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surgeonfish 09-16-2006 10:51 PM

New 300 gal tank setup
I have been asked to show pics of my recent setup.

It all started two years ago when we decided to do some home renos. I thought it would be great to build a new SW tank into our main staircase (my wife thought I was joking!).

I wanted the tank to have the same curve as our staircase. I looked into a custom acrylic tank from someplace in Vancouver. They quoted me $30 000 to build the tank (sump included - you would hope to God). My wife was even less impressed now!

I decided to go with a 7/8" starphire glass tank from AI. They contracted it out to a place in Calgary which took a "year" to make as they kept breaking the glass trying to bend it. Well it finally arrived July 05. It took my contractor 4 months to finally get it built it into the staircase.

Finally, the tank has been up and running since late Dec 05. I am glad to say my wife even enjoys it and doesn't mind my spending $$ on corals/fish.

The tank is sort of triangular with dims 45"x54"x55"(inward bowed side along staircase)x48"high.

Tank arrived July 05
Building stand and reinforcing floor in basement
Tank in place
Tank in place
Completed tank


Skimmer Juice 09-16-2006 11:10 PM

The pictures appear invisible.

JOSH 09-16-2006 11:10 PM

that looks really good, great job on the finishing work

Finaddict 09-17-2006 12:42 AM

HOLY WOWsers :mrgreen:

robzilla 09-17-2006 12:48 AM

very impressive :)

Ruth 09-17-2006 01:01 AM

I can't see the pictures - just red "X"'s and after your description I would love to be able to actually see what it looks like.

Delphinus 09-17-2006 01:05 AM


Sorry, this GeoCities site is currently unavailable.
The GeoCities web site you were trying to view has temporarily exceeded its data transfer limit. Please try again later.
blah blah blah

If you're interested, if you don't have your own wedspace that you can use (i.e Shaw Telus) you can upload the pics to Canreef's photoboard repository.. Just a thought.. :)

Skimmerking 09-17-2006 01:23 AM

ya i cant see them either try photo bucket.

Ruth 09-17-2006 01:56 AM

VERY VERY COOL! I love the way it fits right into your staircase.

Delphinus 09-17-2006 02:13 AM

Guess the bandwidth blockade has been lifted as I see the pics now too.

Incredible idea! And very well implemented. That's awesome.

Skimmerking 09-17-2006 02:13 AM

ruth can you send me the link its not coming up for me

Skimmer Juice 09-17-2006 02:15 AM

I still can't see them.

Delphinus 09-17-2006 02:18 AM

Here maybe just try the links? I don't know why but the pictures just started showing up for me.

Ruth 09-17-2006 02:18 AM

Mike - there was not a link - just like magic they showed up for me in the thread - I thought someone fixed it cause it sure wasn't me. I am still struggling with turning on my computer.

Skimmerking 09-17-2006 02:19 AM

nope says the site is unavailable

Delphinus 09-17-2006 02:24 AM

Maybe try again in an hour? Maybe geocities has some weird rolling blackout thing to deal with bandwidth consumption? Weird.

surgeonfish 09-17-2006 02:42 AM

2nd attempt at pictures
Thanks asmodeus for the recommendation to use Photobucket.
First time I tried putting pictures on the web.
Hopefully these will work.
Tank arrived July 05
Building stand and reinforcing floor in basement
Tank in place
Completed tank

Tanks again,

Skimmerking 09-17-2006 02:45 AM

amazing tank man well constructed..

Ruth 09-17-2006 02:49 AM

With a tank that deep what do you use to access the bottom of the tank? Long grabbers of some kind? or a snorkel and mask?LOL I have almost gone swimming in my 230g a couple of times and it is only 31" deep.

Skimmerking 09-17-2006 02:51 AM

but Ruth we know your crazy to do that...:mrgreen:

Skimmer Juice 09-17-2006 02:54 AM

Holly s**t that tank is sweet. It is super deep like ruth said how to acces the bottom? I need to put my hands in my tank every day.

niloc16 09-17-2006 03:13 AM

that is an awesome tank. what is the depth of the tank. although it took a year to get IMO it was well worth it. excellent job.

surgeonfish 09-17-2006 03:39 AM

Getting to the bottom of the tank has been a real challange. A few times I wanted to put on my SCUBA gear. I bought tongs from J&L and I was still having problems. I found even longer ones from Big Al's when they were still in Calgary. It is not easy setting in Coral or LR as I have to use the tongs and it can take several attempts before I get it exactly where I want it. I don't know if anyone else has a better tool or system?

