figured out how to light them properly.
The kessil 350 is a great little light. Packs a lot of punch in such a small package with no frills :-) Great hex tank and I can totally see the kessil working very well over it!
Tank is empty....sitting waiting for a new home....tank, stand and sump $150.00 it needs to leave...no more tanks at home for me!
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