Chaloupa 09-17-2006 04:16 AM

WOW! Gives me some ideas for our curved stair case .... I think it may be a "bit" out of my price range though!!!! Absolutely stunning! :biggrin:

Midknight 09-17-2006 04:20 AM

Totally amazing!!!:biggrin:
It must be nice to have someone so small that could just swim in the tank to help daddy out.:lol:
But what are you going to do when she grows up?

AJ_77 09-17-2006 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by surgeonfish
Getting to the bottom of the tank has been a real challange. ... I don't know if anyone else has a better tool or system?

do you golf? do you have a ball retriever with a little bucket on the end? :biggrin: - there has to be a tool not intended for reefkeeping that would work.

Or else, a volunteer? I don't recommend child labour, and certainly not your own daughter, but maybe somebody about Albert's size with a face mask on, that you could hang from the ankles for a short dip? :wink:

Snappy 09-17-2006 07:05 AM

Wow, that is a gorgeous(sp?) tank, very cool with the curved glass.
What are you using for lighting with that kind of depth? 1000w? 1500w?

Jason McK 09-17-2006 03:12 PM

WOW very nice.

How is maintenance on that puppy?


Joe Reefer 09-17-2006 03:54 PM

Simply outstanding! I love it!

surgeonfish 09-17-2006 07:17 PM

At present I am using a 10 000K 400W MH and 2x65W compacts. The tank is 48" deep. I don't have a lot of corals yet, but my single Acropora sp. (which is down low) seems to be doing O.K. although I haven't seen any growth since I got it in June. I was thinking of getting a second 400W MH. Would anyone recomment something different like a 1000W? Should I be seeing some growth in the Acropora by now?

P.S. I don't golf AJ 77, but I just won a Taylor r7 425 driver as a door prize. They say it is the cadalac of drivers? Can always use it to hold up my tomato plants!

christyf5 09-17-2006 09:52 PM

Wow that is one awesome tank!! Ingenious design :cool:

cav~firez22 09-18-2006 02:28 PM

I see them.. DAMNN That is a sweeeet set up.
Roughly what is the cost of the final set up??

Manny 09-18-2006 06:06 PM

That is a really cool tank. I was wondering what your fish list is.

michika 09-19-2006 04:17 PM

That is a beautiful tank, and your daughter is really cute too!

How do you clean your glass? Mag float? By hand?

Willito 09-19-2006 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by surgeonfish
At present I am using a 10 000K 400W MH and 2x65W compacts. The tank is 48" deep. I don't have a lot of corals yet, but my single Acropora sp. (which is down low) seems to be doing O.K. although I haven't seen any growth since I got it in June. I was thinking of getting a second 400W MH. Would anyone recomment something different like a 1000W? Should I be seeing some growth in the Acropora by now?

Nice design! Chicks dig deep tanks too!:mrgreen:

With the little amount of corals that you do have, you probably won't need more lights yet. If you plan on keeping more acros throughout the tank, you will need more light. I have a similar configuration, half hexagon-shaped on top of the stairweel. It's a pain to work on when you have to use stools and hang from the railings...but it's worth it.

You might want to stay away from 1000watters. They are very expensive to maintain anyway you look at it. When I was setting up my lights, I had a hard time coming up with the right configuration to achieve the eveness. I used 150,250, and 400w, but settled on 3x250 in the end. Using 1000w in such a confine space will produce alot of other problems. What might work is if you set your rocks in a way that it rises midway up the tank, use 2 or 3 400w, and set your corals on top. That should give good results. Can't wait to see more corals in there.:smile:

more1020 09-19-2006 09:00 PM


Beverly 09-20-2006 01:29 AM

Finally got to see your pics! Totally stunning tank :cool: Cool that your wife likes it too :biggrin:

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